View Full Version : I'm so nervous!!!

11-01-2004, 06:05 PM
Kind of pointless but...

I just brought home my report card and its not very good I'm so afriad to show it to my parents. I mean it could be a lot worse. I know my parents are going to flip when they see it. I know they'll be dissapointed in me... but I'm finding this year (Grade 12) really hard and I am trying my best. My grades are all fairly good (A's, B's and a C+, and I have a really bad mark in Bio :o) but the problem is I'm behind in a few of my courses...

Please keep your fingers crossed for me that they don't get too upset... :(

Thanks for listening.

11-01-2004, 06:10 PM
Aww...I hope they don't get too upset either, as long as you are trying your hardest and best, and I am sure you are. :) What classes are the hardest for you? I would be nervous too. Maybe if they know that you are trying your hardest, they will understand more, and if the classes that you got some bad grades in are ones that you struggle with maybe they can help you with them or something. Some classes are not certain peoples strong points. :) Science isn't mine. :o Keep your chin up, girly. :) At least you are trying your hardest and staying in school. :) {{{HUGS}}}

11-01-2004, 07:52 PM
As a parent I have never seen the need to get mad if my children did not do well in any particular thing, I always tell them to try their best, and if they know they did that, then they should be happy with their results.

Naturally we want our children to succeed and do well, but you can only encourage them to do well, berating them is not going to achieve anything IMO.

My daughter gets taught Maori in school and she hates it, she does not see the need for it, as she will never use it, and she is probably right there, it is compulsory in NZ, something I have a problem with myself, it should be a choice, she told me she does not try hard in it and does badly, I just said to her , well Melissa you should give it your best in every subject, no matter what, to the best of your ability.

I could have growled at her, but I could not see the point, I don't think she will change her mind anyhow.

I hope your parents praise you for what you have done well at and encourage you to work harder in those subjects you have not done so good in. GOOD LUCK.

11-01-2004, 08:12 PM
I'm sorry your having such troub;e in school. The way I see it is if your only doing bad in one course then they should know your trying getting md is not gonna make you understand the material more. Maybe extra help from the proffs will help.. Sorry hope you cheer up ~HUGS~:)