View Full Version : Male & Female cats

11-03-2004, 07:15 PM
Hi! I've got a question for you guys.....

I have three male cats and one dog. All the animals are fixed except one cat.

I am thinking of adopting a female (fixed) kitten, but I'm wondering how she will do with all the boys, and how the boys will do with her. They all get along great right now (I've never met more laid-back animals!), but I'm wondering if throwing a female into the mix will stress them out or cause problems. Do any of you have some advice or words of wisdom?



11-03-2004, 07:25 PM
First, I'd get the remaining male fixed, before you bring home a female kitten! That should help eliminate problems, as well as prevent any unexpected litters!

That said, it really depends on the kitten, and if the "boys" see her as a threat, or as a usurper ... I'd follow the time-tested oft-given here advice of keeping the kitten in s separate room for a while, a day or longer, which lets them get used to the smell of each other without being able to attack or confront her. you'll be able to gauge by how much attention - or lack thereof - they give the doorway into where she is how cautious you'll have to be with the introduction.

11-04-2004, 09:37 AM
The Found Cats,are pretty evenly divided,among Boy,and Girl Cats,ansall seem,to get along just fine,as I am sure,that you willfind,if you take a Girl cat,in,as a matter of fact,she might get along better,as they wont see her,as a threat!

11-04-2004, 10:31 AM
I have a male and female cat and they get along great. They're both fixed though. I'd imagine that your unaltered cat might start spraying when the female comes. I'd fix him if I were you.

11-04-2004, 10:32 AM
And Welcome to Pet Talk, Heather! :D