View Full Version : Which breeds do you NOT see yourself owning in the future?

11-04-2004, 09:09 PM
The reason I'm asking is because I never saw myself as a pug person, but now that I have Nacey I LOVE pugs.

11-04-2004, 09:12 PM
Can't say there's one I wouldn't own.

11-04-2004, 09:14 PM
Basically any of the smaller breeds. Not that I don't like them, it's just that I prefer medium/large dogs.

I was never really a "Pug person" either, until my aunt purchased two of them. They've definitely got lots of personality, and they're cute (in a weird way.. I say that with the best intentions, honest :o), but I can never really see myself owning one.

11-04-2004, 09:16 PM
hmm,well i dont know.its hard to say!I like all breeds,but im a large/X-Large dog person,so i cant see myself owning a Chihuahu,maltese,etc.But that could change in the future:pi wold most likely take in any breed

11-04-2004, 09:17 PM
I think all dogs are great in their own way, there's not one paticular breed I would not want to own.

11-04-2004, 09:19 PM
ummm... gosh that's hard. i would take almost anything!:D but if i gotta choose some it'll be...
boston terrier
rat terrier
min pin

i pretty much dont like small dogs.other then doxies, chihuahuas, and yorkies. i LOVE the BIG breeds.:D

11-04-2004, 09:26 PM
Umm, I guess just like, ummm, hmmm. I guess the only breed I just don't care for, enough to own one would be the puli, and not because I think they are ugly, just too hard to care for. I really would take in any dog though. :)

11-04-2004, 09:51 PM
Probably some of the smaller dogs....I am a dig dog person. Sorry to say, but I know for sure that I WON'T be getting a poodle....they just aren't my breed. :o

11-04-2004, 10:38 PM
I have to say a poodle, I never really could see me owning one.

And if I have to be real honest, as much as I loved my Great Dane and still miss him so much, I don't think I will every own one again. There are great dogs, but after Brock passed and the Vet told me that the average life of a Dane is between 5 and 7 years......I just don't think I could go through that again. :(

But Poodle or Dane, if one came into my life and needed me........you know I'd take them in, no question. :)

11-04-2004, 10:42 PM
I knew people were going to start saying Poodles. All I can say is it is definately YOUR loss!!!

There is not one breed that I wouldn't be happy to share my home with.

11-04-2004, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by aly
I knew people were going to start saying Poodles. All I can say is it is definately YOUR loss!!!

There is not one breed that I wouldn't be happy to share my home with.

Oh I hope you didn't take that wrong. I think they are cute as Heck, it's just my life style is not for Poodles. I could be wrong, but I just can't see a Poodle running around a farm, with goats, chickens, ducks or going out in the woods with us on the Quads.

But like I said I could be wrong about the whole thing. Would not be the first time I was wrong. I just remember how my aunts Poodles where.

11-04-2004, 11:00 PM
I doubt I'll ever own a Jack Russel Terrier. they just don't seem to fit me very well. I also don't see my self with any toy breeds except maybe a papillon.

11-05-2004, 01:45 AM
I used to say I'd never have a small dog but in the past year or so I've really started to like them.
Maybe it's the thought of actually having room in my own bed at night rather than a 70lb log laying across the middle of it... *sigh*

11-05-2004, 02:00 AM
Since having our Rotti's that's my preference but would be more than happy to have a different breed if it meant saving a life or giving a needy dog a good forever home. I see all your furkids on here and would love any one of them.:D


Mommy and Daddy miss you so very much Nikita:(


Love Monty and Kiki:) :)

11-05-2004, 03:32 AM
I'll never own anything but a greyhound... :)


Can ya see why? ;)

11-05-2004, 05:58 AM
I love alot of breeds, but i cannot see myself ever owning a Bull Terrier (Yes i DO like them) they are just not for me. Also Labrdors, and Golden Retrievers, they are just not my kind of dogs. But saying that if there was one in need of a home i would foster it and if a home could not be found then yes absolutly i would keep the dog in my life.

11-05-2004, 06:01 AM
I love them all but would never own a large dog...small for me!!

11-05-2004, 07:12 AM
Chiuauah (sp) Only because they lady across the street has 4 and they've turned me off the breed, they bite everyone including herself! ..... I like larger dogs, but I have had the honour of owning Poodles and they are just the smartest dogs!!! I would own a poodle again

11-05-2004, 07:21 AM
Chiuauah (sp) Only because they lady across the street has 4 and they've turned me off the breed, they bite everyone including herself! .....
They are not all like that, if you take the time to get to know a nice Chihuahua you would learn they are real little sweet hearts ;).

11-05-2004, 07:27 AM
I would open my house to any breed or mix of breeds that needed a home!!!

11-05-2004, 08:34 AM
Although I love Sarah, I do not see myself owning another small dog. I've always had large dogs and always done well with them. Small dogs are really difficult for me for some reason.

Also, on the poodle thing...the reason I wouldn't own a poodle is the grooming. I don't think I would like being obligated to drop my dog off at the groomers weekly. I don't see myself owning a dog with a super high maintenance coat. I brush and wash my dogs and take them to the groomer occasionally, but I wouldn't want to have to do it all the time.

11-05-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by aly
I knew people were going to start saying Poodles. All I can say is it is definately YOUR loss!!!

Oh, I didn't mean to offend you. :( They just don't fit me thats all. :)

11-05-2004, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Basically any of the smaller breeds. Not that I don't like them, it's just that I prefer medium/large dogs.
Same here. But who's to say what'll happen in the future! :D

11-05-2004, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by Tonya
Although I love Sarah, I do not see myself owning another small dog. I've always had large dogs and always done well with them. Small dogs are really difficult for me for some reason.

Also, on the poodle thing...the reason I wouldn't own a poodle is the grooming. I don't think I would like being obligated to drop my dog off at the groomers weekly. I don't see myself owning a dog with a super high maintenance coat. I brush and wash my dogs and take them to the groomer occasionally, but I wouldn't want to have to do it all the time.

I really like poodles, but I don't see myself ever having one for that same reason. I also like cockers but they are too much grooming for me. I need dog with an easy to maintain coat. I don't know if I'd ever have another pom for that reason either.

I do like most if not all breeds, but they just don't all fit my lifestyle. I always thought pugs were too bull-headed and wouldn't fit into my multi-pet home, but boy was I wrong.

11-05-2004, 11:22 AM
Even though I prefer small breeds, I think I would rather say I might not choose a dog due to temperament or care requirements than size.

I love my Molly (yorkie) and Kirby (bichon) to death since they have such great personalities and can't imagine my life without them but when I choose my next dog, I will take into consideration the amount of time and money it takes to groom them. The two doxies (Max and Muffin) are so easy to care for - wash and wear really. Carly has the world's best personality, but is another grooming nightmare - she SHEDS all the time (of course, it doesn't help that she is terrified of water/bathing). Dick and I laughingly say we don't have dust bunnies, we have Carly bunnies.

One type I would love to get to know better is an italian greyhound.

11-05-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Oh I hope you didn't take that wrong. I think they are cute as Heck, it's just my life style is not for Poodles. I could be wrong, but I just can't see a Poodle running around a farm, with goats, chickens, ducks or going out in the woods with us on the Quads.

A Standard Poodle would love to run around a farm like that :D Even a Miniature would. Probably not the Toy Poo though!

To the people talking about grooming - I don't groom Reece weekly, yikes! I groom him about every 6-8 weeks. But it is a definate thing to consider when getting a Poodle because a lot of people don't realize that they do require grooming, either professionally or done at home. The good point is that they don't shed though!

Samantha Puppy
11-05-2004, 12:24 PM
I like all dogs, but I wouldn't like to own all dogs. Chihuahuas just don't do it for me, same with any of the miniature breeds out there. I like my dogs to be at least 20-25 lbs. at the lightest. We had a poodle-mix when I was growing up (Rags) and he was about as small as I'd go. Here's a picture of him when he was 4-5 years old.


Other than that, I don't think I'd like to go exceedingly big either. My husband and I aren't very big people and I always get nervous walking huge dogs because they could take off at a squirrel and I'd be helpless.

So... nothing under 20-25 lbs. and nothing over 75-80 lbs.

*Note - If there was a pup in need, that's a different situation. I'm just saying I wouldn't seek out those under/over the weight limits above. :)

11-05-2004, 12:55 PM
I do not dare state a "breed" I would not own because at some point in my life (which will hopefully be very long), I might end up eating my words!!!!! :) I have so much respect for every person and their "favorite" breeds. I love my big couch potatoes more than life. I do not have a "small" dog, but I love them anyway! And I would NEVER want to unintentionally hurt the feelings of a person who might love the breed that doesn't hold any fascination for me.

They're all wonderful!!!! Mutts and purebred dogs! And yes, I choose "Retrievers" for me, right now. They fit our lifestyle and I wouldn't want to have a small one that might get run over in the fray!!!! :eek:

11-05-2004, 12:58 PM
Well said, Logan!!

11-05-2004, 01:08 PM
Yes, well said!

I think the coat depends on the pom. Aside from the puppy stage, Teddy rarely needs to be brushed or groomed. Sarah, on the other hand, her fur has a different texture. I brush her at least every other day, groom her once a month, and I am still cutting knots out of her.

11-05-2004, 01:49 PM
I'm thinking I'll probably be in my mid-50s by the time I get my next dog (God willing that Oz and Gull are with me for the next 15 years), so it'll more then likely be a small dog. Because as I was giving Gull a bath last night, I was thinking how much harder this type of thing was going to be in another 15 years. So I think I'll be leaning towards small and low maintenance.


11-05-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Logan
I do not dare state a "breed" I would not own because at some point in my life (which will hopefully be very long), I might end up eating my words!!!!! :) I have so much respect for every person and their "favorite" breeds. I love my big couch potatoes more than life. I do not have a "small" dog, but I love them anyway! And I would NEVER want to unintentionally hurt the feelings of a person who might love the breed that doesn't hold any fascination for me.

They're all wonderful!!!! Mutts and purebred dogs! And yes, I choose "Retrievers" for me, right now. They fit our lifestyle and I wouldn't want to have a small one that might get run over in the fray!!!! :eek:

I have eaten my words many times. 7 years ago I would have told you I'd never have a snake, now I have 6 of them. A few years ago I would have told you I will never have a chihuahua or a pug, or another Cockatoo. Now I have all of those. I never thought I would be able to have a cat, but I now have 7. That was the whole point of this thread.

This thread was never intended to offend anyone, I totally get what you are saying though. People have said they don't see a chihuahua in their future and I certainly am not offended by that. If someone outright said that they don't like chihuahuas I would be fine with that. Now if they were sitting at my house and said "I don't like chihuahuas, keep that dog away from me", then I would get offended. I don't think that every kind of dog is right for every single person. Yorkies are wonderful dogs and I grew up with one and loved him very much, but I don't see one in my future, who knows though I might have one somewhere in the future. I'm sorry if this thread offended anyone, it was not meant to. I agree that all dogs are wonderful, there just not all for me.

11-05-2004, 03:12 PM
Yes, I always eat my words with snowdogs. :D I've grown up with American Eskimos, Samoys, Malmutes, Huskys, etc... And I always say "My next dog isn't going to shed like this!" But I'm such a sucker for them. I melt everytime.

11-05-2004, 03:26 PM
Well I probably wouldn't have a Boston Terrier. Or any other toy dog. But....like so many have said I will never say never. I grew up with a collie. When my husband and Idecided this summer that we were about ready to add a dog or 2 to our household I had in mind something quite different.

I thought a nice larger guard dog type that wasn't real high maintenance, real high energy and got along well with the cats.

What did we end up with???? A very beautiful, sweet, loving, high maintenance, high energy husky that has cat issues....:eek: :rolleyes: :D

I have to say we have never been happier and are working out all issues...but geez...talk about the opposite of what we thought we were going to adopt.


My Peanuts
11-05-2004, 03:40 PM
About 2 years ago I would have said no large or even medium breeds. Harley is the biggest dog I ever owned and he weighs 23 lbs. After I adopted him and saw that there are so many large dogs that need homes I changed my mind. Now any breed or mix is fair game for me. We adopted Harley based on a lot of things, but size was a major one because I live with my parents and I have to respect their wishes. Plus we already had Sylvia and we worried a large dog could hurt her (my dad is REALLY protective of her).

11-05-2004, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by aly
A Standard Poodle would love to run around a farm like that :D Even a Miniature would. Probably not the Toy Poo though!

I said I could be wrong and I guess I was. OPPS! In that case, I retrack me first statement then. :o

11-05-2004, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
I said I could be wrong and I guess I was. OPPS! In that case, I retrack me first statement then. :o

Hehe, thats okay. A lot of people think that Poodles are froo-froo. They really aren't though. Some of them can be if they are brought up by people who are froo-froo themselves :o :D

If you've seen the Breed All About It, they showed a marathon runner who had a Mini Poodle that went running with her every day. Standard Poodles have the personality of a Lab and love to run around playing. Reece (Mini) wrestles with the cats, goes on hikes with me, and will wade through creeks. He does have a froo-froo side though in that he doesn't like to get his footsies in cold, damp grass :D :D

11-05-2004, 05:50 PM
I prefer smooth coats...I don't really like curly hair or wiry haired dogs...just a preference if one needed a home I would probably not make that a priority.

11-05-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by aly
I knew people were going to start saying Poodles. All I can say is it is definately YOUR loss!!!

Right as I started reading this thread (I'm still going through it) I though "can't wait till someone says Poodle". I have to say having lived with them all of my life I love them to death! The Mini's are my favorite as far as size goes and the ones that we've always had. Though I also like Standards and Toys. If you've never owned a Poodle you don't know what your missing but once you have one they'll still your heart. They are the all around dog from hunting, obedience, agility, conformatoin, hiking, search and rescue, and so on!!

Anyway the breed that I definitely don't see myself every having is Labs or Lab Mixes; it's not that I don't like them it's that I'm allergic to everything with fur but for some reason Labs and Lab Mixes are worse on me; I'll break out in hives and start having asthma attacks when around them for an extended period. There have been a few exceptions to this though, and a couple I've been okay around.

guster girl
11-05-2004, 10:31 PM
If there was a pup or dog that needed a home and I was able to take it, I wouldn't turn away any breed. I actually had no intention of ever getting a labrador, but, look at what I got. :) But, I don't think I'd ever go out of my way to have a german shepherd dog. That's the only one I can think of right off the top of my head.

11-05-2004, 11:19 PM
A few years ago, my first thought would have been poodle. But then I "met" Reece, Bella, and Ripley, and I actually would like a poodle some day:)

I would give any dog who needed it a home.
There are some breeds that I wouldn't go out of my way to own however. I'm not bashing anyone's dogs, but I don't ever see myself with a collie, sheltie, GSD, basset hound, great dane, or many terriers.

Personally, I've never met a friendly collie:( The two I've ever had any experience with have been just nasty. I'm sure Molly, Oz, Gully or any other PT collie would change my mind in a second, but based on my "experience" with them, I don't see myself having one.

Having Jada made me realize that BIG dogs are not my thing either--she weighs just under 70 pounds, and that's big enough for me!!!

11-05-2004, 11:21 PM
For me I like breeds that have a bit of coat. But not too much coat that require continual clipping. I live in the hills and I wouldn't want to worry about dogs freezing in winter. I also like dogs with tails. I also at the moment do not like bull breeds. I also do not like dogs that continually bark non stop.

Just my personal preferences. Feel free to disagree.

But awhile ago I didn't like jack russells, from the few I have seen I thought they were all yappy, and snappy. But have met a few very smart ones, so would consider this breed.

11-05-2004, 11:30 PM
I always preferred large (Cody) or medium (Logan) dogs, but since they both picked ME, I'd be honored to be chosen by any dog who needed some good lovin'! Sure, I have my favorite breeds, but I know what kind of trainer I am (lousy) so I don't think it'd be fair to certain breeds to own me.
And while we're at it, silly, stupid me....we always had male pets, so when Logan chose me from her cage at the SPCA, I almost passed her by. I think back and could slap myself.

11-06-2004, 01:49 AM
ToiletduckBut awhile ago I didn't like jack russells, from the few I have seen I thought they were all yappy, and snappy. But have met a few very smart ones, so would consider this breed.

Yeah Jacks are GREAT little dogs, when i can no longer handle Border Collies i will definatly be bringing a JRT into my life. Look out for Ballarat Eurekas Belle at Dandenong Flyball, she is gorgeous it will be her first comp. :D

11-06-2004, 11:08 PM
Although there are definitely specific breeds I would never get I'm not going to list them. I'm just going to say what I like and don't like about certain dog traits.

I have decided that I would rather not get another dog that needs to get a haircut (besides feet trimming). I'll take the shedding over that any day. I would prefer to have a dog with a coat no longer than Nebo's, I really like his coat. If the coat was a bit longer but not super thick, ok, but I don't think I could handle a long *and* thick coat like a samoyed. I know how much brushing is required for coats like that....

Also I prefer dogs that are not real yappy, I like them to be quieter....occasional barking/howling ok, I just don't like constant barks/yaps (like Reggie and Sydney do :o ) I prefer a dogs personality to be less dominant/protective, but not overly exhuberant and outgoing with strangers. I like dogs to be active and playful but not extremely hyper. Did that even make sense? Independence can be a good thing (though Nebo's got too much of it!), as it's nice to have a dog that is ok by themself and doesn't get stressed out when you are gone. A very intelligent dog is great (even if they are stubborn like Nebo ;) )

Size wise I'm not sure if I could handle an 80+ lb dog. I'm not sure if I'd want a really tiny dog either. I think about 40-60 lbs is good for me.

Basically Nebo is the perfect dog for me and it's quite likely that all of my future dogs will also be siberian huskies.

11-07-2004, 07:23 AM
I can't see myself living with a big dog in the near future cause we live in a very small house.. doesn't mean I don't want to though :p

11-07-2004, 01:33 PM
I never thought I'd own a small dog but now I have Ginger and Reggie. I love small dogs and hope to always have 1 or 2. :)

I don't think I'd ever have a bigger dog then a Boxer I don't think I could handle one any bigger.

11-07-2004, 11:04 PM
It's funny because before doing dog grooming I would have been with many others who said Poodle but after doing dog grooming I would take a poodle any day. Standard all the way!!!

I can't say that there is a breed out there that I wouldn't take if it needed me but I'm not all that crazy about Cockers. Another thing I learned from grooming :)

I tend to love big dogs but also love Boston's. They just don't know that there a small dog. I've grown up with Boston's so have grown to love them. My mom still has them to this day

If I had to pick one dog breed I would have to say a Commador (sp?) Main reason would be the coat up keep as well as I hear that there temperments can be a bit edgy.