View Full Version : Hello....

10-30-2004, 07:23 AM
Wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Jim. I live in Tennessee (U.S.)

I have 4 cats...2 male, 2 female...Benoit and Owen are the males. Patches and Peaches are the females. They are my kids...there is nothing as important in my life right now as they are.

10-30-2004, 07:31 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Jim! Do you have pics of your precious kitties? :)

10-30-2004, 07:55 AM
Hi Jim! Welcome! Everyone here loves their furkids so you are in good company. We'd love to see pictures of your babies!

Your neighbor in NC,

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 08:05 AM
Hello Obpp and welcome to Pet Talk! I am Laura, I have 4 babies, Chester, Amy (special needs kitty), Giz and Samantha. You will find many amazing stories here of the love and dovotion we have towards our furry friends. Can't wait to hear the stories about yours and see pictures.


10-30-2004, 08:08 AM
Actually, I need to take updated pics of them...all the ones I have are when Owen and Ben were kittens...now they're both over a year old.

10-30-2004, 08:15 AM
Kitten pictures are fine too!!!!

10-30-2004, 08:24 AM
Another Cat Lover,in the fine State,of Tennessee! That must bea Hot Bed,of cat Love! And The Found Cats,and I cant wait,to see your clowder,and a Big Howdy,you You All!

10-30-2004, 10:55 AM
Hi Jim and Welcome to PT!!!

It's always great to see another fellow Tennessean here. Are you in east, middle or west TN? I'm in east.

I too would love to see pictures of your kitties. That is one thing around here we LOVE pictures.

I have five cats (two I just adopted from another TN person here, Kimlovescats) and a dog. You can see them in my signature below.

I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more about your cats.

10-30-2004, 10:58 AM
Jimmmmm... hah hah...good to see you here :D

10-30-2004, 10:58 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! What colors are the boys? How did you get them?

I'm Karen, one of the moderators here. My pet is Miss Hoppy, she's the bunny that's my avatar!

10-30-2004, 11:05 AM
Hi Jim

Welcome to pet talk. Hope you enjoy talking with people who understanding that our pets are just like kids to us. I have 3 persians and wouldn't trade them for anything. I found that you can get lots of love and help and prays here. someone usually can point you in the right direction if you have a problem. Welcome again. Looking forwart to see your four furbabies.

Persianmom ( Carol) :)

10-30-2004, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Uniqueviking
Jimmmmm... hah hah...good to see you here :D

Heh...Viking!! LOL...you know I love to talk about my kids.

You think if I get new pics of the cats that either you or Kirsten can post them?

10-30-2004, 11:16 AM
Welcome Jim. I'm Lisa and we are currently owned by 3 kitties. (Kuhio passed away in 2002 after 17 wonderful years). Looking forward to seeing pictures of your babies. It's great to have another "Cat Dad" around here. I haven't convinced my husband to post, yet. Greetings from Alaska!

10-30-2004, 11:17 AM
Jim, you can just send them to me and I'll host and post them for you :)

10-30-2004, 11:47 AM
Tennesse seems to be the place to be! Welcome! Your crew sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see pictures of your cats.

I have three boys, and one girl cat... and one girl dog insulted by the collection of cats I've accumulated.

10-30-2004, 11:50 AM
Welcome to PT, fellow Tennessean!!! It's great to have another one here from my state! I would love to see pics of your 4 kitties!;)

10-30-2004, 01:01 PM
Welcome Jim! Your babies sound just precious! Glad to see another cat lover. :D

10-30-2004, 01:11 PM
Welcome Jim.We are so glad you love your kids just as much as we do.Please post pictures all the time.LOL:D

10-30-2004, 08:50 PM
Always good to see a man who loves his cats.

Waiting for photo introductions.


My three are below, and I have a endless string of Siamese fosters. Check out the Cat Rescue section.


10-30-2004, 09:35 PM
Welcome Jim. Nice to have you here. My name is Vickie but everyone calls me Slick, so feel free to do the same.

I live in Canada and owned by 2 geriatric kitties; Max the Persian is 11 and Speckles the tabby is 17.

Can't wait to see pictures. :)

10-30-2004, 10:41 PM
I am Staci owned by a 3 year old Golden Retriever a 4 year old domestic long hair kitty and an approximately 14 week old lively little tortishelle kitten.....
looking forward to seeing your babies!

10-31-2004, 04:06 AM
Hi Jim! :) Welcome, welcome... I see you finally made it here... :)

Let me see if I find some photos or your kitties. :)

Here are Peaches and Patches (Patches is the fluff ball :))


And here's Benoit (I think I only have his kitten pics)! :)

http://www.catmom.de/cats/benoit1.jpg http://www.catmom.de/cats/benoit2.jpg

I don't think I have pictures of Owen... :o


11-01-2004, 02:52 AM
Wow...I do need to take updated photos of Benoit...he's huge now (15 pounds)...

11-01-2004, 03:37 AM
Well, get the Jim butt in gear then :p

11-01-2004, 06:17 AM
Exactly... and the more I'm thinking about it, I think I never saw a picture of Owen!! :D
