View Full Version : 8th grade books?

11-04-2004, 06:05 PM
Any ideas/suggesions for a novel for my 8th grader? It seems hard to find something I think I need to go to a book store it seems to go from grade school to adult? She doesn't like to read so I want it to be something that a boy crazy 13 year old can relate to.

11-04-2004, 06:31 PM
hmm what about the sweet valley seris? they come for most ages, their is sweetvalley kids for young kids, sweet valley twins for a little older, sweetvalley high for older still, sweetvalley univarsity for even older, and Elizibeth which only follows one of the twins and her life in europe after she ran away there and ended up a maid lol for a 13 year old I would recomend sweet valley high and up, they have so many is the seris and they have spot light books, and super thrillers etc..

11-04-2004, 06:40 PM
A Walk to Remember (a romance novel) was an easy book to read. It was very thought provoking but was still simple enough for a novice reader, like myself, to understand.

11-04-2004, 07:12 PM
well i am 13 i love this book
morning star or the refomation
and i hate to read

well it's also gives you knoledge of the reformation

11-04-2004, 07:30 PM
I really like Danielle Steel and Mary Higgins Clark, both authors are easy to read.

11-04-2004, 07:58 PM
My husband is an 8th grade teacher, and he read one to his class called "Loser" to his kids. He doesn't know the author. He aid it was really good, with a good message. Another is "Hoot" - again no author known.

Of course he recommends Harry Potter. He'll check out what his students are reading for more ideas.

11-04-2004, 08:08 PM
I remember reading the book "The Chrysalids" by John Wyndham. It was pretty good we read that in grade 7 or 8. "The Lottery" by beth Goobie was great as well.

11-04-2004, 09:22 PM
I was in eighth grade last year,and honestly,i only read the teen magazines:o like YM,seventeen,Teen people,etc.

Lilith Cherry
11-04-2004, 09:42 PM
Madeleine L'Engle... A Wrinkle in Time is a good book!

11-04-2004, 09:48 PM
here are some books that i just love!!!!
princess in pink
princess in love
princess lessons
-all by meg cabot
(there are many)

[SIZE=4]chriian books!!!!

left behind series
-all by jerry b. jenkins
tim lahaye
(there are many)

the cronicles of narnia
-all by c.s. lewis
(there are many)

those are my favorites and i am 13

11-04-2004, 09:50 PM
opps i mean christian books

PJ's Mom
11-04-2004, 10:22 PM
The Harry Potter books are winners. Starting from the beginning is best, but they're all stand-alone novels so if the first one gets a little boring, she can move on to the next. :)

11-04-2004, 10:28 PM
I'd recommend the Heartland series. I, personally, like horses, but am definately not crazy over them. The Heartland series is about healing horses, they're wonderful, wonderful books by Lauren Brooke. They are amazing:p

11-05-2004, 09:38 AM
Thanks for all the suggestion...I really love to read but I could never get into harry potter. I love danielle steel but there may be some adult situations in those.

I will go to the bookstore today...thanks.

11-05-2004, 04:02 PM
I went out and bought "a great and terrible beauty" I went to our local library's list of teens 10 top favorites and I remembered that I had seen this at target. Hopefully she will like it it is about a girl whose mother dies and her father sends her off to boarding school...she has some kind of powers.

11-05-2004, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
I'd recommend the Heartland series. I, personally, like horses, but am definately not crazy over them. The Heartland series is about healing horses, they're wonderful, wonderful books by Lauren Brooke. They are amazing:p

oo i love those books!! i have the whole series:o i would recommend those,and probly Harry Potter

11-05-2004, 04:26 PM
Once she gets past the title she'll love it.

The Outsiders is good, too. After she finishes it rent the movie---it's excellent.

11-05-2004, 04:27 PM
It can't be a book that has been made into a movie. But both my 7th grader and 8th grader have read the outsiders. I read it in junior high also and I went to jr high 30 years ago...:eek:

guster girl
11-05-2004, 07:40 PM
I think the Harry Potter books would be great. And, the Oz books are excellent (I think there are 8). Books like Dorothy of Oz, The Wizard of Oz, The Patchwork Girl of Oz, Tik Tok of Oz, etc. They're awesome! I also think the Anne of Green Gables books are great! I also think there are eight in that series. Very cool books!

11-05-2004, 09:11 PM
I think the old series the box car children is a great start. the classics Hiedi , Hitty :Her first hundred years.
If she likes dogs the Albert Payson Truhune .Collie dog stories Lad a dog is my faviorite.

11-05-2004, 09:33 PM
The Harry Potter series, the Chronicles of Narnia series, and The Outsiders are all great books that have already been mentioned. If she likes suspense-type books, Lois Duncan is a good author. I loved the Black Stallion series when I was around that age.