View Full Version : I quit 2!!

11-02-2004, 06:51 PM
Wow a lot of people are quitting or loosing their jobs latley. OKay heres my story. The whole place was Pis$ing me off (sorry lang) I was working at Walmart as a cashier. You know how sometimes when you get to a register theres no tag on something well I'd phone back and the people would tell me to go find a tag myself :eek: Have you seen how busy a walmart is you think we should leave the register NO!!! And they even tell us not to leave a register all the managers were rude and even the supervisors acted like they owned the place. Thats just a few of the examples. I've worked there before and lets just say the place went downhill for employees pretty fast so I quit... Oh well I don't need the stress right now anyways :rolleyes:

11-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Wow! With the rate we are all going, PT is going to become a busy place!

11-02-2004, 06:54 PM
I truly feel for you. I hate Walleyworld, and the way managers treat both staff and customers. I am trying so hard to get out of the habit of shopping there. It's hard because there IS no other place in town (except Kmart)

11-02-2004, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
I truly feel for you. I hate Walleyworld, and the way managers treat both staff and customers...)

ditto! i hate Walmart,its always really dirty,and stinky.:mad:
I LOVE Target though,its always clean,and smells nice,and i think that they have better prices than WalMart!

11-02-2004, 07:19 PM
Were getting a TARGET!!! I've never been to one I'm excited!:D

11-02-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Jods
Were getting a TARGET!!! I've never been to one I'm excited!:D

OH, you will love it! I love Target's stuff, that is my favorite shopping place. I try to avoid Walmart too. It is always crowed and dirty at ours.

One time, we had to stop there at 3am...We'd just drove into town from a trip, so I was exhausted. I sat in the car and people watched while Mike ran in. Anyways, I couldn't believe how many ghetto people were there in the middle of the night, it was just as crowded! I saw several people with their kids there! What kind of parent takes their kids shopping at 3am?! A bunch of tweakers!

11-02-2004, 07:36 PM
Sorry to hear about your job Jodie. I'm no fan of Wal-mart either. I LOVE Target also, wish we had one here... maybe someday! :p

11-02-2004, 07:57 PM
Sorry things weren't working out for you. Good luck on finding a new job that you like better!

11-02-2004, 09:21 PM
the walmarts here hire people who dont even speak english. not a word of it. not to sound racist - truely, but nashville has turned into mexico. and im not the only one who sees it :p theres several "jokes" about it now.