View Full Version : Strange things

11-02-2004, 08:21 PM
What are some strange things you can do? I can touch my nose with my tongue. Okay, I know it isn't that interesting, but I don't know of many people who can do it. What strange things like that can you do? BTW, I can't do this but I know somebody who can do the human jump rope. I saw it with my own two eyes :eek: and it was GROSS! I wanna no what you can do!

11-02-2004, 08:50 PM
I can wiggle my ears and touch the tip of my nose with a tongue, altho it's harder now with my tongue pierced. hehehe

11-02-2004, 08:52 PM
i,too,can wiggle my ears,( it runs in the family,lol:p ) thats about it for me,well that i can think of

EDIT* i can roll my tongue also,lol:p

11-02-2004, 08:55 PM
I can't actually do anything strange. I'm just notorious for having strange things happen to me. :D

11-02-2004, 08:59 PM
lol i can touch my tounge ring to my nose, i can also roll my tounge (i heard lots of people cant do that, although its harder with tounge pierced i can STILL do it), flexible (from ballet and gymnastics early in life), i can also pop lots of joints ankles, wrists, neck, spine, elbows, the arm socket thingie/shoulders, fingers & toes, knees, hips, etc etc

11-02-2004, 09:49 PM
I'm double-jointed in my thumbs.. so I can do this weird thing with them that creeps some people out hehe :D

11-02-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie
I'm double-jointed in my thumbs.. so I can do this weird thing with them that creeps some people out hehe :D

Me too!!

11-02-2004, 09:58 PM
Well, I used to be able to do this real loud, deep, evil laugh. It's not quite as long anymore, takes a lot of breath, but I still can. I can roll my tongue. I'm not sure if people can usually do this or not, but I crack my fingers. Not like the knuckle part, can't do that. But the middle join on the finger. That includes my thumbs, but not my pinkies or the ones right next to them. I can sometimes crack my big toes...and other various parts. Ummm I think that's about it lol.

Edit: Oh, and I think my elbows are...semi-double-jointed. You know how you put them out, and their straight? Well mine go back a the other way a tad.