View Full Version : I need help/advice PLEASE!

11-02-2004, 03:29 PM
Last night I was sitting on the couch, and I smelled something funny. I started investigating and saw diarrhea under the couch, all under the couch. I thought it was the kitten so I kinda blew it off. But today I woke up, and checked , and Stash has poop all over him, head to toe, under my couch and the one in the living room also, he is kinda hot to the touch, And I am about to take him temp. to see what it says. I wiped his butt off with a wet washcloth, and he screams. His gums are a little pink, but not too bad. I even noticed a lil blood in his poop. What should I do? My cats have always been SO healthy, its got me going crazy? I read that diarrhea isnt that serious, to give it two days before worrying, do you think I should do. Please any advice on what to do, or something I can do to help him. I cant get him into the vet until Tomorrow. :( :( :(

11-02-2004, 03:42 PM
You really should get Stash to the vet as soon as you can. Diarrhea's normally not too serious unless it doesn't go away, but blood in the poop probably means there's a bigger problem than just an upset tummy.

If Stash is acting like he feels ok, the problem might just be lots and lots of bacteria in the tummy. Zelda's had that problem before. If that's the case, the vet'll probably give Stash some antibiotics and something like Flagyl (nasty nasty stuff - be ready to see Stash drooling from the icky taste if that's what the vet prescribes).

Let us know what the verdict is once the white coats have had a chance to look Stash over!

Forgot to add that you may want to let Stash fast for a little bit to clear out his system (maybe 12 hours or so), and when you do feed him, give him something easy on the tummy like a little bit of boiled chicken and rice.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-02-2004, 03:50 PM
Diarrhea can be serious because they can become seriously dehyrdrated from it. If you absolutely can't get him in until tomorrow, try forcing water into him. You can use either the "Boots tested and not approved" methodd of using a syringe (with the needle off of course) and shoot the water down his throat, or you can, or the "Boots tested and approved" method of adding some tuna water to regular water to get him to drink more fluids.

I sure hope it's nothing serious, but you should definitely get him in ASAP.

Poor Stashy boy, don't worry, your mommy will get you fixed up in no time.

11-02-2004, 07:57 PM
I decided at 5:30 that it COULD NOT wait another day. I had to take him NOW... I called the vets office, and of course they gave me crap about how it was not an emergency... I took him in anyways, and although they were not happy, I was and Stash was and the vet did not try to rush us out.
She took a fecal sample, and said it all came out negative. I knew that already... His tempature is at 103.8, Normal is 102.0. So it is a lil high. He is still having diarrhea, and it really scares me. The doctor said that she thinks it is either something he ate(unlikely IMO) or a bacterial infection. She said she wanted to wait on the blood test and see if it clears up itself. They gave him penicillian and intravenious fluids so he wont dehydrate. And also they gave him 2 perscriptions, one is FLAGYL 2 ml orally twice daily for 5 days. The second is called CENTRINE 0.2 MG tablets 1/2 twice daily as needed. It is a stool hardner. I have to wait until Thursday to see if it gets any better. The bill was 158.98. Expensive for what they did. I dont have any idea what to do now, or if he will get better. I feel like they could have done more, to give me a better answer. They could not tell me what/how/why this happened. :( I am STILL so upset and STILL going to worry about him. Us meowmies really have alot to deal with, huh? Thank you again for your replies. *HUGS* Katie

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-02-2004, 08:11 PM
I'm glad you got him in and I'm no expert, but it sounds like they did about all they can do until they get the blood test back. If it is an infection, the meds should take care of it and if it is something he ate, that should clear up in a few days also, so just keep a a good eye on him for the next few days and he should be fine. :)

11-02-2004, 08:25 PM
Oh, Flagyl is fuuuuuun stuff! You'll soon be getting the, "Oh no! Not again!" face, which looks something like:


And once the pill is swallowed, it'll be the drooly, "I will have my revenge face!"


Well, you'll be seeing those faces if Stash is too smart for the pill pockets, and you have to pill him the old fashioned way.

11-02-2004, 08:34 PM
OH poor Stash! I hope he is feeling better soon. I hope it's nothing more serious and the meds clear him up quickly.

Lacey that drooling picture is hilarious!! I have never had to give that to my cats but I saw that same drooling reaction many times at the shelter and I always felt so sorry for the kitty's but at the same time you couldn't help but laugh. They look like mad rabid animals! It does not make them happy campers!!:D

Laura's Babies
11-02-2004, 08:36 PM
Awe Stash baby, you are under the weather and got Mommie all worried about you! Poor baby! Take your meds and get better soon.....so Mommie can too! I agree, it sounds like they did all they could do at the vets.

Lacey, those pictures are pitiful.... (but made me laugh anyway) . I HATE it when I have to give mine meds and they do that... POOR BABIES!

11-02-2004, 10:07 PM
It really does help to have people that care about Stash. Thank you. Poor Baby , those pics are terrible. *but still cute*
I cant get any pictures of Stash because he is hiding under the couch. He did well in taking his pill and the fluids, did not even squirm. He is such a good boy. I am just so worried. I hope it is nothing contagious, the doctor said it is highly unlikely. I also syringe fed him water, and he did lick his chicken baby food, but only a few licks and then he turned his nose up. I hate to sound whiny, but I really get petrified when something like this happens, I feel like my other cats are in danger, and then I am constantly checking on them, their poop, their eating habits. I am not going to get any sleep tonight I am almost sure. Anyways, enough whining I am so thankful for your wishes and helpful words of advice. As soon as my baby gets to feeling better, I will post his pictures.
PS- he is still having diarrhea, do you think I should just leave him be, and let him get it out of his system? He cant even control it..even on our carpet. I dont mind, I can get it steam cleaned after this is all over...But I feel bad for keeping him in the bathroom, i think it petrifies him and reminds him of his "outdoor days"? Thank you so much again. Me and Stash give you all HUGE HUGS... Please keep him in your prayers.

11-03-2004, 12:31 AM
Poor Stash, poor you. :(

Its up to you if you want to keep him in the bathroom or not. Does he seem comfortable if you leave him out of the bathroom? I guess its just a matter of wanting to clean up the carpets.

Its good you got him in for the fluids, they get dehydrated so easily. Kitties get diarrhea for the same reasons we do. Maybe he ate something different?

Did the vet do any blood work on him?

I hope he feels better soon. You too. :) Its so upsetting when our furkids are ill.

11-03-2004, 08:53 AM
We know,Stash,that you dont like pills,as we dont either,but please take them,so you can be a healthy,and happy Cat!

11-03-2004, 03:33 PM
Just wanted to update today and let you all know that me and Stash still thank you for your kind words and prayers. Stash is doing a little bit better today. I gave him both of his meds, he drank 3 syringe full of water, and he even surprised me by eating 1/2 a jar of his chicken baby food. He still has poopy butt, and underneath my couch is a TOTAL mess, but I guess its a small price to pay for my Stashie boy. I just love him, to be so young, that poor boy has been through SO much, and has always been nothing but a well behaved love bug. Cost me well over 10 times what I have paid for Hannah and Puff put together. What can you do? I also noticed he got poop on the egde of my couch, which means he had to atleast come out and try to lay there. So I was relieved to see it. *wasnt as relieved to clean up the stinky mess though* ;)
Anyways, Again I wanted to thank you all and give out all the *HUGS* that you all deserve. Stash wants to give you kisses. I will put pictures up of him, as soon as I can get him from under the couch and feeling better. :D

PS- The vet wants to see him again on Thurday, tomorrow if his diarrhea isnt any better. Than the bloodwork will be done to see if it is anything more serious than what is expected right now. And I have decided to just let him stay out of the bathroom, and I will just have to keep cleaing up the mess. He just is too skittish to be locked in a bathroom. His safe haven in underneath the couch, and I dont want him to get worse because of stress.

11-03-2004, 03:48 PM
Poor Stash!

I do hope that he is feeling better as time goes by. Hopefully the vet can shed some light.

It's so sad when you know they're sick but you can't do anything about it.

11-03-2004, 05:34 PM
I have to say that Stash is one very lucky boy and has a wonderful Meowmie! Not many people would let any animal lay under the couch and make messes all over the place just to keep him comfortable and less stressed. I admire you for being so kind and loving to Stash.
I'm glad to hear that he is feeling a little better today and eating some. That is usually a good sign. I hope and pray that this is the end of his upset tummy and he will be all well soon.

btw-You're not whining you're just acting like the rest of us!;) :D

11-04-2004, 01:57 AM
Ok again I am sorry for so many updates..But it is all I can think about, and I just had to post this to let you all know, I think he is feeling better. He did come out from under the couch tonight, to eat and to use the litterpan!!! He still has diarrhea, but it looks a little more like clay instead of water(sorry for being gross), I have never been so happy about checking kitty poop in my life:rolleyes: lol
AND I did happen to catch on camera him peeking out and getting his neck scritches, as he LOVES them.. Sorry they arent the best, but it was dark and all I could get from him. Thank you all SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much for your kind wishes and prayers. Stash and I are eternally grateful, it has helped SO much. *HUGS*
On with the pictures....:D
PS- sorry for not posting much on other threads, I have been busy with Stash and my husband just had a tooth pulled today, so I have to give him meds also! *he acts more like a baby than Stash about it* ;)

11-04-2004, 02:01 AM

11-04-2004, 02:04 AM
So handsome!

11-04-2004, 02:05 AM
Thank you all again, And I hope you enjoyed...:D

11-04-2004, 06:43 AM
AWWW - we love Stash and are so glad he is feeling a bit better. Prayers and crossed fingers for a good report from the vet today. You're a good meowmie - thanks for keeping us posted!


your neighbor in Lexington, Tina

11-04-2004, 07:13 AM

He is beautiful! I had a male tortie once. I rescued him from a CT shelter and placed him with a wonderful family in CT.

I hope Stash feels better. Sounds like he might have some kind of an intestinal parasite. That's usually what they give Flagyl for.

11-06-2004, 02:49 AM
I called the vet this morning, to see if they could see Stash and give him a recheck. They told me that since he has been getting better, with no worsening or continual signs, that I should wait another week and keep his medications going.. Since he has not threw up, they said that I should give him a little longer, and if his condition keeps on, we will then run bloodwork:rolleyes:
Anyways, Stash seems to be feeling much better today. He even went to the dry food and ate a few pieces. He still gets 2 jars of baby food, and a scoop of can cat food to eat. Still syringe feeding him water- up to 15 times a day. And his medications he actually does not mind getting. He even came out and looked outside from his scratching post, and has now began wanting to use to litter pan EVERY time he has to go. He still has diarrhea with blood in it, but it is less frequent, and he seems to be in less pain. The vet said that blood is normal usually, because his fecal was clear. So I do not know what to think. He also gets plain yogurt, and he HATES the pumpkin I tried to give him.
I included some pictures I took of him today, he is so handsome. *sigh* I wish he felt as handsome as he looks. But I believe *knocks on wood* that he is getting better. It is the first time he came all the way from underneath the couch for some cuddlin and to scratch his cat tree. Thank you all SO VERY MUCH for the warm wishes and kind thoughts and prayers you have shared for him. I am so thankful, and so is Stash. *HUGS* from Stash for all the wonderful PT pals he has made, and hopes to be feeling better to pose for you all in a few days :D

11-06-2004, 02:50 AM

11-06-2004, 02:51 AM

11-06-2004, 02:53 AM
And my personal favorite! I hope you all enjoyed:D