View Full Version : Tubby's 6 month checkup

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2004, 10:56 AM
Tubby had to go to the white coats on Saturday for his 6 month checkup. I tried not to worry, but I have noticed that the food isn't disappearing as fast as usual and Tubby has really been sleeping a lot. He sleeps all the time anyway, but it seems like now he sleeps ALL the time, and he sleeps sooo soundly that, like you saw in that one video, sometimes I have to really poke/prod/pet him to wake him up. And when I actually took him to the vet, he wasn't his normal adventurous self. It seemed all he wanted to do was go back home and take a nap - very unlike him.

So, Terry just called and told me the vet called and gave him the result of the blood test. His kidney levels are up. :( She said it's nothing significant and nothing to worry about. Yeah right, like I'm not going to worry! Especially after she tells me that she now wants to see him again in 3 months this time, instead of 6, which it has been for the last couple of years. :(

The good news is that he gained almost 1/2 pound. So even though the food doesn't seem to be disappearing, I guess it is. However, like the vet said on Saturday, we don't want Tubby to actually become a tubster again, but at least he's not wasting away yet and it looks like his thyroid levels are still good.

Also, I asked about the arthritis again. This time I was told to give him a baby aspirin, 1 every 3 days. That will help with the pain. He said the Cosequin hasn't been tested as extensively because it's not a drug (it's a natural remedy) so he didn't know what increasing the dosage on that would do to Tubby's kidneys, so he suggested the aspirin. So, now Tubby gets 1/4 of a Pepcid everyday, a dropper full of....stool softener stuff everyday, a Cosequin capsule everyday and a baby aspirin every 3 days.....and all of this needs to be filtered through the kidneys, and they're not that well off. :(

I don't think Tubby is going to leave me anytime soon, but this is the first time in 3 1/2 years the vet hasn't had good news for me....and I'm not supposed to worry!? :(

(PS - it's taken me 45 minutes to type this because I'm sneaking it in while the boss is here. I'm still working on the pics and videos and things would go so much faster if he'd just leave already) ;)

11-01-2004, 11:13 AM
I can see why you worry Debbie - so much goes wrong as they get older - but is is all normal aging things - if you know what I mean? If you did not have the testing done, you would likely not even know these things. My RB Ernie developed early kidney problems when he was about 12 years old. I knew I would not do life extending measures and so chose not to take him back for geriatric followups. He lived to be 17 years old and died peacefully of kidney failure - as I saw all of the signs. Looking back, I am glad I did not do all the workups and preventative care because I just would have fretted over all of it.
I don't mean NOT to get Tubby the best care you can, I am just saying that the declines are all normal and to be expected.
Hope that all came out like I intended - I meant it to be realistic and comforting!

11-01-2004, 11:29 AM
Debbie, of course you are going to worry about Tubby. It is so hard to accept when we realize that they are getting older and parts just start to wear out. It sounds as though you are doing everything possible for him to make him comfortable. I know those doses will be accompanied with lots of loving for him too.
He will love that!

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-01-2004, 11:36 AM
hugs and kisses for Tubby!!

I havn't had the joy yet of raising T and J for as long as you have had Tubby.. so I have no real advice... but I do have lots of hugs and kitty kisses for Tubby and Peanut.. so give them some for me please!!:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2004, 11:39 AM
Thanks Debbie & Gini. :) :( (that's a smile through the sad face)

Debbie, I know it's just normal aging, and I knew this day would come, just like I know the day will come when his kidneys fail altogether. I also know he's led a good long life and instead of worrying I should treasure every day he's still with me. But knowing all that doesn't make it any easier. :(

Gini, yes, those doses come with a lot of loving....and treats! Which is why I know he'll be around for awhile yet. He's always there bright and early every morning waiting for his day treats....and medicine if it has to be. The day he doesn't eat his treats is the day I really start worrying. ;)

Thanks again, and it's really to early to start asking for prayers, but if now and then you could just thow out a spare one that he goes peacefully when his time finally does come, I would greatly appreciate that. :)

Sara - Done! :)

11-01-2004, 11:40 AM
Hugs for you and Tubby.

I'm sure the Tubster will be feeling fine in no time. :)

11-01-2004, 11:46 AM
Hugs to you and Tubby from Samantha and me.
I know what it's like to worry about our babies when we take them to the vet's.
Samantha gets pretty wild at the vet's so I know she's got a lot of living to do still.;)
I will try to post some new photos of Samantha for you and Tubby soon.:)

11-01-2004, 11:48 AM
I don't think changing the visits from six months to three is really bad news. Your vet is just being cautious. I think she is right when she says not to worry but being a pet lover like yourself I know I would too. Hugs for you and Tubby. I'll say a few extra prayers for him but I think he will still be with you for a while. Please give him some extra scritchies for me.

11-01-2004, 12:40 PM
(((HUGS to Tubby and you)))
I totally can relate to how you feel. Leonardo turned 14 this year and I'm all ready dreading the day he won't be with me. He gets lots of cuddles and kisses. His health seems fine but I worry about every sneeze and sniffle.

K & L
11-01-2004, 01:04 PM
Oh Debbie I can relate to how you're feeling. I sure hope Tubby gives you many more years! I know how hard all this has to be for you. Hugs to both!! (and Peanut too).

11-01-2004, 01:19 PM
(((HUGS))) Debbie ... I can certainly understand your concern, afterall you are Tubby's meowmmy ... and that's what we meowmmies do best!;) Like you said, it's great that he isn't losing weight, and I think the vet is just trying to give him the best of care, so as to be sure to catch any changes asap!;)
Give that big guy a kissie from me please! Oh, and pictures, even sleepyhead ones would be GREAT!:)


11-01-2004, 01:19 PM
I'm typing this really quickly before my boss gets back in so forgive me if it's a little short-handed.

How can I not relate, being owned by two geriatric kitties myself. Worry is just part of my lifestyle now. Everytime Max or Speckles cough or sneeze I go running. It's just part of the job.

So sorry that Tubby's BUN level is up. I don't think it too bad that the vet wants to see him every 3 months. You never can be too careful in situations like this. When Specks went in recently, her's were up too but the vet didn't really recommend anything. So far she's doing really well, but just like Tubby, sleep, sleep, sleep and at dinner time, eat, eat, eat. What a life.

Thanks again, and it's really to early to start asking for prayers, but if now and then you could just thow out a spare one that he goes peacefully when his time finally does come, I would greatly appreciate that.

DONE! {{{HUGS}}} to you and smoochies to the furbabies.

Edit: good tip about the baby aspirin. If Max gets any worse I'll try that. :)

11-01-2004, 02:07 PM
I'm glad you're taking great care of Tubby.I took my mom's cat when he was 16 years old because she couldn't bend to give him his kidney medicine anymore.The Orange cat "Dude" I stole him when he was about 3 years old from a family's backyard because I knew the family was abusing him.I told the family eventually and they seemed happy to be rid of him.
But I took him from my mom after living a long life with her to continue his care.His kidney failure was rapid but I kept up his meds had his rotten teeth removed and he lived a great life of 3 more years with me and Mike and KiKi and BooBoo.I cryed like a baby for 3 whole weeks aftyer his departure.We had to put him down because he had to much fluid around his heart and had an extreemely high temp.He loved it here with us though and was a very funny kitty.
Please make sure they take his Temp every visit.The last visit was with a fill in vet and she did not take his temp and told me to come back in a week.Well...a week was to late.His temp was sky rocketed by 3 days later and my vet yelled at her because he could of got extra life.Now I take their temps myself when I suspect anything wrong. 100.5 - 102 is normal for cats.Good luck with your baby Tubby.May he live another few years of good health.

11-01-2004, 03:15 PM
Debbie, of course you worry about Tubby. :( I really hope his kidney levels will be stable for a long time yet! I think and hope the reason your vet wants to see him in 3 months is just because she's cautious and knows you worry. You are making him as comfortable as you can and he enjoys every minute with you, I'm sure! :)

I'm glad to hear he's enjoying his his treats, and that he hasn't lost weight. :)

Tubby is such a wonderful boy and he has a very special place in my heart. Please give him extra scritchies and kisses from me!

Hugs to you!

Killearn Kitties
11-01-2004, 03:22 PM
Lots of prayers and cuddles coming Tubby's way. :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-02-2004, 02:20 PM
Thanks everybody. Well, this morning Tubby bullied his way in and stole Peanut's treats, so I guess there's not too much to worry about just yet. :rolleyes: ;) :D