View Full Version : Urgent! Boycott People Mag! Glorifies Puppy Mills/brokers!

11-02-2004, 02:36 PM
this was posted as a bulletin to my space this morning

HEY EVERYONE! This is not a drill, this is a real ALARM! WOOF!

I need help from all my furry/fuzzy/feathered (and human) friends! Please excuse me if you have already received this bulletin as my siblings and my human have posted it as well.

Please repost to as many circles of friends as possible. People magazine is currently running a feature in the November 8th issue called "Teen Titans" about young entrepeneurs. One of these budding "merchants" is Timothy Hampson who is the proud owner of cuddlypuppy.com, who's mother helps him with the site.

Cuddlypuppy.com is just a mere example of what puppymills are in true definition. The "breeders" could care less as to where these dogs are going, to whom or what happens to them. The major priority in selling these dogs is simply money. There are over 70,000 dogs in pounds and shelters as we speak, many of them are leftovers from these mills and back yard breeders, "teacup" or miniature dogs who have so many health problems that they are dumped off at shelters is just a tiny example as to why.

If you currently have a subscription to People magazine, I urge you to consider to cancel it due to their gross negligence by running this article. Please inform your friends and family to do the same.

Please visit the petition to sign and add your remarks to it. The petition was only just created today and already it has over 600 signatures.


This petition is to ask People Magazine to please allow an article to be put into their magazine about puppymills and rescue dogs, to try and educate people out there who need to be educated instead of advertising about a teenager and his mother making money off of making a careless website to help these millers sell more pups and pocket a few dollars on the side for it. The November article showed nothing more then promotion of these types of Internet breeders who need to be shut down.

Thank you

Humanity is a cancer would also like to add the following information:

For those who read this, this site IS real. It has been in the middle of a huge controversy for many years. I urge each and everyone of you to please boycott this site. Write these people and urge them to STOP breeding for profit! How many more mixed breed type dogs do we need? How many more of these cute innocent puppies will end up in our states shelters? How many will end up in the wrong hands with people who will abuse, torture and kill them? Please educate yourself about puppy mills. You can see for yourself just how stupid that site is. NO ONE can give a lifelong guarantee on a puppy! That is complete BS!

Cass- Freckles mommy