View Full Version : My Simba boy...... :(

11-04-2004, 07:41 PM
I know some of you will probably think this is silly since Simba isn't in the double digets yet...

But I just can't stop crying. Simba will be 7 this Christmas.
My mom and I were just looking at him because he has some sores on his stomach/pee pee area.

I showed her his elbows... they're all worn and are starting to calous (?)

She said "He's an old boy..." and I started bursting into tears.
I guess we were thinking the same thing because then she said "We can't think about it.. when it happens he'll want us to be happy"

I don't ever want my boy to leave me. I'm sick to my stomach and can't stop thinking about it now.

He just means so much to me.
I can't stop crying and i'm crying more and more thinking about it. I layed on the floor with him for a half hour or so crying, and he kept lifting his head and licking the tears away.

He's always done that. He's my box of tissues. He's my heart. He's everything.

Why do things you love the most have to grow old?

I want my little puppy boy back again.


I'm sorry for being so stupid. I just had to vent to someone/something and this is the first place I thought of.

11-04-2004, 07:58 PM
Oh Simba is sooo cute. And no i dont think your crazy or silly, i do that too, FACE my Rott is 5 and i always think about it and cry, my boyfriend does it too, only he doesnt cry, but we know he is getting older, its sad to think about, cuz we love them soooo much.
That is a really cute picture :D

11-04-2004, 08:03 PM
Kay, don't rush things. Simba still has a lot of years with you. He is healthy, and very lucky to have you, somebody that takes such good care of him.

He is not sick, he is healthy, thanks to you! Lots of year left for you and him.


11-04-2004, 08:06 PM
Kay, I know exactly how you feel and I don't think your being stupid or silly.

I think about that twice a day when I give Jasper those evil life shortening pills, I hate those pills, I know Jasper is young but they are hurting him all the time, and it's very hard to think about.

Simba is still young and healthy, you should be very thankfull for that, as I wish my boy was healthy!

I hope you feel better, you can PM me if you need to talk.


11-04-2004, 08:13 PM
Oh kay ~HUGS~ I think about this all the time as well... As you know danes have a very short lifespan and it hurts to think about it mercedes is 3 almost half her life alerady HUMPH.... :( Cheer up enjoy him while you can!!! He's got years left especially with a good mom like you :)

11-04-2004, 08:21 PM
I know how you feel Merlin is 7 also. It's hard to belive ,

Aspen and Misty
11-04-2004, 08:25 PM
Agreed. Don't rush things. You will be amazed at how young 7 seems when you have a 13 year old dog. Don't worry, enjoy these years, and sometimes it's better to not think about the future!


11-04-2004, 08:30 PM
It's hard not to.

4 Dog Mother
11-04-2004, 08:36 PM
Oreo is 15 now and the vet said for her age she is doing very well. (she is deaf now and is incontinent at night but some medication has taken care of that) I have no doubt that she will be with us for at least a couple of more years. Simba is less than half her age! He will be with you for a very long time and with the love and care you give him, he will be both hale and hardy!

I do have to say that when Snoopy had those seizures and I thought he was dying, I could hardly stand the thought of losing my hyper, loving boy! I guess that is the cost of loving!

11-04-2004, 08:39 PM
Kay many dogs live well into their teens. My RB Corey was a 95 lb. shepard/collie and he lived till a week before his 12th birthday.We had to put him down. (cancer) And he was a bigger dog.We never thought he'd live that long. Your Simba has a lot of good years left in him, please try not to worry and just enjoy him! :)

11-04-2004, 08:45 PM
He's only seven. Don't get ahead of yourself. He's only middle aged! He's not old yet!! Enjoy him. Take a million pictures of him--I know you already do, but trust me when he does go (a long time from now) you will treasure every single one of them, even the imperfect ones.

I've posted this before, but it fits here too. I lost my Hoodoo at four & a half years old, with no warning. He went from healthy to dead in under four hours. I would give anything to be able to watch him grow old, but I will never have the opportunity.

Now, I have Preacher who truly is old and is slowly, but surely leaving me. It breaks my heart, but I really think it's a privledge to be able to care for him at the end of his life. He has given me great joy in the short time I've known him (Preacher was at least nine when he arrived here). He's been a good and faithful friend. He saved my life at least once. The least I can do is make his senior time as comfy and happy as possible. I will miss him forever when the times comes, but to miss that pain I would have had to miss loving him.

Enjoy your special boy. He's a beautiful dog and you take exceptional care of him. I'm sure you will have him around for much longer.

11-04-2004, 09:12 PM
Oh Kay you are not being stupid at all, but I have to say he's still quite young. Of course they never live as long as we'd like them to (the rest of our lives would be great to me) but I have to ditto everyone else. Enjoy him while he's here with you and try not to think about the inevitable (sp?).
He's a wonderful dog and you take great care of him so I have no doubt that he will have many, many more great years with you:)

11-04-2004, 09:23 PM
I'm sorry Kay, I worry about that too and my pups are only 1 and 2 years of age. I try not to worry about it but like you said, it's hard not to. I wish they aged like people do. Simba has a great mom who will take great care of him, he'll have a wonderful and very long happy life with you, he wants you to be happy, I know he loves you very much!


11-04-2004, 09:27 PM
oh Kay! don't think like that! you made me think about my Beanie leaving me! he'll be 8 this feb! the best thing we can do between now and when their time is up is spoil, spoil, spoil!!!;)

11-04-2004, 11:26 PM
I understand what you are feeling Kay. My Sadie is only 4, but her muzzle is starting to gray and her elbows to callous. I have no reason to think she doesn't have many year left ahead ofher, but it the back of mind, I wonder how will I hande it when she is gone? It is hard to not think about, but what I tell myself, is that if I spend toomuch time worrying how I willhandle them being gone, I won't enjoy them being here.

11-05-2004, 01:05 AM
I think about that, too. And Smokey isn't even 3 yet. But sometimes when we're hanging out together I think about the fact that he's been by my side since the day I could take him... driving from San Diego to Michigan and back. Moving from SD to NYC. Me n' Smokey. How sad I'll be when he's gone... YEARS from now.

You n' Simba still have many happy years together, too.

On the other hand, I think about when Smokey does have to leave - how great it will be to start a whole new relationship with hopefully many dogs. How I'll be able to finally adopt/rescue dogs and remember that Smokey was the cue-ball head that started it all. :)

(I attached one of my fave puppy pics of him just for fun.)

11-05-2004, 05:32 PM
Kay, you are NOT being stupid , and you are NOT to worry. Simba has a long life ahead of him, and should have a very long, happy, happy life. I love you Simba! Give that boy a big hug for me, and wipe away those tears and smile.:)

11-05-2004, 05:37 PM
Not stupid at all.

I think about this all the time, too. Prince just turned two this year. I bawled on his birthday. I just love him so dearly that I cannot imagine life without him.

Dogs just have such a huge impact on our lives, it is amazing.


11-05-2004, 05:48 PM
Kay, this is not stupid at all! I know how you feel, I've been thinking about that lately with Taffy. And today I was talking to my mom and realised my grandpa will be 70 soon. People and pets just don't seem that old until you think about it.

Simba has many, many, many, more years ahead of him. Your a great mom to him and you care about your dogs so much. Just don't worry about the future, just have fun with him everyday and enjoy your time with him.

11-05-2004, 05:54 PM
Just remember, my beloved Gracie - the 3/4 Great Dane, 1/4 Lab mix started going gray - white actually, at about age 4. That, though, apparently meant NOTHING. By the time she was 7 or so, her (formerly solid black) muzzle was all white and she had white rings around here eyes. And yet she lived to the ripe old age of 14 1/2 - almost unheard of for Great Danes - and the vet (who called her "the wee lassie" - he was Scottish) attributed it solely to her being "spoiled rotten" - which is something Simba has in common with her! And as he's a smaller breed, he's expected to live a longer time anyway!

11-05-2004, 06:04 PM
WE ALL think of this each and every day Kay and I know just how you feel! But Sim is still enjoying the best years of his life and he couldn't have a more loving mom than you!!! Dry your tears friend and try to dwell on the incredible love and joy he brings you each and every day!!! We love you Simba:):):) {{{HUGS}}} to you Kay. We love you too. Please don't cry:( Love, Sandra

11-05-2004, 06:29 PM
That's why I get really sad sometimes. I think about Duke being 11 1/2, wondering how much longer he'll be around. That's why I'm not going to see brother for Christmas. Don't want to have to board him on what might be his last Christmas. I don't know why I think that. It terrifies me to even think of life without him. I just dread the day when I lose him. So, I know exactly how you feel.

11-05-2004, 06:45 PM
I'm hesitant to post this because I know it won't help or make you feel any better, but as you probably know, Brooke was healthy until she was 7, when we she died after surgery complications. I dreaded the day I would lose her because I loved her sooooo much even before we ever got her. She was the highlight of my life.

My point is don't take for granted every day you have with them because you just never know (I know that you don't). It just makes us realize we won't have our babies forever. :(

11-05-2004, 07:40 PM
Oh I understand so well what you are saying Kay. I think Glacier's post was really a wonderful outlook, I know I found it comforting. Instead of getting more sad as each year goes by, try to think of it as a wonderful thing that you are getting to share more and more of his life with him, making more memories, more pictures and precious moments. There's never any guarantee that our babies will make it to 1 or 3 or 5, and so when they do it is something to celebrate. When Willie turned 10, I was so happy that he made it to 10 and was still going strong, we still had more time ahead of us yet to treasure each other.

You know, another thing to keep in mind is that there is something special and unique about each stage of a dog's life, and their senior years have special things about them too that you will get to experience. For every dog it's different of course, but for me with my RB boys, they got more and more loving and affectionate and closer to me the older they got. We got more and more to the point where we just read each others' minds. Instead of thinking "next year he'll be 8" try to think "this year he has made it to 7 and we are even closer than ever."

It's hard to explain, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about anyway. Of course honestly there will always be times when it hits you that he's older and you think about when he won't be there and it hurts so much, but that realization gives you a chance too to relish even more your time together now. And when that day does come that he crosses to the bridge, he will be a part of you forever and ever. That will never ever fade.

I know I was just watching videos last night and watched Tasha as a little puppy. Now she will be 6 soon and I can't believe how fast it has gone. I know after that recent bad scare I had with Tasha, I suddenly wanted nothing more in the world than the chance to be able to watch her live to a ripe old age. I hope and pray that we will have many many more years together, and that you and your boy will too. :)

11-05-2004, 08:27 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind words.
I've been thinking about this all day and hadn't opened the thread because I didn't want to think aobut it THAT much. I just started crying again.

We brought Kiara to the dog park, and when we got home, Simba was so excited to see me even though I was only go for aobut a half hour - 45 minutes.

He kept whining and whining to me, as if he wanted to go outside. He was capable of going out on his own, because we have the house open, but he insisted that I come and would not leave me alone. So I went outside with him and sat on the deck, and him and me were as happy as could be.

I just never want him to go.. I never want the girls to go.
And it's something I just can't stop thinking about.
I actually talked to my friend about it today. She asked what I would do if it did happen. I told her I didn't know. And I don't know. I just can't see life without him. He's been there for me through so much... so much. He let me hug and kiss him, and drip all of the snot and tears on him as I wanted... He let me dress him up for laughter. He's my best friend, and sometimes I feel as if he's my only true friend. I get so much comfort and relief in hugging him. I feel safe around him. I feel happy around him.

I'll shut up now because I honestly could just go on forever.

11-05-2004, 08:47 PM
I know how you feel. People can ask me about the most painful, hurtful anythings in my life and I won't cry. But as soon as I mention something happening to Josie, or knowing she won't be here for ever I burst in to tears. It's scary, I know. I try very hard not to think about it...but it's so hard..:( All you can do is love him and care for him and give him the best home ever

11-05-2004, 09:02 PM
Kay Iyour last post made me go look at the portait of my childhood sister(Patsy was a black cocker /springer mix) She was 16 when I had to have sent to the Rainbow bridge. Mom painted the most wonderful picture of her for me. I got her when I was 2 and the day hubby and Iwent to get our wedding bands we had to drop her off at the vets. Then pick her up after and he helped me put her in her favorite place under aher lilic bush.

She had not barked in 2 years ,blind and was becoming incontant (her pride still intact it just was horrifing for here that she couldn't hold it.) It was the kindest thing i could do, not the easiest . I have lots of memories and pics. I still get weepy sometimes It's just part of it.

11-05-2004, 09:25 PM
Kay I totally understand how you feel. I hope you take comfort knowing that a lot of us would love a chance to have our dogs as young as 7 again. Sadie is 12 now and I despise the fact that I have to work all day away from her.

When I get upset and start thinking too much I focus my attention on Sadie and remind myself to be happy and enjoy every minute I can with her. Our dogs are not with us nearly long enough so we must make an extra effort to etch each moment deep in our memory. Taking many pictures is important too but I think you have that covered! I don't want you to think back one day and be sorry that you were sad at a time you should have been happy.

My rambunctious 12 year old is barking at me now as though she's telling me to practice what I preach. Please don't be too sad but I understand that sometimes you can't help it.

11-06-2004, 11:27 PM
{{HUGS}} I know how you feel, dogs are so much more than...well, dogs. My dogs mean the world to me, I don't know what I would do if I lost them. It's been hard having Smokey gone, it still seems empty without him. Reggie is getting close to 11 years old now. Nebo is getting close to 3 years, I can't even believe that it feels like just yesterday he was a pup. 7 years isn't old yet though, and I know you will have many more wonderful years with that special boy. Just treasure every moment. :)

11-07-2004, 08:18 AM
Ok Kay, reading your post got me crying.

I know what it feels to be afraid to loose someone you
love so much.
Just enjoy Sim each precious day you have him and
remember, Simba is getting the best
life any dog could have by being with you.

11-07-2004, 08:22 AM
Thanks everyone.
Just a bit ago Simba was running around with the girls like crazy.
I threw a tennis ball up in the air and HE caught it.
I was expecting one of the girls to get it.. but nope. Then he ran around crazy with it while the girls chased him. I wish I had gotten pictures but when I got the camera out he had just layed down in the dirt. :p

I guess i'm just too paranoid aobut losing him.

Here's a picture I took of him after his craziness.
Aren't his eyes just gorgeous? :)

11-07-2004, 09:20 AM
I know Just how you feel. Duke is turning NINE this month. His hips might give out in a couple years.:( He has grey hairs on his chin and he only gets up only if he needs to.:( I take him running somtimes and he seems to enjoy it.


11-07-2004, 11:27 AM
Oh, I totally relate to this. I get upset every time someone asks me how old Chester is. I cry when I look at all the white hairs he has on his face. It seems this last year he’s really gotten white faced. All around his eyes and a lot of his muzzle. Millie’s got a lot of white on her face & head, but she’s always had it.

When I feel like that, I usually try to spend some extra time with just the two of us. :)

Samantha Puppy
11-07-2004, 12:22 PM
It's not silly, not at all. I've had a couple episodes thinking about "that time" for Samantha, the latest being this past Thursday. I came home to diarrhea in the house. I don't know who it was (since I have 3 animals now) but part of it looked a little too large to belong to a kitten (excuse, graphic I know). That scared me even more than if it was one of the kittens! I burst into tears and threw my arms around Samantha's neck and cried. If it was her, it's the first time she's had an accident in over two years (since we housebroke her), so I knew it would've been because she didn't feel well, not because she was acting out about the cats or anything else. I kept repeating, "Please don't be sick, PLEASE don't be sick!" She licked my tears, like she always does. Which then made me think of the day I'd come home and she wouldn't be there and I went into hysterics.

So don't think you're silly. It's a little shot of reality like that that helps us realize that we need to cherish every single day we have with our furbuddies. The people here on PT are a little better than the average person, not taking our pets for granted, but I think everyone sort of falls down every once in awhile. So smile, think of the years and memories to come with Simba and focus on that. And I'll do the same for my Samantha. :)