View Full Version : Need some PT Prayers for Merlin

11-01-2004, 10:25 AM
I could really use the power of PT prayers right about now. I am at such a loss with Merlin right now and I really don't know what to do.

Last night while feeding him he came charging from 5 feet away and attacked my head with his front paws...drawing blood from my scalp. I did nothing that I could tell to provoke him. My hair had fallen in my face and I did not see him coming otherwise I would have pulled back before getting gouged like that.

So guys, I'm just lost....his aggression had gotten better and then the attack. I am pretty sure that most of his aggression comes from stimulation, so I have been going back inside once he starts hissing and that calms him right back down.

So please pray for Merlin....I want him to be in a loving family and not out on the street.

P.S. Due to his aggression and the fact that he does not always come around on a daily basis he has not been to a vet yet. I was really hoping that he would have settled down with me by now and a vet visit would have been done by now but I value my hands, face and the rest of my body to chance taking him to the vet at this point.

Thanks everyone. --- Meg

11-01-2004, 10:38 AM
Oh wow Meg, I didn't know he was so aggressive. I hope you are okay. Do you think there is something outside that may have freightened him and that is why he attacked or does he just have aggression/rage issues? I'm so sorry to hear this. I know you've been working hard with him just trying to help him.

Please keep us posted and good luck. Prayers are on the way.

11-01-2004, 10:41 AM
Lori, I honestly don't know what it is....I am at a total loss with this guy...one minute a total love bug wanting nothing but a chin scratch and the next thing he was away from me a good five feet and he came a running...maybe it was the hair in my face...I really just don't know and winter is coming.....

11-01-2004, 11:21 AM
(((Meg)))) I wish I had some answers or suggestions, but I don't. Perhaps the hair falling in your face looked like a teaser toy to him?? It would have scared me and I am sure it scared you:eek:
Keep us up to date with what you are trying, OK?

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
11-01-2004, 11:32 AM
Meg, unfortunately I can't help with the aggression problem, but wanted to address the winter problem. As you may or may not remember, my mom has an "outside" kitty. They live near Green Bay WI, so it gets pretty cold outside in the winter. So what they did was build him a little house in a protected corner of their house, and put lots of nice warm blankets in it. He not only survived the winter, but thrived! He actually used the house, and the protection from the weather plus the heat loss from their house was enough to make a nice comfy spot for him. My mom takes walks in the woods behind the house and whenever she would go, there would be Goofy, bounding along in front of her, making tiny little kitty prints in the fresh fallen snow. :)

So I guess what I'm saying is that if you can't get him more tame by winter, build him a little house to use to protect him from the weather. Put his food nearby so he knows there's food and shelter, and he will come. ;) Goofy has "progressed" and now hangs out in their garage.

The only other thing I can think of is to trap him and keep him in a confined area. As others have mentioned, and as Magoo has shown, sometimes being in a cage for a few days makes them realize their ship has come in and allows them to accept the good life that we want to give them. ;)

Good luck with him!

11-01-2004, 07:09 PM
I'm so sorry you got attacked so badly. Trapping him sounds like the way to go, and getting him neutered. We can bring a trap along next Sat. unless you have access to one. Only glitch would be...how to get it back afterwards. You can't risk a serious infection from his attacks! :(

11-01-2004, 07:38 PM
That sounds so scary for you. Just imagine how scared he is too! I'm sending lots of prayers for him.

11-02-2004, 09:04 AM
We are sorry,taht you,are having trouble,with Merlin,and we hope that The white Coats,give you something,to calm him down.

11-02-2004, 12:27 PM
As you probably know I got my first cat a month ago from Animal Control - she is around 2-1/2 years old but acts like a kitten! Very playful! She has started attacking my face if I lean over her - she will jump up at my face but what I have been able to figure out is that she is going after my hair. She has attacked it before when it was hanging down and I told my hubby that I have a new name for the color or my hair - sisal rope color!!!! :) :) She loves to attack a piece of sisal rope dangling above her and I think this goes for my hair too. I will NOT be leaning over her again! And I yelled at her and she sure don't like to be yelled at... But she was a stray before so maybe there is soemthing they go after when they are wild that is like hair hanging down???? She did get me last night when I leaned over her but luckaly she has learned to keep her claws in on us - that was a hard time training her to do - she got both sides of my face but didn't hurt me.... Debbie

guster girl
11-02-2004, 12:34 PM
I'm sorry this is happening! :( But, the advice about the protected shelter outside is good, if it comes down to that. My ex's grandparents had a cat for some 20 years that would not come inside, and, yeah, it's Texas, but, it still gets really cold in the winter. She had a shelter outside that she went in all the time to escape the elements. Hopefully, the agression will lessen, though. Have you talked to Magoo's mom? I know his agression was easily understood, because of his lack of sight, but, maybe she would have some advice for you. Just a thought.