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11-04-2004, 02:28 PM
What did I do wrong???

Ed went ballistic last night and clawed the crap outta my arm.

He climbs up in my lap.

I started to scratch him and he grabs my arm with his front paws....I told him to stop-he grabs harder!! I tried to pull him off by the scruff of the neck, he wraps all four limbs around and had the web of my hand between my thumb and forefinger in his mouth...

I tried to pull him off but decided that I was going to suffer more if that happened......

About 30 seconds later he let go, and I bled......


That freaked me out!!!

11-04-2004, 03:05 PM
He wanted to play and you didn't.So he got pissed.

11-04-2004, 03:12 PM
He really needs a buddy to beat up on and get beat back.

11-04-2004, 03:13 PM
I think that boy needs a girlfriend! (Spayed of course). Eddie must have been frustrated about something! :confused: :confused:

11-04-2004, 03:39 PM
I second the girlfriend (spayed) motion! Sounds like just the thing for Eddie. Either that or then you'd have them hanging from both arms like a matching set... ;)

11-04-2004, 03:50 PM
Richard, reading this made me think. Has he ever acted out like this before? Just curious, because if this behavior is very out of the ordinary, you may want to keep your eye on him for a few days. How old is Eddie? It almost sounds like a bit of overstimulation aggression, or perhaps even play aggression. That would have freaked me out too!

11-04-2004, 04:05 PM
It's called over stimulation. Sometimes cats want attention but only a little. Once they've gotten what they want, they can get aggressive. Just rip your arm away and say NO!! very firmly and walk away, or use a squirt bottle. He'll learn.

11-04-2004, 04:08 PM
Remus likes to play like that, except he doesn't use his claws and bites very gently. He always gets this sorrowful look on his face if he knows he is being too rough!

Do keep an eye on him if this is wierd behavior for him!

11-04-2004, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by wolflady
Richard, reading this made me think. Has he ever acted out like this before? Just curious, because if this behavior is very out of the ordinary, you may want to keep your eye on him for a few days. How old is Eddie? It almost sounds like a bit of overstimulation aggression, or perhaps even play aggression. That would have freaked me out too!

He does that every once in a while......I think I hit his "G Spot"

(Gee-I-Don't-Like-That Spot)...He didn't go postal or anything like that...He did give me a first good swipe on the forearm and the other stuff was pretty benign.

Ed is five.....he does get rambunctious when the weather gets cooler, last night after the 'attack' we kissed, made up and went to my mom's house. He went after a spool of thread she had, He batted it around for a few minutes and settled down. He never plays with thread or toys so I realized that it's that time of the year.

As much as I would like to get another cat, the situation with the Edster is very strange. He gets along with dogs better than he gets along with cats.....My mom has two dogs that he is very well
acquainted with.I have tried to get him used to another cat and he freaks out.

The main disadvantages for taking another animal are many but the main ones are-

My house has a studio style layout. One giant room, kitchen and BR...not alot of room at the moment!!

That and the fact that my mom is my landlord makes a difference. I'd have tons of animals but I realize should I leave the current arrangement I'd have to find a place that would accept them.

I once had a Lhasa and a Terrier and had to move from the house I was at. I promised myself that I would never go thru that again-choosing between pets.....which to keep and which re-home. I did move back in with my parents......that was a relief!
But the emotional worry about where to go and such is way too stressful.


Ed does want to know it Penny is 'available' for some e mail exchange.:D

11-04-2004, 04:24 PM
That and the fact that my mom is my landlord makes a difference. I'd have tons of animals but I realize should I leave the current arrangement I'd have to find a place that would accept them.

I'm going through that situation right now. I keep telling myself if I had know THEN what I know NOW, I NEVER would've taken in so many cats.

But, as usual, God takes care of baby's and idiots and I assume I'm in one of those categories cuz so far, I'm doing well placing all but 3 of my cats.

11-04-2004, 04:28 PM
Richard, Chuck gets like that sometimes. You can be petting him all nice and WHAM! You're bleeding and he is giving you the stink eye. I call that wrong button syndrom. If I just knew where that wrong button was..LOL
One night I was having fun blowing in his face to see what he would do. Mind you not hard just softly. The next thing I know, he is wrapped around my head and biting my scalp. Needless to say, I haven't done that since. Imagine a 20 pound cat wrapped around your head!

11-04-2004, 04:43 PM
Thanks Richard. I felt a little better about the situation after you said in your post that he gets like that every once in awhile. Since this behavior isn't really out of the oridinary, he just tends to get a little overstimulated now and then, eh? :eek: LOL

I'm sorry to hear about your previous situation and pets. I know I'm at my animal limit, so that's the only thing keeping me in line! Even though there are 2 cats hanging around my house now! I swear I must have a sign out in the backyard or something: Cat-crazy woman lives here and will feed you, come one come all!!! :rolleyes:

A little dog might not be too bad for ya though! ;)

**hugs** to you and handsome Eddie!

11-04-2004, 04:44 PM
If you mean MY Penny she would love to tangle with him.Come on over.We welcome you.:D

11-04-2004, 04:47 PM
Man, that would have given me cause for concern! Don't you wish you could read his little feline mind?

11-04-2004, 07:09 PM
ROFLOL!!! I don't mean to laugh at you Richard but the joke around our house is that my right hand and arm have so much scar tissue that I can't feel pain there anymore!!:D :D

The first year of Sammy's life I stayed a bloody mess! Then came the taming of the next seven ferals, and well, we all remember the "Magoo Incident"!:eek: October and November are my bloodiest months. Hang in there because soon he will want to just snuggle and stay warm.;) :D

11-04-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by Lacey
I second the girlfriend (spayed) motion! Sounds like just the thing for Eddie. Either that or then you'd have them hanging from both arms like a matching set... ;)
Ha ha! That really made me laugh. Yeah, he needs a play buddy.

11-04-2004, 09:37 PM
LOL Richard, you crack me up!

When I read your story, I thought of that guy preaching to those lions & them attacking him.

Josie does this more than once in awhile . . . more like once a day! I always thought it was just the kitten left in her, but she's always been ag ressive . . . she's never had another cat show her that it HURTS!!!

We want another . . . as many of you know, for this very reason.

One good thing about the cold weather, I'm wearing long sleeves most of the time and the bite doesn't hurt as bad!

11-05-2004, 09:05 AM
Richard,I really think,that you need another Cat,a spayed Girl,to divert Eddies attention.

11-05-2004, 09:09 AM
Ed's upset that he didn't get to vote in the election.

JUST KIDDING! Sorry about your injuries, Richard. Ed needs a woman...gotta find a woman...gotta find a woman...gotta find a woman! :)