View Full Version : HELP ~with a bitey kitten!

10-29-2004, 01:06 PM
I know she is being a KITTEN and she is getting better at not using her nails. But she bites everything that gets near her. I go to pet her ever so gently and she attacks my hand. She attacks my feet. I know it is a kitten to pounce on anything that moves and that is fine - but it is starting to hurt when she bites!
I have been spraying her with water when she bites and scruffing her neck when she does it.
The other day I had to pick her off of Keegan's head b/c she was trying to chew on her eye! :eek: And Keegan is getting leary of being around her b/c she tries to chew on her. If Keegan is tired and Kloe comes by she will growl and just get up and move.... but there is no place that Keegan can go to get away from her! I usually keep Kloe in the bathroom with me when I shower so the girls can get at least a brief break from her....
She pounces on Kylie and I know that is to be expected - that is the kitten antics but the jumping on Keegan's head has me a bit concerned! :eek:
nawtee kat! :rolleyes:

I am just so afraid that whatever I do/don't do is going to ruin her make her into an unbearable adult cat that isn't safe to be around...... do you suppose it could be b/c I kept her shut in the bathroom when I wasn't home and when we were sleeping? :( I did it for her own good. :( She was too little to be out with the big girls if I wasn't there or asleep and couldn't pay attn. She was too little to jump on and off the bed so I didn't want to roll on her and suffocate her while I was sleeping...
I feel like a bad mom.... :(

10-29-2004, 01:33 PM
It sounds like she is going through her teething stage (yes just like little babies). When Tanner when through that he was absolutely miserable. But you are doing the right things and she will grow out of it. The one thing I did do is by a small toy for him to chew on (instead of me). Unfortunately only time (and a good squirt once in awhile) will take care of this.

Sorry there is no easy remedy for this one...

10-29-2004, 01:59 PM
I too have a biter. I found him on the side of the road this summer. He was about 9 weeks old or so and started his biting from day 1. I too do all the same things. He chases and terrorizes my other 4 girls. For the most part I don't worry too much but he is about 5 pounds now and the girls are starting to scream louder. This morning he drew blood on my wrist with his teeth because we were having a discussion about not being so rough on my Deirdre.

I not only use the water bottle when he is being too rough and scruff his neck but I find wrapping him in a blanket or towel till he calms down helps sometimes too. He just gets tooooo riled up and can't seem to calm himself down. I also have a cage in the living room that he gets time outs in when he gets too out of control. Trouble also has to sleep in the bathroom by himself at night. The girls really need the rest to deal with him the rest of the day. And I need the peace.

I wasn't going to keep him but finding him a home when he is so aggressive has been very difficult. I can't place him in a home with children or older adults because of his biting. He would immediately be an outdoor cat I am sure. So I am probably keeping the little terror. You can't help but love him and when he is sleeping he is sooo sweet...*L*



10-29-2004, 02:37 PM
Thanks! Good to know that I am doing to right/ok thing.....
I remember going thru the bitey stage with Keegan (GR) but it was much easier to tell her NO BITE as she was hanging on my finger! :rolleyes: And I remember her teeth falling out.
Maybe I should start leaving her in the bathroom again - I had been letting her out with us for about a week :confused: She is such a good little cute sleeper!!!
I know what you mean Denyce!!!

Can anyone tell me when they start to teeth?

10-29-2004, 03:08 PM
Mina is probably going through the same thing. She is chewing on everything. (including meowmie's homework) I figure she will eventually quit. The other thing is she is constantly in a play mood at night.

10-29-2004, 04:24 PM
Staci - it sounds SOOOO frustrating. My babies do bite but I know it must not be anything like what you are going through because I quickly substitute a toy and quit playing with them and that is all it takes. I do NOT think it has anything to do with you keeping Kloe locked up when you were away - that was all for her own good and if that were the case - nearly every adopted kitten from a shelter would be a biter!!! Let's hope it is her teething stage and will get better. I am so sorry because I can only imagine the frustration you feel, espcially when some of us (me) keep posting pictures of sweetness and happiness and this must make you feel worse:( If she does not get better, maybe she is one of those few who will need some sort of medication to keep her from being overstimulated because I know that is when it is that my kittens do their biting! That is in the future though and maybe never will happen. Sorry I have no advice only that I sympathize with you for what that is worth. ((((HUGS))))

10-29-2004, 10:00 PM
Have you tried interactive toys, like "Cat Dancers" and feather wands to tire her out? A (and I impress) GENTLE tap on the nose, accompanied by a hiss, will oftentimes stop them in their tracks. Mom cats do this to their kittens. Another thing that may work, is when she gets all fired up, pick her up, cuddle her, hold her bitey mouth shut, and scritch her cheeks, and talk in a gentle voice. Tell her she's a good girl..babble! Quietly. It's a phase she'll get over hopefully sooner, than later. ;)

10-30-2004, 01:40 AM
To know what to do. I am having a similar situation with my new arrival Squeekers. He doesnt bite too much, but everytime I pick him up or try to love on him, he smacks at me and squirms to get away. All of my other kittens when they were little, were so sweet and loving, and he can be so mean sometimes. I understand that maybe I should not pressure him to cuddle, but I do not want him to grow up to be a mean cat. I dont know what to do either. Us meowmies have alot to deal with, eh? Good luck with your situation, and no i do not think it has anything to do with locking her up. I also locked up all of my other kittens when they were small to be safe, and they are perfectly sweet and loving. I hope all gets better, for you and your other furbabies.;)

10-30-2004, 08:09 AM
I have a grown cat (Vivi) who has never liked to be picked up and cuddled, even from a kitten. Sasha is just the opposite - loves to be cuddled. I guess individual cats can just be different, just like dogs, or humans for that matter.

I think you're doing the right thing for the biting kitty. I know it's frustrating too, and yes, the pictures of sweetness and love (although I love them) make me wish I had that, because Vivi and Sasha romp and play fight ALL THE TIME - I've never seen them be affectionate toward each other. Such is the life of a cat lover! :) It'll get better - promise.

10-30-2004, 08:26 AM
The one thing,that worked with Rocca,a biter,was to distract,her,with toys,that she can chew,on,to her hearts content! The carpted Cat Mice,are good,for this,and we wish,you,and the Chewy Cat well.

10-30-2004, 10:55 PM
Thanks again everyone for the encouragement - things are going ok so far. It has it's moments.....

Debbie~ Nonsense!! I know that all kitties are different I just think I got a feisty one! I love seeing your lovely pics!
She was pretty feisty tonite and went over to Keegan and Keegan did her move and growl thing and I swooped Kloe up and she promptly fell asleep in my arms!!!
Then she woke up like a little hell cat!! :rolleyes: But I did get some sweet pics!

10-30-2004, 10:56 PM
and another

10-30-2004, 10:58 PM
last one
**sigh** she looked soooooo sweet!!!


10-31-2004, 11:58 AM
Awwww....now you didn't mention that she was a very adorable tortie! Of Course you are now also dealing with tortietude. That is an added dimension to the situation. :D :D