View Full Version : For those watching Aussie Idol.....

10-30-2004, 02:52 PM
Which will probably be my Aussie friends and maybe Catfancier, I am interested to know who you want to win, who you think will win,and what you think so far.

I love Idol all shows,(the NZ one was the least enjoyable)having said that, at the moment I love all the contestants, singing wise.

I was so sad to see Daniel go, Ricki lee especially, and Marty.

I was ok with Chanel going(even though she is a kiwi) now cannot have a kiwi winning Aussie Idol, but I was happy to see Hayley continue on, she is such a beautiful girl ,inside and out.,but I don't think she has a powerful enough voice to win it.

And Courtney,what can I say, I just adore his voice, it just sends shivers down my spine, even though Courtney is such a big lad, he has the cutest face ever, I really hope he can continue shedding kilos, because underneath there is one hottie just waiting to emerge IMO.

I love them all, but I would like to see ANTHONY win, he is so cute.....and can sing so well. GO ANTHONY.

Casey would have to be my least favourite, she sure can sing, but i find her to be a bit sullen, sulking looking and she just does not have much personality IMO, but then she is only young, and it probably is very daunting for her.

Can anyone tell me what happened with Dicko, I saw on the TV, he had pulled out due to family tragedy?

10-31-2004, 07:52 AM
Sorry i missed this Carole :o.

Hmmm my favourite would have to be Casey, man has she got a great voice next in line would have to be Courtney another talented person. I dont care for Blondy and Anthony (He is only in because all of the teenage girs keep voting for him, i would love to see their phone bills ;) ). I was saddened to see Chanel leave last week, but her last performance was terrible.

Dicko is having health problems and wont be back after this season :(, i thought he was VERY well behaved last night, no mean comments etc.

I think in the end it will come down to Casey and Courtney. *Hopefully* We dont need another Guy Sebastion (Who is he again ;) ).

10-31-2004, 01:48 PM
With Chanel I got sick of her cutesy marilyn munroe singing,but thats just me.

I agree Casey is awesome in the singing department, but she just does not have the complete package for me, not just because she is overweight, but she just lacks personality IMO.

I still think Anthony can sing, even if he is getting votes because of his looks from the girls.

So Dicko is having health problems,strange it was reported here in magazine headlines, family tragedy, probably just to get people to buy it I suppose, the stories are often not what they seem.

I would be more than happy to see Courtney win, I just love him.:)

11-08-2004, 10:45 AM
Only 2 finalists left Carol, Not sure if you have seen it this week so i wont mention who went last night ;).

11-08-2004, 01:32 PM
Thanks for not letting the cat out of the bag, it features on Thursday nights here, I usually tape it, as there are other programmes I like to watch when its on, and watch it later that night.

Was sorry to see Hayley, go but unlike the dumb judges, I already had picked her to leave, she is gorgeous to look at, and has a sweet voice, but to me it is not strong enough.

I am still hoping for Courtney or Anthony to win, either does not matter, I know you like Casey, I love her voice, but as Dicko pointed out, her conversation and interviewing skills leave a lot to be desired, she just does not complete the package for me, its getting exciting now.:)

11-08-2004, 08:08 PM
I am VERY disappointed at who got voted out last night ...........

Carole, in light of your "Thursday" viewing, I won't say who it was, but it was my favourite, and I will certainly go and see them perform anytime!

11-09-2004, 01:57 AM
Being the impatient person I am, now I am dying to know who it was, but i will wait , two more days to go, I am so curious, it will be an exciting show.:) I hope it is not one of my favourites either!!:(

11-09-2004, 03:14 AM
Lol this is kinda funny :)

I like Courtney - he's got a great voice, good personality, and not scared to do things out of his genre.
And yeah, Anthony is very hot, and he is a great singer, so he really fits the image of the 'Idol', but it would be typical if he won, I think that Courtney would have to fight to get those young pre-teen and teenage girls votes.

Whatever happened to Ruben Studdart, Guy and Shannon Knowles (sp?)? Haven't heard anything from them in ages. When is a chick going to win? I know that Kelly Clarkson won the first US Idol, and Fantasia won the 3rd, but there seems to be a lack of female winners... I can't imagine that Casey would win.

11-09-2004, 01:27 PM
You just never know, Casey might take it away, even though she does not have the perfect image as such, remember how large Reuben was and the English girl who won, she is pretty popular, for me she just lacks personality.;)

Miss Meow
11-09-2004, 03:00 PM
I saw a bit of the show and thought all three were good but not special :o . I think we were spoilt by the last American Idol with La Toya, Fantasia etc - so much variety and different styles.

Plus, it was a 70s show and not one Village People rendition - shame, Australia, shame!

11-09-2004, 03:41 PM

Shannon Noll released an album - which is great!!!
Like a cross between Bruce Springsteen and Brian Adams (if that makes sense!)

Never really liked Guy, but he released a new song a few weeks ago.

I also have Ruben's album. Very R&B, Barry White ish ........ :D

11-09-2004, 09:44 PM
Thanks captain for that info. I knew that Shannon has a song called 'What About Me', but not a whole album.
I guess the 'where are they now' reference I made is probably referring more to the fact that idols like Ruben, Guy and Shannon aren't really hyped -up here anymore - certainly not like they used to be. Clay had pretty good success with his album here, but we haven't heard much about him since he released the album. Isn't it amazing what a bit of exposure on TV can do for you? Since these people aren't on TV anymore (at least over here), they seem to have kind of faded away.

Looking forward to the next Idol installment! And Carole, did you hear that there is going to be a new series of NZ Idol beginning (I think) mid next year?

11-10-2004, 01:35 PM
No Rochelle I had not heard that, I hope they get better judges and more talent, I really like Ben and Michael though, and wanted Ben to win, don't hear much about him these days already.

I believe we heard more about Clay than Rueben here, and I wonder what has happened to Fantasia these days?

Yep tonight we will find out, who got the boot, can't wait.

Seriously though Rochelle out of all the idol shows I have seen, i found ours to be the least exciting, strange, as I thought it would be the best.

11-10-2004, 10:59 PM
Maybe to do with a tiny talent pool - we're such a small country we just don't have the funniest or most talented people here that we have been exposed to overseas. Same goes for our sports - although we excel in some things (re: the Olympics this year), we just bomb in many many other things. It's cos we don't have anywhere near the same population as other countries (US, UK, Australia), consequently, we can't afford to put in as much money to train our athletes to the same standards as those countries.


11-11-2004, 01:20 PM
For sure Rochelle , but having said that we have had some brilliant people make it bigtime out of NZ.

Now about the show, I got my days mixed up, tonite is the big night with the elimination.

First off, to me there is only one person who just stands out, and it is the young Anthony, last night he blew me away, he has the complete package IMO.

Courtney I love too, but his voice just isn't as strong as Anthony, and Casey was a bit of a let down, but then she was unwell, shame, she has a beautiful voice and regardless will go a long way, I would be very disappointed if Anthony does not win this Idol competition.

I am hoping the last two finalist will be Courtney and Anthony.:)

11-12-2004, 06:57 AM
Have you seen it yet Carol? *I am keeping quiet* ;).

11-12-2004, 12:14 PM
Yes I have, and I can tell you I am in mourning today, I cannot believe Courtney went, I really loved his gravely voice, I know Casey has a super voice, but I really cannot stand the girls personality, I know you like her .

I will be gutted if Anthony does not win this competition.,he is so the complete package IMO. GO ANTHONY!!!however it would not suprise me if Casey won, as the Australian public seem to really like her.

Thanks for keeping quiet all, must have been hard.:)

11-13-2004, 03:17 AM
how did you come up with your nickname? (just out of curiosity :) )

11-13-2004, 07:57 AM
Carol i too was sad to see Courtney go :(, he has an nice voice. I think Casey is finally coming out of her shell a bit, i am not sure if you see Inside Idol over in NZ but it was on the other night and Casey seemed to be loving the attention from the public and poor Anthony was mobbed by about 50 school girls LOL.

Yeah i was a little hard keeping quiet ;) :D.

catfancier, i do Flyball (Dog Sport) with two of my dogs one being Clover when i joined PT she had her Flyball Dog Excellent Title so i just chose cloverfdx ;). She now has her Australian Flyball Champion Title.

11-13-2004, 12:32 PM
Yes I agree she does seem to be getting a bit better, but I still just don't think she has what it takes to be the Idol, because of that mainly, her size really does not matter, as look at Rueben and the English girl who won, (although I heard there was some trouble over the English girl) not sure what , maybe our English friends can enlighten us here. I think it was to do with her weight issue.

I just can't take to her, but she sure has the voice, no disputing that, but it is the overall package they look for really, oh well we shall just have to wait and see what the Australian public vote, and you will have to keep silent again for at least a week after the next two shows lol.:) pretty please.;)

11-14-2004, 09:03 AM
LOL no problems, i wont say anyting :D. Tonights show was realy great, i hope you enjoy. I cannot wait untill the grand final, it will be interesting.

11-14-2004, 03:53 PM
I have got to wait until thursday or friday for that show and then either this sunday or next for the big finale, not sure, would have to check my TV guide, but haven't got it handy right now., sure looking forward to it though.;)

11-14-2004, 10:47 PM
Hey Carole I know there is a live finale next this coming Sunday night, so I guess all us kiwis and aussies will see then!

Oh and cloverfdx - the reason why I asked is because I have family in Oz who's last name is clover - then I realised you were from Victoria and they are in Brisbane, and didn't own any border collies (there was a german shepherd though).
PS: Congrats on the Champion title! Go Clover! :)

11-20-2004, 11:48 PM
The grand final starts in about 2 and a half hours :D, i cannot wait. Go Casey!

11-21-2004, 01:29 AM
Cloverfdx, we are getting to see it live as well, I am just killing time until it comes on, I am so excited to see who wins, GO ANTHONY, he he.

11-21-2004, 07:11 AM
:D Yay, i wont say anthing until i know that you have seen it. ;)

11-21-2004, 01:20 PM
Ah well, tis all over now, you will be thrilled your Casey won, I believe the voting was close, well she is what the Australian Public wanted, certainly not my pick, but she does have a wonderful voice and I had resigned myself to thinking she would get it, the show ran longer than it was mean't to like three quarters of an hour, and I was almost asleep, it went from 9.30 pm until 12.30, I was beginning to wish I had taped it.

I still wish Casey all the best in her musical career, I did feel sorry for poor anthony, they kinda shoved him out straight away, they did not do that on NZ idol, its like your'e a loser, so cya, bye.

I found the show a bit long and tedious.

Was good to see a female win for a change though.:)

11-21-2004, 10:00 PM
Yep *long and tedious* described it well - I couldn't believe how late it was when I went to bed... and i get up at 6am! Oh well, Casey won. I'm sure Carole that Anthony will have a number of singles and probably an album as well, it just won't be produced by the same people as Casey's. I hope she has the energy to keep up with the undoubtedly hectic schedule she will have to keep.
I would like to hear more from Anthony though so I will be waiting for his single to come out!

Well done Casey :)

11-21-2004, 10:36 PM
I did feel sorry for poor anthony, they kinda shoved him out straight away, they did not do that on NZ idol, its like your'e a loser, so cya, bye.
Yes i noticed that aswell, it was very harsh :(. And yes i was thinking it would be over in a couple of hours, 3 hours later and they were still dragging it out.

The single is being released on Monday, should be interesting. :D

11-22-2004, 02:44 PM
I heard Dicko had health problems that is why he is leaving and not doing it anymore SAD, I like that pommy, even if he is full of himself, anyone know what is wrong with him? I wonder who they will replace him with.

Can someone also tell me if Mark Holden was part of a band or a solo singer,? I remember him well, but for the life of me cannot remember those details.

Yep I am sure Anthony will do just as well, funny thing about Idol winners, you never hear much about them after it is all over and the first single is released, like i don't hear anything about Ben Lummis now do you Rochelle?

I think the new single is ok, but I won't be buying it, even if Anthony was singing it, not my type of music, I reckon its a little old fashioned for Casey as well. Just MO.

11-22-2004, 10:27 PM
nope no news about Ben Lummis from me - what did I hear just earlier - oh that's right, apparently he and Sela (NZ Idol finalist) are in love - I'm sure I heard that on an ad for those ridiculous NZ women's magazines. Big fat wow...!