View Full Version : Kitty Theater

11-04-2004, 09:43 AM
When I get down, my hubby writes these cute skits to be acted out by our kitties. I was rather down yesterday so he wrote one that I thought was so cute I had to share.

A bit of background. Misao is our Momma cat. She looks after everyone and everything. We joke that she even tells the spiders where they can spin their webs without being in danger (think along the lines of Jennyanydots/the Gumby Cat in Cats).
Terra is our highly active acts who plays viciously with any manner of insects that make it into the house.

So without further ado: (BTW, if you like this I have many more I could share)

*a large group of spiders makes its way towards Misao, who is sleeping on the edge of the guest room bed*

Spider #1: Everybody ready?

Spider group: YEAH!

Spider #1: Let's do this!

*the group stops a bit away from Misao as Spider #1 approached her*

Spider #1: Miss Misao, may I have a word with you?

Misao: Hmm...? Oh, hello everybody. What's on your mind?

Spider #1: We're here to let you know that we've come to a decision. We're going to unionize!

Misao: Huh?

Spider #1: We're tired of being forced to just do whatever you tell us to do! We want regular breaks, benefits, and equal treatment, or we strike!

Misao: Well, as noble a sentiment as that is there's just one problem.

Spider #1: Oh? And what would that be?

Misao: This isn't a Democracy. This is a "Do-What-I-Tell-You-Or-You-Become-Terra's-New-Toys"-ocracy.

Spider #1: Oh. I...I understand. We'll...uh...just be going now. Okay? Okay.

*the group of spiders quickly disperses as they run for cover*

Misao (chuckling): And who says women aren't born leaders?

11-04-2004, 10:00 AM
ai think,of Three Of My Cats,as The Three Mooges! JJJ3,would be Moe,Michael,would be Larry,Sam,would Be Curly,Moose,Joe Besser,and Roscoe,Shemp,and John,would be Joe Derita,.Bo,would Be Christine Mc Intyre,Precious,Judy Malcom,andDiane,,Dorothy Appleby,and Princess, Dorothy Granger.Eye Pokes,and Silliness,would follow!

Laura's Babies
11-04-2004, 10:44 AM
THAT is a cute little play, how sweet of you hubby to do that to cheer you up....He must be a character!

11-04-2004, 11:00 AM
You'll have to take pictures of the new play LOL! Halloween just ended, and I'm sure there's plenty of black plastic spiders around to use as props. ;) :D Hubby sounds like a great mood brightener. ;) :)

11-04-2004, 11:04 AM
I've been trying to figure out the pic thing for a long, long time. I will get it eventually.

Hubby is a doll and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

And here's another skit....

Misao is mostly deaf (white cat with odd eyes)
Hana (our 3rd and final cat) has a habit of sitting one our upstairs landing and just howling each and every morning. Sometimes we think she's getting senile and has gotten herself lost.....

*sounds of Hana screaming "Help! I'm lost!" in the background*

Terra: Misao, have you seen the catnip mouse?

Misao: What? I can't hear you!

Terra (louder): I said: Have You Seen The Catnip Mouse!

Misao: My tail looks like a louse?!

Terra: Catnip Mouse!

Misao: Pancake House??

Terra: Catn-oh for crying out loud...HANA!! You're sitting on the damn landing, now shut up!!!

Hana (stops yelling): Huh? Oh...yeah, I am. When did I get here?

Terra (sweatbeads, as does Misao): And you two say I'm the one with issues...

11-04-2004, 12:19 PM
Haha, those are so cute. That is so sweet of your husband to write those.