View Full Version : Various pictures of some felines..

Laura's Babies
11-06-2004, 07:19 PM
Yetta came for a visit last night while her Dad was doing some things at home. GOD!! She has grown so. I snapped some pictures while I had her here and you are seeing this one before her Daddy is! She carried this fuzz ball around in her mouth for a long time, I got more pic's of her but none are cute like this one is.

Next is Louie. This is why they are enjoying it at my house so much...All kinds of places they can climb and get. Here he is being King of the Mountain. GRrrrrrrrrrr!

I got this for Amy today at Wal Mart. Saw it, HAD to have it! I put her in it and she stayed in for hours, sleeping.. But she is in her favorite bed right now, her kennel..

Please notice, you can see her EYES in these, normally when she sees the camera, she shuts them and will not open them for a picture.


Look how sweet! If I didn't know better, I would think she actually posed for this one!

What is not to love?? See why I love her so???

11-06-2004, 07:27 PM
These are such good pictures Laura! I love Amy's new bed. I can see that she does too:D Yetta and Louie look so nice and I like how you framed their pictures - so creative!!

11-07-2004, 07:03 AM
AWWWWWWWE!! Great pictures of such adorable kitties but my favorite has to be Amy in her new bed. She is such a cutie and the way she is laying in there with her leg all stretched out is just too cute! She is certainly asking for a Royal Sceptre kiss on that one and I gladly send it to her!

*SMOOCHES* adorable Amy girl!!

11-07-2004, 11:12 AM
What beautiful pictures of beautiful kitties Laura! Amy looks so happy in her new bed..I can easily see how you adore her. I do to, though I've never met her. :) Kisses to her from me, and her not so secret admirer Kirby! :D

11-07-2004, 12:21 PM
Amy,does look,as though,she loves her New Bed,and she does take,an excellent picture!