View Full Version : He's just a cat! ~RANT~

11-05-2004, 06:03 PM
Today at work I got into an arguement with a co-worker. He came up to me and said, "You love your cat more than your husband don't you?" I said, "No, I love my husband more than anything. I also love my cat more than anything." He followed up with why? I said because it is nice to have someone even if that someone is an animal to talk to when I need someone or even something to just shut up and listen. My "CAT" doesn't judge me, he offers no advice and most of the time he sits there and looks at me like I'm stupid. I can tell him my secrets, my dreams and my hopes, with out him saying a word. He said "But he's just a CAT!" I said you are just a human, there are millions of humans in this world. He said there are millions of cats as well. I followed up by saying, so you'r telling me I can replace my cat then right? He said YES. I said so basicly you are also telling me that your mother could replace you if she wanted to since there are so many other humans in the world. (I know that, that isn't true, but I was trying to make a statement about how I felt. Right, wrong or indifferent.) He said that I am pathetic for loving a "STUPID CAT" as much as I do. He asked me if I would love my own child as much as my cat. I said well I can't have kids, so MY CAT is MY child. I told him that it isn't anyones business how much I love my cat. I explained that I have put way to much emotion, time and money into my cat to just get RID of him because he's just a 'stupid cat'. My manager (which is also my aunt) came over to us and told him he should stop that I could go on all day giving him reasons why I love my cat so much. She also told him that I have always been like that, and that I swear none of my cats were ever the same. Before I was finished I told him to come to this website and tell us that our cat's are just cats and they can be thrown out the way he thinks they can be.

So as soon as I got home, I grabbed Cubby with a HUGE smile on my face, and went and laid down for a few minutes and told him how much I love him and all about the jerk at work. Either he got tired of me talking or he was mad about the jerk because he started bitting my arm. :rolleyes:

Thanks for letting me rant! I needed it. Sorry if it's hard to understand. I'm still angry that he thinks my cat is 'just a cat'.

11-05-2004, 06:13 PM
what a jerk!

11-05-2004, 06:13 PM
I get that ALL the time with Gracie, my yorkie poo...I have about 10 framed pics of her at work on my desk, bookcase and my screen saver is ALL her..lol...I hear "Pamela, you DO know this is a dog, right?"
I KNOW what she is..she is my baby...I have a wonderful husband, 2 grown skinkids and 2 little grandangels....and I love them all dearly...Gracie is my furbaby...let em say what they want!!http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v367/pamelagraves/pamelastrip.gif

11-05-2004, 06:14 PM
It's best not to argue with jerks.

Laura's Babies
11-05-2004, 06:34 PM
My Mama use to have a lot of saying... 2 come to mind here..

#1...NEVER argue with idiots or drunks!

#1... It is OK to be stupid! Just keep you mouth shut so the rest of the world won't find out..

Both seem to fit that coworker.

(I listen to my Mama, even today. I will NOT aruge with idiots or drunks.)

... and HE is just a IDIOT!

11-05-2004, 06:39 PM
You cannot argue with ignorance.

11-05-2004, 06:40 PM
Well..I'm sorry that man has such a sad life.All you really have to say to someone like that is:"I'm so sorry your so unhappy with your life."
Or if he's really a jerk you can say"I'm so sorry your so miserable".;)

11-05-2004, 06:46 PM
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Remember, a wise person has something to say, a fool has to say something.

11-05-2004, 06:57 PM
Cats are wondeful souls. Us cat lovers are really special to get to experince this type of love and companionship. That man needs to mind his own business.


11-05-2004, 06:58 PM
This person deserves our pity. He's obviously never had unconditional love for (and from) a pet.

Or, my first thought is that he is like my friend. As a child, Lonnie lost his "soul-mate dog". He loved that puppy more than anyone or anything. And it loved him. The puppy absorbed all of his tears and anger from when his parents beat and abused him. His puppy was his only friend in the world. When the puppy died, part of Lonnie's heart died. He closed it firmly and has never opened it again to allow another baby into his life. He laughs at me when I tell him that I still cry over Kuhio. And, he said those same words "JUST A CAT".

Yep, these people deserve our pity. What a sad way to live.

11-05-2004, 07:14 PM
It's a love he'll never know. And maybe he doesn't deserve to. If I were a cat, i would not feel very lucky if he ended up as my daddy.

(Bella draped over my lap right now):p

I'm drowning in kitty love!

11-05-2004, 07:19 PM
I probably would have replied "Yes" to the initial question just to shut him up :)

11-05-2004, 07:29 PM
I probably would have replied "Yes" to the initial question just to shut him up

I thought about it, but then I would still be there arguing with him. I know I shouldn't fight with idiots, but this guy threw me off guard. He has always been very nice, and very respectful of everyone and their beliefs.

Edwina's Secretary
11-05-2004, 07:35 PM
When poeple ask questions like this....cock your head a bit to one side....look them in the eye and say....very sweetly...."I'm curious. Why do you want to know?"

11-05-2004, 07:39 PM
Grrrr.... such ignorance. :mad:

When he asks why you love Cubby, you can ask "why does your wife love you?" The say, "all I can tell is that you are rude, opinionated, scarcastic, and cocky... none of those seem like lovable qualities to me."

Then walk away.

11-06-2004, 06:52 AM
It is sad that so many people out there don't know what they are missing but it's really nasty when they want to tell you that your silly for feeling the way you do. Shame shame on him!!!

I have such an attitude about people who are not fond of animals that I don't get approached much on that subject. I had a coworker recently who was not aware of how I feel and she made some kind of negative cat comment. Before she could go any further I told her to be very careful about what she said because I have a tendancy to go very bolistic when it comes to any animal comments that aren't kind. She immediately backed up and shut up. I then took her to my computer and showed her pictures of Magoo and surprisingly enough she actually had lots of questions about him. No more negative remarks made around me though. I am so passionate about animals that I would get fired before I would back down from a fight about how deserving they are of love and care.

11-06-2004, 06:53 AM
My friends call me 'The Crazy Cat Lady' because I carry photos of my cats with me in backpack where ever I go. My cats are my family; anyone who says 'they're just cats!' is a major...well, let's just say jerk so I don't get kicked off the boards for profanity!

My husband works for Lexmark and he had a picture of our Weezie in his cubical before he had one of me. People used to ask if that didn't make me angry but it never did. To me, it just showed that I'd found a man worth keeping!

11-06-2004, 07:00 AM
You know, there will always be people like that, stupid and ignorant like your co-worker. They will just not get it, no matter how much you explain yourself. These people are lacking a deeper knowledge about respecting life in general, about love and about the individualism of every being in this world - pretty pathetic IMO, but they will never get the point.


smokey the elder
11-06-2004, 07:27 AM
When Smokey the Elder was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago, I told some co-workers about it. They asked if I would have her put to sleep. I said that: a. only if her life become unbearable and b. I don't believe in disposable pets. Unlike your case, there wasn't any malice intended; the one lady who loved her dog to bits realized it was the same with me and my cat.

My coworkers were supportive after I "educated" them, unlike your clueless colleague.

11-06-2004, 08:56 AM
Sadly,that is the arrogance,that allows Cruelty,in Lab Experiments,to animals,as they,are thought,to be lower beings! Well,I think,that Our Lord,take into account,how we treat,the small,and helpless,and those people,qwill never get past Saint Peter,who will have animals,to help judge,the applicants ,to heaven.

11-06-2004, 09:30 AM
Dear Uncle Cubby,
YOU are my *only* uncle Cubby and there is no replacement. What a dumb man. Poor man.:( He does not know what he is missing.
Love, Robbie