View Full Version : Someone pooped in the house... : (

Samantha Puppy
11-04-2004, 04:31 PM
After a horrible day at work (made worse by the fact that I physically felt bad), I just wanted to come home, put on my pajamas, cuddle with my animals, and be babied by my husband. I walk in the door and almost gag - but not from my flipping stomach. No, someone had an accident - actually, make that two - all over the living room rug. I'm not just talking a little squirt here and a little squirt there. Whoever did this (there are three possibilities), must've felt HORRIBLE. It was everywhere.

My problem is, I don't know if it was Samantha or Sushi or Kirin. There was a lot which makes me think maybe it was Samantha... but then again, it could've been one kitty having an issue two separate times today.

Through my gagging and tears, I checked to see if there was any foreign objects in it - grass, toys, ANYTHING that would give me a clue but I couldn't find anything. They all were mouthing off for dinner, so I gave each of them 1/2 as much as they normally get. Samantha wanted to go outside right after she finished but it's raining really hard here and our outside light in the backyard doesn't work so I can't see what she's doing.

I don't know what to do. Do I treat all 3 of them, just in case? If it was Sam, this is the first time she's done anything inside in over two years (since she was being housebroken). What could possibly have made her have this problem today?

I'm really worried, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I hope Karen and Paul don't mind me cross-posting it since I'm not entirely sure if the puppy or kitties were to blame... :(

11-04-2004, 04:36 PM
Oh man, do I know how you feel. :( *hugs*

Once, Kia was waiting to go outside while I changed. Well, I didn't change fast enough. She had diarrhea EVERYWHERE! :eek: :eek: :( :(

I think treating all the pets would be okay.

Did you check the litter box for any messes? Or the pets themselves?

11-04-2004, 04:43 PM
I'd check the litter boxes to see what's in there... if there is anything softer than normal, it might be one of the boys. Also, check to make sure the normal number of "deposits" are in the box... a few short the normal could also point the finger at the boys.

I know once Nicki peed in the house and I was SURE it had to be Allen because Nicki NEVER pees in the house. Sure enough it was Nicki because she did it the next day in fron t of someone - we took her to the vet and got her all sorted out. When you have mutliple animals, its a guessing game as to who has done what. Good luck!

Samantha Puppy
11-04-2004, 04:52 PM
There was loose poopies in the litter box but it looked much lighter in color than what I found upstairs. The poo down there almost looked like greenish peanut butter. The poo upstairs was... well, poo brown.


Samantha Puppy
11-04-2004, 06:09 PM
Okay, Sushi just threw up. He's acting fine but threw up all his dinner and what appeared to be a hairball - I know what they look like but it was covered in puke so I couldn't really tell if that's what it was or not.

Any suggestions?

11-04-2004, 06:54 PM
Goodness! We have some serious poo issues going on here these days! Sirrahbed is posting in Cat Health about hers too. I hope it's nothing serious and sometimes it's nothing more than they have an upset tummy and it passes within a day or two. Make sure they are eating and especially drinking. If it keeps up for more than two days somebody will probably need the white coat.
You might want to try the yogurt with live bacteria and the pumpkin. It has helped others on PT. Be sure to check out the thread by Sirrahbed in Cat Health. It has all kinds of suggestions.
I'll be praying that somebody ate something they shouldn't have and this will pass quickly. I hope you feel better too!

11-04-2004, 11:25 PM
I'm sorry to hear that at least one of your furkids may be sick.:( Hopefully you'll be able to find out which one and that it isn't anything serious. I agree that yogurt and pumpkin would be a good thing to try and I don't think it would hurt to give it to all 3 of them. You might want to call your vet and ask some questions before giving them anything just to be safe though. Please keep us updated.

11-05-2004, 01:59 AM
A good sign to look for with your animals is excessive panting. I've noticed when my dogs have had a bout of diarrhea they panted a lot more than normal. Good luck!

11-05-2004, 08:52 AM
PU<the good thing,is that you smelled it,before you stepped,into it! PU!