View Full Version : Excessive shedding

Basset Mom
10-29-2004, 09:51 PM
Baxter is shedding by the handfuls and his belly is bald. He eats natural balance duck and potato food no corn products and his treats are dehydrated chicken kept in fridge. I do not know if I should take him to the vet he was just in about amonth ago for his yearly check. Anyone ever experienced this:confused:

10-29-2004, 10:15 PM
I haven't experienced that before. Does he itch a lot? I would at least make a phone call to the vet, they'll let you know whether he should be seen or not. Hope all is well.

Basset Mom
10-30-2004, 02:30 PM
He doesn't scratch and other than portions of his belly he doesn't have any bald spots. I am giving him a good brushing today and then I'll see if he is still shedding so much.

10-30-2004, 09:57 PM
I'm not sure what could be causing the excessive shedding. My first thought would be allergies or mange, but you said he didn't show any real signs of itching or discomfort. Does he tend to have particularly dry skin or dander? But I would think if that were the case he would be itchy too. Perhaps if he keeps having those symptoms a call to the vet would be best, just to be safe. Good luck!

Basset Mom
10-31-2004, 06:44 PM
He has no itching and his skin does not look irratated. Maybe it's just that he is shedding I brushed him today so I'll see if he continues to shedd heavily, I'll call the vet.

11-01-2004, 03:11 PM
If he is shedding so bad that his belly is now bald I would bring him to the vet. Like mentioned it could be from one or a combination of many things.

Good luck!

11-01-2004, 06:15 PM
If the dog is not scratching, then it's probably not a contact allergy or mites. Although it remains a possibility.

You should go to the Vet and have a thyroid panel run. If there is discolorization of the skin or pigment appearing then Cushings disease is another possibility.

Basset Mom
11-03-2004, 06:47 PM
His shedding isn't as bad and his belly is starting to grow hairs back. I have checked his skin and it really does look healthy. I don't know what caused it but he seems fine now and never showed signs of any itching. Thanks for all your help.

11-06-2004, 10:12 AM
Glad to hear he's looking better :)

11-18-2004, 11:33 AM
Try to give the dog Brewer's yeast. You can get it at Walmart, Pet Stores, or even GNC. Avoid the kind with garlic as it causes gas. This will help reduce shedding, improve their coat, and limit fleas!!!
You can get the powder form at GNC in a canister. It is the same as the humans get. Just sprinkle it on their food. It takes a few days but you will see a drastic improvement in the coat/skin. Good luck!!!

Basset Mom
11-22-2004, 04:20 PM
I'll try the brewer yeast, thanks Scooby

01-15-2005, 08:42 PM
My dog Scooter had the same type of problem. Our vet said he had an imbalance in his diet and recommended all natural "Shed No More" for the fatty omega oils and "Life Tabs" which is a canine vitamin. There has been such an improvement! Scooter loves them because they are beef and cheese flavor, so it is like a treat for them. You can order them at www.BestPetSupplements.com. They were very fast to ship the pills and answered a bunch of my questions. I hope this helps!

01-15-2005, 08:56 PM
My late Rhodie had a thyroid problem, so bad they couldn't even get a reading! anyway, and she shed huge handfulls every few minutes, even the vet was scratching her head. Then, when she started the thyroid pills, she lost 20 lbs, regained her puppy-like energy and happiness, and and had a gorgeous glossy coat. I asked the vet if I could also get the pills, unfortunately they might not have the same wonderful effect in humans:D :mad: