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View Full Version : Cats and Seasonal Affective Disorder

11-01-2004, 01:10 AM
I know, I'm very much affected by the only few hours of daylight we have here in the "Cold North" during the winter...and it has already started.

I've noticed how in the past month the behavior of the furbabies have changed as well - especially in Boomer. He's become completely food obsessed and is VERY whiny, so I began to wonder if he has S.A.D too.

I started searching for info on it on the Internet and I found it mentioned briefly at Animal Planet's site.

Q: Our 2-year old cat has a peculiar new habit. She sits on the end table with her head inside a lamp shade, and she sits and stares at the light bulb. Sometimes, she does this for hours, even sleeping there — with the lamp shade over her head. Her eyesight seems okay. But I wonder about long-term damage, and why she's doing this. J. C., Cyberspace

A: What is your cat drinking at those late night parties? A lamp shade on her head? Veterinary behaviorist Dr. Karen Overall of Philadelphia, PA says your kitty could be seeking warmth, or maybe this has become a good place to hide. Another possibility is that your cat has no sunny window ledge to catch the rays and has what amounts to seasonal affective disorder. This is when people feel 'the winter time blahs' because they're not getting enough sun. The disorder has not been described in pets, but Overall says, "Why not. It occurs in people and it seems perfectly plausible to me that this might be what's going on with this cat."

Does anybody have any info on cats and S.A.D. ?

EDIT: Found an article on S.A.D in dogs where cats are also mentioned:


11-01-2004, 01:20 AM

I know my cats tend to sleep more when its cold and darker. They are much more snuggly and less playful during the winter.


11-01-2004, 02:42 AM
My firts though was: Go get a iggy! Because all that UV lights they need. There is always sunny in a iggy home, at least in one room :p

Now seriously. Paloo,the most sensitive of my cats, have been meowing for no apparent reason all day long , the day after the time have been set one hour backwards and the firts days of really fall wheather, yes, the winter haven't started yet(:D); we have got.

How do you deal with S.A.D.? Maybe is not so foolish idea to get a day light basking bulb where you spent most of your time home instead a regular one.
On Saturday I bought a extra basking bulb for Magda "the iggy" and I was amazed how bright and shiny the light was! It's called Crystal Sun spot by Namiba Terra, the manufacturer says it has the full spectrumlight up to UV range.Don't have to belive all they say.But really was a nice bright light to be next to that made you feel comfortable.

Maybe it worsts a try, it's only few euros , or krowns, away. Just a though. :)

11-01-2004, 03:36 AM
I'd love to get an Iggy, but I don't have room for one right now.

I'm getting a full spectrum light bulb (bright light therapy) that gives of as much light as was it a "sunny day" (re. the lux).

Now that you mention it. It's probably a lot cheaper buying a basking bulb than a "bio light" for humans, lol!

11-01-2004, 06:30 AM
koxka, getting an iggy is a cute idea (would like to have one, too! :D) And it sounds beautiful what you've told about the lights they need. :) Love your sig btw. What a cute picture!

Tenna, good to hear that you've finally got the bulb you've been looking for for so long! We'll see if it has positive effects on Boomer also! :)

BTW, here's Luna doing her bright light therapy:

http://www.tillyschanze.de/pix/luna65.jpg http://www.tillyschanze.de/pix/luna66.jpg


Laura's Babies
11-01-2004, 08:17 AM
Wow! I never thought about that!! I just know mine DEMAND I opens the blinds first thing in the morning! (Year round)

11-01-2004, 08:31 AM
This Wdnesday,I am going,to lok,into getting an ElectricStove,to warm,up theMain Bedroom,and warm,the hearts,and bodies,of The Found Cats,so the winter,wont be so long,and cold!