View Full Version : pictures of my cat, Dusty

guster girl
11-04-2004, 03:26 PM
The thread posted about a movie with everyone's photos of their RB babies made me remember I had photos of my cat, Dusty, in my yahoo photo album. He was seventeen when he passed last year on December 12, my dad's birthday. Hope y'all don't mind me posting these, even though I just posted them in the other thread.

Here's one I took at an apartment I lived in, this was taken the summer of 2003. I would leave the door to my apartment open while I walked Bruno, and, Dusty would sneak down the stairs (no worries, he never made it to the bottom).


My mom took this one of me holding Dusty during Thanksgiving last year, a little less than a month before he died. This was the last time I saw my boy. :( He was living with me in Texas while my folks were stationed in Germany (til about August of 2003). He went home to South Carolina with them and spent his last couple months home with my mom and dad. My mom had him in SC with her for a couple months while she set up their condo. My dad got home in November, and, Dusty died in December. It was like he was waiting to be home with them. :)


These were taken the day before he passed. My mom just knew he wouldn't be around much longer. The first one is actually the chair he was laying in when he fell asleep and didn't wake up. It was his favorite spot and my dad's recliner (favorite spot) is connected to it (one of those double recliner things), they were pals.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/dusty2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v91/kariann918/dusty3.jpg

Here's his gravesite


Again, sorry for posting these twice, but, I really wanted to share my boy's pictures with all of you kitty lovers. He was my tenth birthday present, and, he and my RB boy, Bruno, were the last two real ties I had to my childhood, it was hard losing them so close together. Anyway, thanks for looking at the pictures and, even more thanks if you read the stories along with them. :)

Laura's Babies
11-04-2004, 04:15 PM
Wow! He was beautiful and I didn't mind reading about him at all. That headstone is awesome, where in the world did you find that? I never saw one that pretty.

11-04-2004, 04:19 PM
Duysty looked like a very speical cat. I know he's having fun at the RB.

11-04-2004, 05:42 PM
I think it's good to keep Dusty’s spirit alive by sharing his pictures and stories with us. Dusty was a beautiful cat, very handsome.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

guster girl
11-04-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Wow! He was beautiful and I didn't mind reading about him at all. That headstone is awesome, where in the world did you find that? I never saw one that pretty.

Thanks! He was a really handsome kitty. He was so light colored as a kitten, though, hence the name Dusty. :) But, my parents bought the headstone, so, I'm not sure where they got it from. I can ask them, though. I haven't been home since he passed, so, I'm sure it will hit me hard when I do go visit them and see the headstone. :(

guster girl
11-04-2004, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
Duysty looked like a very speical cat. I know he's having fun at the RB.

I know he is, too. Prolly just basking in the sun, he wasn't the kind to play with toys. He just loved to lay around. And, he would sit at the glass door (we would open it up about an inch) and make bird sounds at the birds, so, he's probably doing that, too. :)

guster girl
11-04-2004, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by Cosmicat
I think it's good to keep Dusty’s spirit alive by sharing his pictures and stories with us. Dusty was a beautiful cat, very handsome.

Thank you for sharing this with us.

Yeah, and, it's been almost a year since he went to the RB, so, I have been thinking about him a lot. And his birthday was in August, so, he was on my mind, then, too. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. He was a really heavy cat for a lot of his life, but, we finally got him on a better diet, and, of course, in the photos I posted, he was simply thin because he was old. He looks really good, though, especially in that one on the recliner! I love that photo.

11-04-2004, 05:54 PM
What a beautiful tribute for your gorgeous Dusty.

I can tell through your writing how much he was loved and obviously was very well cared for to live such a long life.

Thank you for sharing his story with us.

guster girl
11-04-2004, 06:20 PM
Thanks for reading the thoughts I wrote with the photos, he was a wonderful friend to my entire family. Here's his tribute on www.in-memory-of-pets.com. I wrote it within a couple of days of his death. I also wrote one for my dog, Bruno.

dusty's tribute (http://in-memory-of-pets.com/personaltribute.asp?ID=36513)

11-04-2004, 06:30 PM
Not only was Dusty a gorgeous kitty but he was obviously very loved. He was as lucky to have you all for his family as you all were to have him. I know you will miss him until one day you meet again. Dusty will live on in your heart forever and that is a wonderful tribute in itself.
Thanks for sharing Dusty with us.

guster girl
11-04-2004, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
Not only was Dusty a gorgeous kitty but he was obviously very loved. He was as lucky to have you all for his family as you all were to have him. I know you will miss him until one day you meet again. Dusty will live on in your heart forever and that is a wonderful tribute in itself.
Thanks for sharing Dusty with us.

Geez, thank you! Everyone's had such nice things to say. I'm glad that you all can see how much he meant to us. The tribute still makes us cry, but, in a good way. I'm glad I wrote it. My mom printed out Bruno's and Dusty's and framed them along with a photo of each of them. It's nice!