View Full Version : Please continue to pray for my Tucker man!!!

11-02-2004, 05:35 PM
Tucker went back for his re-check today. Well, his gums looked great she said, but the bad news, he hasn't gained any weight in the two weeks. He just will not eat but a bite or two at a time. I am really getting worried. I was so sure it was because of his sore gums, now they are all better and he is still underweight and starving himself!

My vet put him on an appetite stimulant (pill) to give him for 2 weeks, then she wants me to bring him back in for another weight check. PLEASE pray that Tucker will start eating and gain weight!!! :(

11-02-2004, 05:39 PM
I think I somehow missed whatever is going on with Tucker, I'm going to go find it!

I'll keep Tucker in my thoughts!

K & L
11-02-2004, 05:54 PM
Oh no Kim!:( I hope the meds help and Tucker starts eating. Seems to be the month for cat woes doesn't it?

11-02-2004, 07:36 PM
Aw, poor Tucker. He has our prayers.

My little RB tiger was on appetite stimulants for years because she would lose weight otherwise. They worked! Never knew why she didn't want to eat much, but the pills took care of it.

Good luck!

11-02-2004, 07:43 PM
Oh Kim not Tucker!! Come on Tucker boy and eat good for meowmie and all your PT friends. Poor little guy! I wonder why he is doing that?
Kim you and Tucker are in my prayers. Bless his heart! Keep us posted on how these pills work.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-02-2004, 08:14 PM
Come on Tucker, eat up! Kim, I'll definitely be thinking of you and Tucker and hoping and praying he decides to start eating. Do they think this is all still stress related like his hot spots were?

11-02-2004, 08:41 PM
I'm sorry to hear his isn't better now. Prayers on the way.

Please keep us posted.

11-02-2004, 09:26 PM
Oh Tucker, come on sweetie, please start eating and put on some weight.

Kim, I hope and pray that the medication kicks in soon and Tucker will be back to his old self in no time.


Laura's Babies
11-02-2004, 10:23 PM
Tucker, you need to eat boy! I know it don't seem important to you right now but you are worrying Mommie so TRY! Prayers for you boy but do your part and TRY!

11-03-2004, 12:05 AM
awwww poor boy!
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

11-03-2004, 12:36 AM
Poor Tucker boy. :(

Kim, has your vet tried A/D?? That's the food we use for critters that are ill and don't want to eat. Its suposed to be extra tasty and even the most sickly critter will want it.

No worries about your figure, hon. Bathing suit season is way over! ;) Eat some more, baby. We need you healthy.

Miss Meow
11-03-2004, 03:07 AM
Positive thoughts on the way. I hope Tucker gets his appetite back and feels better soon. It's so frustrating and depressing when they can't tell you what's wrong with them :(

11-03-2004, 04:45 AM
Prayers for tucker.

11-03-2004, 08:49 AM
The Found Cats,all want Tucker,Our ParteePal,to get well soon,so he can come,with us,to Our First Catmas Partee,on the 23rd! Get Well Tucker,we are praying,for you.

11-03-2004, 09:04 AM
Tucker you listen to us over here on PT and get better soon!!!!! Kim, I hope all works out OK for the Tuckerman....sending positive thoughts and some very special prayers for Tucker.

11-03-2004, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Poor Tucker boy. :(

Kim, has your vet tried A/D?? That's the food we use for critters that are ill and don't want to eat. Its suposed to be extra tasty and even the most sickly critter will want it.

No worries about your figure, hon. Bathing suit season is way over! ;) Eat some more, baby. We need you healthy.

No... she just said to try Sheba cat food. I would try ANYTHING to get my boy back to good health! Thanks for the suggestion, Kelly ..... should I get dry or canned in that?


11-03-2004, 11:24 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about Tucker.:( Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.

How old is Tucker? I know that my Storm hardly ever finishes his dry food so now I'm also feeding him some wet food and he loves it.:)

11-03-2004, 12:36 PM
Poor Tucker. :( Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.

11-03-2004, 02:42 PM
Kim, I hope that Tucker feels better soon and starts eating more too.

11-03-2004, 04:25 PM
Another failed attempt. I bought some Sheba and he sniffed, licked and walked back under my bed. He won't even get back on my bed.... he seems like he is getting weak... and I am seriously about to lose it!!! I can't even begin to tell any of you how I feel about this boy ... he is my baby ... like NO other cat has ever or could ever be. I am feeling like God is preparing me to lose him, and I am fighting Him tooth and nail over it. I have always known that I loved Tucker far more than I probably should, and it has always terrified me the way I feel about him. It's like God has been telling me all along not to love him so deeply, but I could not help it. From the moment I laid my eyes on him it was instant love, like none other. I have to end this.... I can't even type anymore.

11-03-2004, 04:35 PM
I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. I hope things take a turn for the better soon.

11-03-2004, 04:38 PM
Kim, A/D is a wet food available at most vets offices. It's similar in consistancy to baby food, and slightly warmed up, most cats love it. Maybe get some syringes for dogs, and add a bit of water to A/D or even baby food, and force feed him to get something in him. Have you offered him stuff like boiled chicken, or meat baby food? If he's dehydrated he may feel less like eating as well. Sending prayers to you and Tucker that he'll perk up in a day or two. ;)

11-03-2004, 04:43 PM
Oh Kim I am so sorry to hear that Tucker is still not eating. You sound so heartbroken and afraid. Please know that we do understand how you feel. No matter how much we love all of our kitties there is always one or two that have that something extra that bonds you for life. You are so scared of losing Tucker and it's worrying you to death. Don't give up on him and we will continue the powerful PT prayers.

Are you still waiting for test results? Something has to be wrong with him or he wouldnt be acting like this. Does your vet have any idea what may be going on? Maybe he didn't eat much for so long with his tooth ache that he just can't get started again. He may have to go back to the white coats and get some intravenous (sp!) nutrients to give him a boost and get him going again. Have you tried any type of vitamins to build him up? I know when Lucky was real sick one time the vet gave me some real strong liquid vitamins and within a few days he was up and going strong. I don't know if it would help but I doubt it would hurt.

I'm grasping at straws here and trying to think of anything to help. Please know that you and Tucker are in my thoughts and prayers.

11-03-2004, 05:18 PM
Ok, I had my cry and I am back to try and listen to reason!:rolleyes: I really don't know what exactly my vet is thinking, I tried to get something out of her yesterday .... but she just said that because of his young age, she didn't really suspect anything like tumors. I know she knows how emotionally frail I am about my cats ... especially after she saw my reaction to losing PeeWee, and while I appreciate it, I am worried that she is not telling me her truest feelings here. Maybe I am being paranoid here? I don't know!:rolleyes: I will give these appetite stimulant pills another day or two to work, but if I don't see any improvement, then Tucker is going back!!! I did read online that sometimes the pills do make them drowsy, so maybe that is why he is lying low today too. I gave him some Nutri-Cal by force, earlier, and I am also going to force some Pet-tinic vitamins down him in a bit. I am cooking a roasted chicken tonight, and just gave him a pan of drippings. He did go right to it and licked a bit then drank some water. Nothing major, only a brief time at it, but at least it was something. I plan to pull him off some meat from the chicken after supper as well, and see if he will eat that. I swear, I would fix him his own chicken every night if I thought it would help!:eek:

11-03-2004, 05:23 PM
Hang in there Kim the prayers are coming. The pills have to start working soon....they just have to! Try not to worry to much Momma. I think if you don't see something more by tomorrow I would start forcing some baby food. He may just need a good kick start on food again.
Hang in there Kim!!!

11-03-2004, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
Kim, A/D is a wet food available at most vets offices. It's similar in consistancy to baby food, and slightly warmed up, most cats love it. Maybe get some syringes for dogs, and add a bit of water to A/D or even baby food, and force feed him to get something in him. Have you offered him stuff like boiled chicken, or meat baby food? If he's dehydrated he may feel less like eating as well. Sending prayers to you and Tucker that he'll perk up in a day or two. ;)

Jan I have even tried the chicken baby food, but if I have to resort to forcing by syringe, I certainly will!

Lisa, and everyone else, thanks so much for the support and prayers. I did just read about the drug (Cyproheptadine) online... it is an ANTIHISTAMINE used for allergy, asthma in cats, and as an appetite stimulant in cats. No wonder he is sleeping under my bed!:rolleyes: I feel a little more secure now, and hopeful again! What would I do without my PT friends .... nope, not even gonna THINK about that right now!:eek: ;)


11-03-2004, 05:36 PM
I wouldn't want to eat either if I was that sleepy!;) Hang in there and know that we are here for you. Heaven knows you have been here for all of us at one time or another!:D

Big {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you and Tucker Baby.

11-03-2004, 09:02 PM
Oh Kim, I absolutely hate that Tucker is having such a terrible time! Glad I saw your thread . . . I'll definitely add him to my prayers tonight and the next few days. I know this must be so hard for you.

Hang in there Kim! And keep us updated!


11-03-2004, 10:32 PM
I hope Tucker feels better soon and gets back to his normal self!

(((Hugs))) to you both!

11-03-2004, 10:42 PM
Tucker actually just left my bedroom to go all the way to the kitchen to eat a little bit!!! :D

11-03-2004, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Tucker actually just left my bedroom to go all the way to the kitchen to eat a little bit!!! :D Yeah! This is wonderful news!!!:D The pills must be working.:)

11-03-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
Yeah! This is wonderful news!!!:D The pills must be working.:)

He didn't exactly pig out but it's a start! Thanks, Tracey!

11-03-2004, 11:19 PM
Come on Tucker! You can do it. More prayers on the way.

11-04-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Tucker actually just left my bedroom to go all the way to the kitchen to eat a little bit!!! :D

Definatly a start :D I hope he continues to do good!

11-04-2004, 12:12 PM
as I was opening a can of food, Tucker actually stood under me, crying for the food. Of course, he only licked a small bit of juice then walked away!:rolleyes: I'm beginning to think he is just too darn picky!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

11-06-2004, 06:27 AM
Kim, hows the gorgeous Tucker doing?


11-06-2004, 06:44 AM
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry I've missed this entire thing. :(

At least it sounds like a bit of good news, that Tucker becomes more interested in food again!

Please Tucker, you must eat to become strong and healthy again - your meowmie needs you!!!


K & L
11-06-2004, 06:47 AM
I'm so glad to hear Tucker's appetite is improving! Pig out Tucker!

Laura's Babies
11-06-2004, 08:02 AM
Kim, I sure hope and pray that Tucker will start eating like a pig and will be ok... We all know how these sweethearts can rip our hearts out when something is wrong with them. PT prayers are the best in the world so he will bounce right back.. He has started already and it will be uphill to recovery from now on!


11-06-2004, 10:10 AM
Tucker is still eating ... but seems a bit low energy, which I am hoping is just a side effect of the medication ... since it is an Antihistamine. I know I get put into a sleepy fog when I take them ... especially Benadryl!:rolleyes:

11-06-2004, 10:44 AM
My best wishes and prayers to you, Tucker. Please start eating again!!!