View Full Version : Meowmies Helpers

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 09:04 AM
We all know what it is like to TRY to make a bed with kitties in the house and mine are no different than anyone elses. We have a game that we play when I try to make the bed. Giz comes running and gets up under the covers. I scratch here and there and she attacks from under the cover. Samantha wants to play too, so she gets up there and she starts attacking Giz and Giz attacks her, Giz under the covers, Sam on the top.. Now normally, these two NEVER get that close to each other and I don't know if Giz has figured out that it is Samantha that she is playing with or not. Here are some shots of me trying to make the bed yesterday.. (I always end up, giving up on making the bed so it stays unmade all the time.)

Undercover Giz

Coming out to see who was playing with her.

Samantha on top of the covers, Giz under, playing..


10-30-2004, 09:05 AM
That is so much fun,with Giz,and his Fellow Companion cats,that love you,that much,and play all day!

10-30-2004, 09:11 AM
Looks like a fun game. Giz is such a pretty little girl!

I have learned over the years to evict any and all animals from the room while making the bed. It turns into an hour long process if I don't! :D

10-30-2004, 09:19 AM
Awww, Giz is so pretty! :D I used to have a cat, Boots, that would do that :rolleyes:

10-30-2004, 09:22 AM
Bedmaking and kitties as helpers = FUN! :D Chip loves to help make the bed. :rolleyes: I have to keep flinging the covers over him and saying "WHERE'S CHIP"?? He gurgles, and comes flying out so we can do it over, and over, and over...:D Cute pictures of your helpers! ;)

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 09:36 AM
catnapper--- Banish them from the room??:eek: Don't they rip the door off when you do that?????

10-30-2004, 10:47 AM
Aww, how cute. I love that first picture of Giz's beautiful face.

Anything to do with the bed here turns into a carnival for the kitties. If I'm just making it up or changing the sheets there's always at least two running all over the bed having a ball.

10-30-2004, 12:57 PM
My cats are always under the covers and won't let us change sheets without having fun dirtying the clean ones before we get in them,LOL What beautiful pictures.:D

10-30-2004, 06:01 PM
Great pictures! We have bed-making helpers, too. (BTW, I have that same quilt in my guest bedroom. The last picture thread I posted has 2 of my 3 posing on that bed.:))

Edited to add: That picture of Samantha looks like it could be of Saphirah.

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 06:27 PM
preacherswife... That is a new DOUBLE bed since 4 cats and 1 human were to much for a twin bed. I bought a new set of sheets and matching comforter for the new double bed... They would have nothing to do with it, refused to even get on the bed any. My daughters best friend had a yard sale and I bought old sheets and that old spread and now they love it.... Go figure! They (cats) DO have prefferances! When yours gets wore out, my cats said send it to them, they love it! :D