View Full Version : A note from Franklin the Brave

11-02-2004, 12:49 AM
Woos PTer's

I thought you might like this picture of me being brave. Well, Mom said you would like it!

A couple nights ago, my Mom was already in bed and my Dad was watching TV on the futon. Did you know we broke the futon so it stays a bed all the time now!? Anywoo, I decided to be really brave and I let myself up on the couch and snuggled up to Dad. I have never, ever gotten on the couch before. Not once in the two years and nine months that I have lived here. And I certainly never cuddled with Dad. He's kinda scary sometimes. He's really LOUD! I hate loud! Dad was so shocked that he wouldn't move until I got down. He called Mom quietly until she finally got up. She was all grouchy at him until she saw me snuggling on the couch, then she almost started crying.

Mom says I am still getting braver and more confident. I also went counter surfing yesterday and scored a big chunk of cheese. Mom made me go outside for awhile after that! I have to go snuggle with Preacher now. I am helping take care of him and he is feeling a bit better today. He was wagging his tail earlier and wanted to go for a little walk.

Wooos and kisses
Franklin the Brave!

11-02-2004, 08:40 AM
OMG! Happy tears! What a beautiful family photo:) You ARE Franklin the Brave!!! I'm sure that took a lot of courage, Franklin...us humans CAN be SO scary;) I'll bet this is just the beginning of a life long, loving relationship with your Dad:) And yes, I do remember you guys "breaking " the futon:D And am I'm going screwy, but is that another doggie I see on the other side of the glass???:D Congrats to you BEAUTIFUL Franklin on your huge achievement! And extra hugs and kisses to you for being such a sweet brother to Preacher. I'm sure you are one of the main reasons for him feeling so much better:) I was so happy to read he was feeling better:) Please tell Preacher and your Mom I asked about him and continue to send prayers and postivie thoughts his way! Love, Sandra

11-02-2004, 10:15 AM
Oh Franklin, I am so happy for you!! I know first hand how happy your mommy is and how proud of you she must be!! Just a few weeks ago I was able to snap the first picture ever of my hubby and Buddy together!!! You pups sure can be silly!! You've spent so much time being afraid of those big loud men... and all you had to do was let your guard down for a little bit to be able to realize... hey.. they're not so mean after all!!!:D

Bless your heart Franklin for being such a brave boy and for making sure Preacher is feeling better!

Is that Earl looking in the window?!?

11-02-2004, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
Is that Earl looking in the window?!?

That's Heyoka. He was waiting for his turn to come inside and bugging Muskwa through the glass. They are always bugging each other!

11-02-2004, 11:38 AM
That is so sweet! Love the little doggy in the wondow too. What a good pic!