View Full Version : Zeke, my good boy!

11-01-2004, 08:21 PM
We had flyball class tonight, and on my last update I think I said he was having problems with the ball and ramp. Well tonight, other then running off and nosing into everyone elses business :o :o :o I sware, he's the ONLY dog who EVER does that...:o anyway, he was excellent other then that. He's improving so much every class it seems.

Today, we started at the 2nd jump and he ran and got the ball and chased me back over the 4 jumps with the ball in his mouth!! (that's all he needs to do to pass level one so I hope he keeps it up) he was so good! i've been working on him A LOT with the ball like putting the ball somewhere and telling him to go get it and bring it back. Also trying to make it seem SOO fun to go get it and bring it back. I make a huge fuss when he does it and I think he loves the fuss.

He does the ramp for the most part, he just doesn't put all 4 paws on it like he should...I don;t that that's overly important right now though, I believe it's safer for him but I know most dogs only use 2 paws.

Good dog, Zeke! No more running off though!! Silly boy

11-01-2004, 08:47 PM
LOL I got a smile out of picturing him running around nosing into everyone's business. I can imagine Tasha doing that, she's a very nosy dog. I'm glad to hear he's doing better though, I bet it's great for his self confidence. Didn't you say once he was a bit of a shy dog? Sorry if I have that mixed up :o. Good boy Zeke!

11-01-2004, 09:10 PM
Zeke, shy? Noooo, he's extremely playful and LOVES all dogs and people. His 2 fav things ever I think are playing with dogs and being patted :rolleyes: :o

11-01-2004, 09:14 PM
Ok I obviously mixed him up with someone else then. Sorry Zekey boy! I'm sure it's a really good outlet for him though :)

11-02-2004, 04:21 PM
Heh, it's all good :D

11-03-2004, 01:36 AM
:( I don't know why ppl ask for updates if they don't care..

11-03-2004, 07:36 AM
Sorry but i have been extremly busy, we are moving house next week.

That is great that Zeke man is doing so well, i would love to see that boy in action. LOL silly boy for running off, but it is normal behaviour. Alot of the larger dogs phsically cannot do swimmers turns so dont worry at all if he is not getting all 4 paws on the ramp, Clover cannot do she is so stocky that she cannot turn that tight. Elvis is slowly getting there, and will put 3 paws up on the box, we are aimng for 4 soon ;).

Thankyou for updating us Audrey. Oh and how is Zeke going with the motivator? I hope you have more luck than us, Elvis wont come flying back for the rope toy now, he just wants to play ball :(.

11-03-2004, 07:41 AM
He won't work with a toy, so I'm using treats now for a motivator. It's working very well though

11-03-2004, 07:52 AM
Ah that is better than nothing ;). Clover's motivator is food also, she has never ran for a rope toy.

11-03-2004, 08:09 AM
Glad he's doing a little better. I imagine the dogs get really wired doing that. I know how hyped up the horses get when doing barrels and things like that. So, I can't blame him for being curious about what everyone else is doing. He'll probably quit doing that after he's gotten more used to it.