View Full Version : Emma still doesn't like out of her safe spot!

10-30-2004, 07:09 PM

I brang Emma upstairs to see my grandparents because my grandfather is always saying "I only seen her once and you had her for over 2 weeks".

So I bring her up, and I hold onto her in my arms so she wont run away like usual...

Then my grandfather says "let her down, she'll only sniff around...", so I let her down, she runs out of the room!

I go out, and Im thinking to myself 'she couldn't have went downstairs, the dogs are down there and everything so she's probably up here somewhere!'...

I look around upstairs, then I come down to my room and there she is!

My grandfather was disappointed, I hope they don't think she doesn't like them :(

I hope she gets used to everyone in the house soon!

10-30-2004, 07:27 PM
I don't know much about Emma, but she will come around with patience. Some cats take a long while to adjust to new surroundings. As long as you make her feel safe (in the spot of her choosing) she will learn to trust you and then her curiosity will awaken.

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 09:35 PM
I agree with Jen, just give her time and she will come around in her OWN time! Do not try to force it.

10-31-2004, 05:21 AM
Try and be more patient, two weeks is very early days.

Emma needs to feel secure in her safe space before she'll want to explore further. Every time you pick her up for no reason or take her out of her safe place, wll increase her insecurity and will encourage her to hide longer.

Shy cats need to be handled carefully.

Our Sandy spent four weeks hiding IN the sofa bed in our spare room before he felt secure enough to leave the room and he moved under our bed for a few more weeks before he made it to the stairs !!!

Last night our Annie head butted my hand the first voluntury affection I have recieved after two weeks of crawling around on the floor talking to her and offering yummy meat under various hiding places.

In her case she is ahead of schedule I was expecting her to take several more weeks before we got a postive reaction from her. It will take months before she is ready to be picked up unnecessarly OR go downstairs etc.

What about adopting another bolder kitten to keep Emma company ?

Else give her six months of peace to come out of her shell and the rewards she will give you will be worth the wait. :D

10-31-2004, 08:17 AM
Thanks all :)

I guess I have been pretty lucky then, because Emma is already very affectionate with me(actually she was being affectionate with me at the shelter ;)), and my mom is always saying that she is very attached to me already :)

She has also already layed on my bed right next to Jasper!

I knew I shouldn't bring her out of her safe spot, because I'm the one who kept telling my mom not to, but I guess I was feeling guilty because of my grandfather not getting to see her ;)

She is doing very good in just 2 weeks though :D

10-31-2004, 12:38 PM
The Found Cats,didnt care,fopr visitors,either,but now,that my Frioends,are coming,over to fix up,the house,they rae far more out going! Time,TLC,and Love,will do it every time,so bear with her,Emma will suprise you,as She Matures!