View Full Version : RINGWORM - Help!

11-01-2004, 09:19 AM
Does anyone have any experience with ringworm?? I got it from a friend's cat she got from animal control. She ended up having it dipped and then her other cat as it got it too. And of course she and her kids were covered in it. I thought it was gone but now ended up with one more sore coming up - does it stay in your system? I don't think my cat has it - no signs at all and I've had her for about a month now. I did pet my friend's cat that had it but she is supposedly all better. Any ideas??? Thank you, Debbie

11-01-2004, 09:21 AM
You,will have to gert some medicine,from your doctor,as you dont want Ringweorm,around,we are sorry,that you have this!

Laura's Babies
11-01-2004, 09:24 AM
There is over the counter treatment for it I think. Keep it covered and be sure you wash your hands good so as not to transfer it to your cat. I got it once from my daughter in laws cat who had come to spend a week with me. I had one and could not figure out where I got it, then she called and told me she had discovered her cat had ringworms to watch my cats... Lucklie, mine was on my upper leg so it was covered and my cats didn't get it. (After that, she quit taking her cats on trips with them)

11-01-2004, 09:37 AM
I did the Lotriderm thing before and Blue Star Ointment toward the end and have started the Blue Star Ointment again - but just can't figure out where this came from.... It is on my upper arm this time so I didn't have noticed it until it itched. Jut can't figure where it came from.... Debbie

11-01-2004, 10:22 AM
Sorry you got it.

Jazz had it when we adopted her and somehow I and the other pets never caught it but I did sterilize everything after I touched her. My husband got it though, or at least I thought he did. It looked just like it to me on his forehead but he says it wasn't ringworm, although he had no idea what it was. Now I would't reccommend this to anyone as a treatment but my husband kept getting in the swimming pool hoping he chlorine would take care of it and finally one day he took one of the chlorine tablets out of the floater and just put it right on the spot on his forehead for about a minute and sure enough, it dried up and went away in a day or so. Like I said, I wouldn't suggest you try that but I had to share his instant cure. He still says it wasn't ringworm but I looked at enough of it on Jazz to know it was.

Good luck. Hope you get rid of it soon.