View Full Version : Please consider voting for me

Diane FG
11-05-2004, 10:43 AM
Greyhound Pets of America had a contest for the funniest greyhound story, so I submitted a story about Goods and its in the contest to win funniest greyhound story. Please read the stories and consider voting for me Thanks

Jeez, I feel like a politician!

I'm story #9

Here is the link to the stories: http://www.greyhoundpets.org/stories.htm

Here is a picture of my protector :)

Hopefully the link works now.

11-05-2004, 11:02 AM
I can't get the link to work. :(

11-05-2004, 11:16 AM
I did, I voted for yours (#9) and #7 as my second choice!

Goods looks so pretty in your attachemnt, by the way. Awwwww!

11-05-2004, 11:29 AM
It worked this time. I voted #9 as first choice and #7 as second, too.

Good is so cute!

11-05-2004, 11:47 AM
Goods got my vote:) What a beauty!!! And what a great story too:) Good luck guys!

11-05-2004, 12:04 PM
I voted for you! Yours was the funniest! (I also liked #7 - CUTE and #1 - sweet)