View Full Version : ugh poor poor puppies

11-01-2004, 11:28 AM
we were at a petstore yesterday I was just horrified at their puppys! I know petstores have puppys, and most that I have seen around here at least keep the puppys looking healthy, but these poor puppys were so packed full of worms it was horrifing the one puppy was really bad its tummy almost the size of the puppy himself, and he could not even poop, you could see him trying and trying but he couldent, and then another puppy his hair was matted with poop. what really horrified me was how many people were interested in those puppys we were only in the store for maybe 10 minuts and I heard so many comments about how cute those puppys were and how they were "only $600" unfortinatly people already know what a bad petstore it is and nothig has been done, if anything it has gotten worse from that last time I was there. this is the same store that when we asked them to call the other branches of the store(this is the only bad branch, the rest of the branches are all really good) if they had any gerbils to avoid driving all over town, I wtached her pretned to dial the # and turn around and go "nope" so we did go and guess what? the other branches DID :rolleyes: the phone call was so obviously fake, they just dont seem to care, one person told the lady that their was a dead fish in one of there tanks ya know what her responce was? "so fish it out yourself" :eek: obviously we did not buy anything from there. but I think we were like the only ones amungt a bunch of people looking at the puppys going "those poor babies, they need to be at a vet not at a pet store" :(

guster girl
11-01-2004, 11:32 AM
Can't you call someone or report that store? I would think that would constitute as neglect. I don't know, though. Just a thought.

11-01-2004, 11:33 AM
That's horrible! Poor pups, I hope they can get a chance to go see a vet somehow:( That's why I hate pet stores that sell puppies and kittens, although I don't think I've ever seen any in as bad of health as you're describing these ones are. Can't you call someone and get them reported or something?:(

11-01-2004, 11:38 AM
the store has already been reported several times and many people boycott it, ther is not really much AC could do, as the puppys are listed as having been dewormed recently, they have water and food, and their messes are cleaned up right away, they have everything required of them to have, but they obviously need to be bathed, and dewormed again, the girl that works there, after seeing her attitude she would not give a damn if someone told her the pups needed anything, I could not believe her attitude, lazy lazy lazy, she was acting all discusted when she had to come clean up a mess etc..

11-01-2004, 11:38 AM
Can't this be reported to the local animal welfare agency?

The state vet? Animal control? Human Society?

There must be some agency that regulates pet stores for conditions of there animal.

11-01-2004, 11:42 AM
thats the thing everything they are doing is within the law, all we have is a homan society which I know from experiance cant do anything they just tell you to call AC and because the petstore is technacly within the law, AC cant really do anything :( the fact that all this is within the law is really sad :(

11-01-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by cali
thats the thing everything they are doing is within the law, all we have is a homan society which I know from experiance cant do anything they just tell you to call AC and because the petstore is technacly within the law, AC cant really do anything :( the fact that all this is within the law is really sad :(

We have that same problem here too. There's pet store that everyone in town has starting calling "CROAK and DIE" because of the horrible way they care for their pets.

Calls have been made to get them shut down. But so far it has not happened. :eek: :confused: They are just told to clean up some, given a warning and that's it, on with biz. :mad:

My hopes are that one day they will just go out of Biz., sense everyone seem to know how bad they are. They did have to move to a smaller store, because biz was slow, so fingers crossed that closing will come very soon.

11-01-2004, 04:22 PM
That's terrible!:( Which petstore was it? I'll be on the look-out for it...I think we're passing by Regina this weekend and might stop for a bit to eat or get some groceries...
:( :( :( :(

11-01-2004, 04:32 PM
Parton me if this sounds ignorant, but is Canada's pet laws different than the U.S.? Maybe if you could get some concerned people to hold a little protest outside of the store or hand out flyers to customer's as they enter discribing the neglect of the pets. Or have people sign a petition for change and send it to the main corporate office. Sometimes getting the media involved does allot. I hope there is at least something to be done.

11-01-2004, 05:34 PM
that's terrible!:( :( :( there is a petstore in indiana that is a lot like that. when you open the door the stench brings tears to your eyes. the lady that owns the place told me she gets her puppies from local responsible breeders. i don't know of ANY responsible breeders that would let their puppies go there! the puppies were obviosly sick and they had a lot of mixes too.:(

11-01-2004, 08:26 PM
sorry computer was down all day, Maria the petstore is pats pets in Vic square, all the branches sell puppys but that Vic square one is just bad all around. I believe the crazy lady of the flyball club is starting a radio protest against petland and pats pets in Vic square, not sure when she is starting this, but my mom told me about it, looks like she is at least doing ONE thing right lol

11-02-2004, 12:54 AM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal

Calls have been made to get them shut down. But so far it has not happened. :eek: :confused: They are just told to clean up some, given a warning and that's it, on with biz. :mad:

My hopes are that one day they will just go out of Biz., sense everyone seem to know how bad they are. They did have to move to a smaller store, because biz was slow, so fingers crossed that closing will come very soon.

I would definately keep trying! A store with puppies full of worms and sick and dying, like yours and Cali's, is bound to have Parvo and kennel cough spreading around... I had complained about a placed called Puppy Palace downtown about 10 times, the conditions were aboslutely disgusting, and a lot of people complained about it. Then, all of the puppies ended up contracting Parvo, and by the time the SPCA came in to rescue them, the pups were *all* beyond treatment and I think all (I think there was 40-50 puppies) but a few died. The place was shut down, and thankfully the owners and operators were arrested. Keep trying, hopefully Animal Control and the police will listen someday....

Oh my god, it just makes me sick. ALL of those people can go to hell. >.< ack, I get so angry at this...