View Full Version : Doggie pics from our walk today

10-29-2004, 07:01 PM
I posted in general that I went for a walk today with the dogs out at Quarry again. The weather was unbelievably nice and I doubt we'll see another day like today until next spring, so I decided to seize the moment and go on a little hike with the pups. We had a wonderful time and I think I got some nice pics of them. Since I was trying to handle two dogs, a camera and hip pack by myself, I had Tommy's prong collar on at first, but he did so well that I switched back to his regular collar to see how he would do, and he did great!

Anyway on to the pics. A lot of them are Tommy, he was my poser today. Usually it's Tasha.


Happy boy


"Ohhh water!"


"Hmm let's check this out."


"Maybe a bit further."














This is one of the old quarry areas.


This is at a different area with rocks and water.. I just realized I took most of the pics while at the water areas.


More coming next post.

10-29-2004, 07:02 PM
Love this one..





Before heading out we stopped back at the first quarry pond again, Tommy's feet were caked with mud and I wanted him to wash them off. It was so peaceful we just hung out there for awhile.





He looks so cute here.. giving "the lip" :D





Sorry so many.. I always have a hard time deciding which to post and end up posting too many :o

10-29-2004, 07:11 PM
I was just going to tell you that we were due for some new pictures of your pups. ;)

Beautiful!! Tommy and Tasha look gorgeous, as always.

I think this one was my absolute favorite out of the bunch:

I love how they're posed, and they both have such happy smiles on their faces. :D May I use it as my new desktop?

Tommy, Daisy says she would've loved to go swimming with you. ;) Looks like you had a blast, handsome boy!

These were great, Jess. I'm glad this picture thread contained a few extra shots of Tommy. ;) I think these are some of my favorites of your pups ever!

10-29-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
I love how they're posed, and they both have such happy smiles on their faces. :D May I use it as my new desktop?

I really like that one too, I overall just really loved this batch of pictures. I'm very flattered that you want to use it as a desktop. I'll attach a full sized version of it :) I actually saved a bunch of the pics today in their original size :).

10-29-2004, 08:42 PM
These pictures are amazing. I especially love the first two in the second post. Would you mind if/when I get time I play with them in photoshop? :)

Great pictures Jess. Gorgeous scenery, gorgeous dogs!
I'm just in love with that Tasha girl. Tasha sweety, if ya ever need to run away.... My door is open!! :p
I would have loved to be there. I bet it's so relaxing.

10-29-2004, 09:01 PM
Wonderful pictures!!!! I'm so glad you got to enjoy the warm weather and spend some time outside with your furry duo. I loved all of the pictures but I thought this one was especially cute. :)
It looks like they are discussing something really important! LOL!

10-29-2004, 09:56 PM
WOW! WOW! WOW! Those are just fabulous pictures!

I'm so glad you had one good day left and took these great pictures and shared them with us:D

10-29-2004, 10:01 PM
W:eek:W Jess! The pictures are great! I love them, your dogs are both VERY BEAUTIFUL, thanks for sharing:D:D

10-29-2004, 11:13 PM
GORGEOUS pictures! WOW! They are so crispey clear!!! I enjoyed them all! Beautiful pups, beautiful place, and beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

10-30-2004, 11:15 AM
Wow is right!!! Jess, those are the most beautiful pics of the pups I think you've ever posted! Ilove those two shots of Tommy takng the plunge then doing the "shake off!":D And the ones of the two of them posing on the rock...gorgeous! You should frame some of them, Jess!!!:)

10-30-2004, 12:20 PM
Kay, feel free to mess with any of them you want. It was very relaxing there, and best of all was watching the pups have such a wonderful time. :)

Pam, I love that one too and am using it as my desktop now. I think they were having an important discussion about all the interesting scents they had found :D

Anna, Thank you I sure enjoyed the getaway immensely and enjoyed sharing the pics :)

Orangutango, Thank you! I think they look the most beautiful when they are so very happy, The sight of a joy-filled dog is one of the most beautiful I can imagine :)

Poppy, The day before had been so rainy, everything looked particularly sharp and clean, all the rocks were damp and colorful and the colors of the plants were so vivid. It truly was gorgeous. and the scent of the pine needles and leaves was just heavenly :)

Sandra I think these are some of my favorites ever of them too. I definitely would like to get some printed out on photo paper and framed :)

Thanks everyone!

10-30-2004, 12:28 PM
GORGEOUS pictures!!! :eek: The dogs are so beautiful next to the lovely senery. :D Wow....its just gorgeous down there, and so the doggies looked like they had a blast. Heidi would have. :D I like this picture the best:

10-30-2004, 12:44 PM
What beautiful pictures. You've inspired me - maybe we'll go for a hike today. ^_^

10-30-2004, 11:27 PM
Such wondeful, wonderful pictures, Jess! What a great day. Looks like a lovely hike with some beautiful scenery and of course two beautiful dogs. I just love your babies. So sweet and charming in their pics. Real lookers those two ;) Give them both a hug from me please.

Robin :)

10-31-2004, 12:58 AM
what gorgeous gorgeous pics!
never apologize for posting too many pics!!
I love the lip one!

10-31-2004, 05:10 AM
Wow is Right!!!!!!
Fabulous Pics!!!!
Very Professional!!!
Think of what you could do if you weren't hanging on to 2 dogs,a hip pack,camera,etc!!!! ;)

I loved all the pics,especially the 2 together!!!
But I will say....The "Plunge" & "Shake" have special meaning when its' a Golden doing the Plunging & Shaking!!!!!;) :) :D

And that one of Tommy standing over the water....Frameworthy!!

They all are Frameworthy!!!!
We Love to see Pics of your Beautiful Pups!!!!!


10-31-2004, 05:13 AM
Really great photos :)
I really love this one :

Holly's mom
10-31-2004, 10:53 AM
Those are awesome pictures! Looks like Tommy and Tasha had a great time. I know what what you mean about savoring the last nice warmer days of the season!! I just got back yesterday afternoon, having been gone since Thursday. My daughter and I met my sister, niece, and mom (all from Wisconsin) at the Mall of America for a heavy duty shopping excursion. ;) It's been in the 30's and low 40's in NW Minnesota, but the closer we got to the Cities, it got warmer and warmer with lots of rain. (My husband said we got lots of rain in Thief River Falls, too). It was in the 60's in Bloomington on Friday with storm and tornado warnings. Unreal for this time of year. Got back to Thief River Falls yesterday and there was lots of standing water in the yard. My husband said Holly had fun playing in the mud, but he had her cleaned up good by the time I got home.:)

10-31-2004, 04:56 PM
Miranda, I bet Heidi would have had a blast too, she'd be in her element tromping through the woods. I'm glad you enjoyed the pics :)

wolfie, Thank you for the compliment. Did you end up going on a hike? ;)

Robin, It was a truly gorgeous day, and the pups were overjoyed that we went out on such a fun adventure. I gave them the hugs for you, thanks!

Staci, I love that lip one too, I grin every time I see it! :) Thank you.

delidog, Wow you have me blushing with such lavish praise, thank you and I'm so glad you enjoyed them! :)

Esster, I'm using that pic as my desktop, makes me smile every time I see it :)

Karen, We've definitely had a wet fall lately :eek:. If it had been colder we'd have a ton of snow on the ground by now! Tommy got really muddy while we were out there, it's hard to tell on the pics, but on the full size version on this one (cropped to just show his head) you can see some of the mud smeared on his head and ears, no idea how he got so much mud on his head.
He had to have a bath when we got home, and the water was filthy :o

Thanks again all for the kind comments :)