View Full Version : Cancer Stories to share?

11-02-2004, 09:54 AM
Hi everyone...I wasn't sure where to post this, so I just picked General. Let me know if it needs moved...

I don't want to get too personal and make anyone uncomfortable, but I thought this would maybe help anyone like me who is in a sense, looking for some support. Would anyone be willing to share a cancer story? Success or sadness? Please post whatever you're comfortable with....

I lost my dad to Pancreatic Cancer this Feb. He was diagnosed November 19...only 2 1/2 months from diagnosis to loss :(. He was 63 years young and my greatest role model! I miss him terribly! As we are beginning to go through holidays, his birthday just passed (Oct 29th), and reliving the few months of the disease, it is becoming difficult for me. Thankfully, I have a strong support system in my home and church...and my babies (especially Chloe) are always there when I need a hug. I never knew a sole with any type of cancer until the age of 17. Since then, the total is now at 5, all of whom have died or are in the last stages. :mad: :mad: I hate this awful disease!!

Ok, I don't think this is exactly how I intended this post....I think I'll end with a precious photo of my daddy with my brother when they were younger (probably about 11-12 years ago)...

(sorry so small...my larger ones aren't working and I'm at work right now...)

smokey the elder
11-02-2004, 10:01 AM
My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1982. She had a mastectomy and radiation. She is now 95 years old.

I hope all the new science will keep making more and more cancers curable.

I'm sorry about your dad.

Samantha Puppy
11-02-2004, 10:03 AM
I lost my grandmother to colon cancer on December 25, 1997. She was 83. She was the greatest grandmother anyone could have ever wished for. She was around and involved, lots of fun, spoiled us rotten, would cut off her left arm if you needed it, spiritual, funny, loving, BIG animal lover, she was just perfect. I miss her so much and even though it's been almost 7 years, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her and my eyes fill up (and sometimes, over) wishing that I had just *one* more hour with her.

I love you, Mom Mom. You are missed more than you can know.


Edit: I also lost Pop Pop (Mom Mom's husband) to spinal cancer, but he died two years before I was born. They diagnosed him and within two months he was gone. He was in pain and dying on May 22, 1976 and died just past midnight on my dad's birthday, May 23, 1976. Two years later, on May 22, 1978, I came along, so my mom took it as a sign from her dad that she shouldn't be sad because life was still coming through him.

At any rate, I lost both maternal grandparents to cancer, as well as my paternal grandmother - but she and I weren't close at all so I rarely think about her... :(

11-02-2004, 10:12 AM
My grandmothers and aunts are breast cancer survivors. I lost my grandfather to liver cancer in May. He was diagnosed on a Thursday and died that following Wednesday. Although we didn't get much time to say goodbye, I am greatful that he did not suffer long. I also lost my dear friend, Lee to throat cancer last November. They suspect that he got it from the agent orange in the war.

11-02-2004, 10:13 AM
My grandpa died from lung cancer this spring from smoking. :( My grandma is a breast cancer and kidney survivor. My great aunt is a breast cancer survivor.

11-02-2004, 10:21 AM
wow...it is so amazing the number of people affected by some type of cancer!! Think back to the early 90's if you can....It was usually "a friend of a friend..." that was diagnosed with some type of cancer, usually breast or lung....now, it is everywhere :( Thank you to everyone who has posted. I will add each of you to my prayer list!

PJ's Mom
11-02-2004, 10:48 AM
I lost my dad to renal cancer on January 28th, 1997. He was diagnosed the previous April. I wasn't there for him when he died. I should've been. I have an answering machine tape where my step mother called me to tell me how bad he was getting, and in the background, he's yelling my name. That was a month or so before he died. He was so delirious from the pain killers he was on, that he hardly recognized me the last time I saw him. :(

My paternal grandfather also died of cancer (bone cancer) in 1986...3 months before my first daughter was born. We were so close, but I never told him he had a great-grandchild on the way. (i was only 19) :(

I miss them both very much and often wonder if my life would be a whole lot better if they were both still around. :( :(

11-02-2004, 11:25 AM
My GF of 13 years passed of pancreatic cancer on March 19 2002.

I never use the term 'lost' when I talk about her......She is "safe and found", in my heart.

PC is an insidious disease......It is cruel and unforgiving. Support any research or make a donation of some kind to help try and fight this disease.

11-02-2004, 11:29 AM
I'm a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in November 1997, had a mastectomy and reconstruction in 1998-2001 (9! surgeries!), was on Tamoxifen and then Arimidex for a total of 5 years and now I'm considered cancer free. I did have a scare in July 2003 and had to have a biopsy in my remaining breast which turn out to be benign. I get mammograms once a year and do self-exams regularly (at least once a month). Ladies, please check yourselves! Mammograms don't find everything.

I had had a clear mammogran in June 1997 and found the lump myself in August 1997. The doctors pooh-poohed my fears and told me it would "go away." I knew different and had to pressure them into biopsying the lump. Turned out I had four tumors. They tried lumpectomies - after two tries and still no clear margins on the tumors, they wanted to go in a third time. That is when I put my foot down and said no, they'd caused enough disfigurement by that time and I had also developed lympedema (swelling of the arm post- lymph node dissection). That is when I decided to go for the mastectomy with reconstruction. I have never regretted my decision, as during all my surgeries I also got a boob lift on my remaining breast so I'm nice 'n perky.

guster girl
11-02-2004, 11:42 AM
I lost my grandmother (mom's mom) to lung cancer in '85, she wasn't even 60. It's still difficult for my mother, and, especially now since she's getting close to that age. :( A friend of mine died of colon cancer (I'm saying that, and, not 100% sure if that was the type) this year and he was in his early 30's. He'd previously lost both parents to the same disease. He was an amazing human being, you'd never known he was as sick as he was, except for the last couple of weeks. One of my best friends just lost her mother to a long bout with breast cancer, and, another one of my good friend's mother has just recently been diagnosed with the same. My brother is a leukemia survivor. He was diagnosed at 5, finally stopped treatments at 10, and, is now turning 31 in January. I have many more, unfortunately, but, those are the stories closest to my heart. I wear yellow around my wrist. :)

11-02-2004, 12:22 PM
I have a few...

My little cousin Rhian(Ree-ann), was diagnosed with Cancer around Christmas 2003, she was 14 months old at the time.

She had a big tumor on her bladder and couldn't pee on her own, and also had some spots on her liver.

A few months ago, she was announced cancer free! And I hope she stays that way!!! :)

Here she is:

My aunt Janie was diagnosed with cancer on her overies(or somewhere around there) in 2002, she had surgery and treatments and is also cancer free now!

Here she is with her pride and joy ;)

Also the one that effects me the most, is Courtney, almost like a little sister to me...

She was diagnosed with Cancer, she had a big tumor on her brain, she was about 7-8 years old, she had a long hard battle with cancer for over 4 years, and died 2 years ago at the age of 12 :(

Here she is before all of this, the picture is very blurry because I had to take a picture of the picture:

I know there are more...

Cancer is everywhere :(

11-02-2004, 05:20 PM
My aunt died from skin cancer (Mellanoma - SP) about a year ago. It was very hard on my dad. As well as my uncle. I think he took it worse though, i mean who's spouse wouldnt? My aunt linda, struggled for years with treatment. The last time i saw her, she was in her casket. I miss her dearly....

R.I.P to all of the cancer victims, as i know how if feels to lose a loved one. :(

11-02-2004, 05:24 PM

Lost my grandfather to esophageal cancer in summer 2002. I stayed home that summer to care for him. It was the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed. The tumor closed up his esophagus and he literally starved to death. A horrible, slow, painful thing.
He had prostate cancer before that, but beat it.

Lost my uncle to cancer in 1997. By the time he figured out he was sick, it had spread to his liver, lungs, brain, lymph nodes...everywhere. We're not even sure where it started. He died four days after he was diagnosed. Very sudden for all of us.


11-02-2004, 07:51 PM
My grandpa died about 8 years ago from cancer. I was pretty little at the time so I don't remember all the details. I miss him a lot and that is the only thing I can do. The only way that makes me feel happy for my grandpa is that he is in a happier place. My grandpa loved all of his grandkids and even though I didn't get to know him very well, I knew he loved us. I still love him and it helps me to know that he is looking down on me right now and is watching me grow up before his very eyes.

My great aunt was diagnosed with cancer just a view months ago. She was in the hospital and my mom and grandma were spending a lot of time with her. She was one of the lucky ones. She had kimotherepy (sp?) and survived. She is out of the hospital and is better than ever.

The only thing you can do when it comes to somebody having cancer is pray. If there is a cure thank GOD, if they die because there is no cure, pray to GOD and ask him to get through the hard times. Cancer comes to some people whether you want it to or not. Nobody knows why. There is nothing you can do. Keep praying that there will be a cure for all kinds of cancer and hope for the best.

11-02-2004, 07:55 PM
My good neighbor has cancer. He was not supposed to live this long. He had surgery recently, they tried taking some cancer out, but its all over the place. Soon he's leaving, to BC I believe, with his wife and their dog, Hucky. I will miss them. He can't handle the cold so he has to go for the winter. Tomorrow might be the last chance I get to see him.

11-02-2004, 09:31 PM
I lost my mom in nov 29 2003 from breast cancer

11-02-2004, 09:37 PM
My Mom-in-law is in a battle with multiple myeloma. Back in August and September we thought her battle was just about over. But she has bounced back a bit, and her cancer numbers have come back down a bit, for which we are thankful.

Cancer is such a scary, hard disease, and my heart goes out to everybody who's life has been touched (in one way or other) by it.

Laura's Babies
11-03-2004, 08:57 AM
I have several...

My sisters granson had a brain tumor when he was about 7, had surgery and was fine. It grew back a few years later, they went in and removed it again and he has been fine since, he is now a handsome young man.

Best friend had cancer 3 times. First time, she was about 18, cancer in female organs.. She made them wait till she had a baby to do surgery so she went and get herself pregnant before all parts had to be taken out. Then, breast cancer in left breast at about 40, removed the breast and even though she begged them to take both breasts, they wouldn't do it. A year later, she got it in the other breast and they had to take it too. She was a big breasted woman and she was GLAD to be rid of them and unless it is s special event, she won't wear her prostisies(sp?)
ones. She says she is all "breasted out" and don't like them!

My oldest brother put off having his colonscopy done to long and got colon cancer. Was cancer free for 2 years and it showed up again. Had surgery again and was cancer free for another 2 years and it showed up again, this time on the liver. He died during the surgery on his liver.

Five years later, Mama has it. She refuses to have surgery for it and we all knew if she did have the surgery at age 80, she would not survive the surgery so we did not argue with her. They gave her only 1 year without the surgery. She lived 17 months. We kept her at home. The week before she passed away, she started telling my sister to call us to come, that she was dying and wanted to see us before she left this world. As the week went on, Mama got more and more insistant that she wanted to see us before she left. (I was at work on a boat on the lower Mississippi River) Anyhow, I got home Saturday and Mama passed away Sunday night. She just went to sleep after a day of everyone coming by to see her and say "Goodbye". It was a peaceful death and she suffered VERY little. She was ready to go and said she had, had a good life and was ready. I hope I can go with the love and dignity she did.

11-03-2004, 09:36 AM
So many of us have been touched by someone with cancer. The youngest are definitely the hardest I think. It is great to hear some success stories!!!!! Congrats to everyone who is currently cancer-free!! That is a huge success!!! :D As more stories are added, I will continue to add names to my prayer list. Loosing anyone for any reason is not easy....and having to watch a loved one suffer...:( Thank you to everyone for your stories. I is comforting to know that you're not alone in some situations.

guster girl ~ purple on my wrist for my daddy too! :D I love to get comments on my braclet because it gives me a chance to tell my story and get the word about pancreatic cancer out.

Richard ~ There are so few of us who can really understand pancreatic cancer. I'm so sorry for your "loss", or "found"! Thank you for sharing...and definitely for the plea for research funding. There is just not enough funding or research for this disease because it is not as wide-spread as some of the more common forms of cancer...but the truth seems to be that it is a death sentence for anyone who gets the diagnosis. Out of the appx. 30,000 who are diagnosed, about 28,000-29,000 will die within the first year. :( I know the scenario all too well. Thankfully, our loved ones are pain-free now.

11-03-2004, 10:29 AM
My mother is a breast, and skin cancer survivor. My aunt in a breast cancer survivor. My dad's father was lost to lung cancer. My grandfater is a colon cancer survivor.

Every woman on my mom's side of the family has had breast cancer, and every generation is about 5-10 years earlier. The only person it has skipped on my mom's side is my grandma.

11-03-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by cubby31682
My mother is a breast, and skin cancer survivor. My aunt in a breast cancer survivor. My dad's father was lost to lung cancer. My grandfater is a colon cancer survivor.

Every woman on my mom's side of the family has had breast cancer, and every generation is about 5-10 years earlier. The only person it has skipped on my mom's side is my grandma.

wow! so many survivors in your family! That is great...your family is full of fighters. I'm sorry your dad's father was taken, but I'm sure he put up a good fight! With that streak of breast cancer, I hope your in good practice of doing self-tests already. It's never to soon to start! :D

11-03-2004, 12:49 PM
My mother's father died of some form of cancer 50 years ago. I was only 12, but I remember my mom and aunts nursing him.

My mother died of several cancers in 1996. She had beaten breast cancer in 1955, and again in 1958. She developed skin cancer on several spots and had them removed. She had a hysterectomy in 1995. Eventually, the doctors found cancer in her arm and lungs.

I watched her die a slow death of starvation. By this time, she was no longer in pain and told me she was ready. I laid on the floor with her for a week telling her it was OK to let go. She smiled as she slipped away, so I know she was at peace.

It nearly killed me to watch. I still miss her after all these years.


11-03-2004, 07:09 PM
I lost my both my natural parents to cancer.
My grandmother and sister had breast cancer and beat it. :)

11-03-2004, 07:24 PM
To all of you who have lost someone special and close to this cruel disease I am truely sorry.

My mother is also a Breast Cancer survivor a year past now coming up two soon, unfortunatley NZ has one of the highest cases of Breast Cancer in the world, and we don't yet know why?

I also lost my Adopted Uncle Joe ( the only uncle I ever knew as a child) to lung cancer over 13 years ago.

I hope not to loose anyone to this awful disease and take heart at all the survivor stories here.

Thank you to everyone for sharing their private stories,some make me want to cry and others give me hope.:)

11-03-2004, 07:45 PM
My father and his youngest brother, my uncle, have Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL). At this point it is believed that the disease results from an acquired (not inherited) injury to the DNA of a single cell in the bone marrow.

Right now my uncle is much sicker than my father. My uncle was diagnosed earlier and shirked chemotherapy and his doctor’s recommendations for other modes of healing. He now regrets it. :( My father has had only one "round" of chemotherapy although he has been living with the disease for at least four years now. Although traumatic and horrible, the chemotherapy gave him positive results and he is now in a sort of remission period.

This cancer is not fast acting and patients generally live for five to ten years after diagnosis. This type of leukemia generally does not respond to bone marrow transplants, which is something I would do in an instant for my father or uncle. Well, I'm in the national registry so really I'd do it for any match. Anyway, I just wish there was something I could do...the situation makes me feel very helpless. :(

Thanks for starting this thread shutterbug0303 and thanks to everyone for sharing their stories.

11-03-2004, 07:46 PM
I lost my great grandpa to lung cancer when I was 2 years old. I also just learned that a close family friend of ours was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. :(

11-03-2004, 10:24 PM
My nephew (Ralph's sister's 3 child out of 4) was diagnosed with bone cancer when he was 5 years old. This past month he passed his 5th year cancer free and is cured!!

My grandmother was diagnosed with cancer about 3 years ago, and has been in remission for almost 2 years.

Ralph's dad was diagnosed with cancer of the throat about 2 or 3 years ago and is in remission.

A woman I worked with and became good friends with was diagnosed with breast cancer, about 6 years ago. After about 4 1/2 years, her cancer came back. She has been battling ever since, and last year was given 6 months-6 years. It has been up and down since, but she has been getting worse recently. Everytime she is feeling well, she travels as much as possible, arund the country and to Africa to visit her daughter who is a missionary. She has a very positive outlook about the whole thing.

11-04-2004, 03:51 PM
I hope your in good practice of doing self-tests already. It's never to soon to start!

I've had to do them since I was 10 years old. If I didn't I would get grounded because my mom wanted to stress the importance of doing them. If I found anythingn I always went and asked my mom to check it out for me just to be on the safe side. I have already gone through a bunch of tests, shots, ultra sounds. I have to start mamagrams at 25 now. I will be going in soon for a cells test, just to find out if I have any of the cells at all.