View Full Version : It's Breeze's Time To Go....

Aspen and Misty
11-02-2004, 05:25 PM
Our foster pup Breeze (Service Dog in Training for Paws With a Cause), who've we have had for a year now is leaving Monday the 8th at 6:30. :( I'm going to miss that silly little girl so much! I am so proud of her though, she has turned into such a wonderful dog, I just love her.

I feel bad too because I am leaving Saturday to take a cat to Hinkley Ohio (I'll be back late that night) and a 8 week old Rotweiler/Pitt bull mix is being checked into our shelter on Sunday so it's a very busy weekend for us. I do have a walk, a trip to the park and pet store trip planned for just me, her and my dad on sunday evening. I can't wait and I'm sure she will love the one on one time with me. I can't beleave it, she is so old and smart!!

Thought I would let you guys know.


11-02-2004, 06:38 PM
Good luck in your future job Breeze girl.

11-02-2004, 06:50 PM
Good luck Breeze, I'm sure you make Ash proud!!

Ash, I admire you for doing what you've done. Taking Breeze in and showing her the world, and getting her used to what she's going to be around for the rest of her life. Knowing that when she came into your life, she would not be yours forever. Being able to let go after watching her grow up. I admire you!!


11-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Aww, Good Luck Breezy-boo! Ash, take lots of pictures between now and then, and tons of hugs and kisses, too!

11-02-2004, 06:52 PM
Good luck Breeze!! Make us all proud!! You will be always remebered... I also admire what you and your family has done Ash