View Full Version : Just some pic of a few of the pup side of the gang.

10-29-2004, 12:44 PM
Nothing special just a few picture of my dog side of the zoo. I just haven't posted pic. in awhile so thought I would today.

Anyway here they are.
Tuffy and Cannilla:


Mooch: Who I am so happy to say, is showing signs of her site coming back, SOME. Finger crossed it's not just wishfull thinking.

Cannilla again:

And last Tuffy letting Tig know he's watching.

Hopefully Rocky and Odie picture will be coming later.

10-29-2004, 01:25 PM
Your dogs are all so cute!

I love Tuffy and Cannilla! They looks so sweet together in the first one. :)
And that last one of your kitty and Tuffy is really cute too.. I love the cats markings!

Fingers and Paws crossed for sweet little Mooch!

Thanks for sharing them! We don't get to see your sweet furbabies often enough!

10-29-2004, 02:31 PM

I just love your crew, but Tuffy really pulls my heart strings(I think you knew that already ;) :p)

Fingers and paws crossed here for Mooch's sight!

10-29-2004, 02:50 PM
We certainly don't see enough of you kids. Mooch is the sweetest and cutest little thing ever. I hope her eyes get better.

10-29-2004, 06:31 PM
So many precious pups to drool over tonight:) Tuffy, Caninlla, Mooch and Brandy, you're all beautiful! Oh, wouldn't that be great if Mooch's sight continued to improve!!! Paws crossed for you sweet Mooch:) Looking forward to seeing pics of Rocky and Odie soon, too!

10-29-2004, 06:35 PM
Those are just precious! I especially like the first one of Tuffy and sweet Cannilla. How old is Cannilla now? I sure hope sweet Mooch continues to show hope of improvement with her sight, she looks absolutely darling. Brandy, too cute for words! I love the faceoff pic with Tuffy and Tig too. :D Tig is a pretty kitty!

10-29-2004, 07:00 PM
Your furry crew are all beautiful.
Paws crossed that Mooch's sight continues to improve.
Love all the pictures. :)

10-29-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by K9soul
How old is Cannilla now?

I hate to say this but we really don't know, we belive she about 8 or so. She was a rescue, so really have no idea. I know that she looks a lot older, but we belive that's from her being over breed from her last owners and from the cancer, that aged her faster.

She looks like the old lady of the group, then you look at Mooch who is 18 now, going to be 19 very soon and she doesn't look a day over 7 or 8. Goes to show what a differences between a long good life and Cannilla's past life as just a breeding machine does. :o

Fingers and paws crossed here for Mooch's sight! Yeah we have them all crossed here too. :) Today she, for the first time in a long time, saw me coming to her. :D :D :D :D
I know she will never see clearly, but even if I'm just a big blurr to her, that enough for me.