View Full Version : Ever feel obligated?

PJ's Mom
10-29-2004, 10:57 AM
The dogs behind me keep getting loose. They dig holes under the fence and run around their street. Sometimes they do this several times a day. I've found them almost every time they've been loose and I always bring them into my house so they'll be safe and have food and water until their people come home.

Yesterday they were running after some older lady who was just trying to go for a walk. They're small dogs, (terrier and toy poodle) but I don't think anyone likes being chased by dogs even if they're small ones. (It was kind of funny to see, though. :D )

My question is....how many times am I supposed to keep saving these girls when their owners don't really do anything to keep the dogs in their own yard? I can't let them run free. I've tried and it lasted about 3.5 seconds, before I brought them in. I feel like I have to keep them safe...even though Peej and Bailey don't agree. ;)

What would you do?

10-29-2004, 11:02 AM
What would you do?

This is just me, but i would collect them up and take them to an animal shelter or rescue. The dogs deserve much more than what they have now. But then again your animal population is much higher than ours, so the dogs may have less hope in finding new homes.

I am in the process of catching a few tom cats that hang around, they will be taken to our local RSPCA and if health cleared and temprement cleared will be neutered and put up for adoption.

PJ's Mom
10-29-2004, 11:05 AM
These are the same people who gave away their weimeraner who they had had for 5 years because he barked too much. :mad: If I gave these little girls to the shelter, I might be doing everyone a favor. :(

Samantha Puppy
10-29-2004, 11:10 AM
I'd contact the local puppy rescue. The dogs deserve more than they're getting (and you already know the owners aren't "good" ones for giving away their 5 year old because he barked too much :rolleyes: ) and you and your neighbors deserve peace and quiet. Just make sure whenever you take them, they are in a no kill shelter or a rescue.

10-29-2004, 11:28 AM
I would contact the local K9 unit and file a report about roaming dogs.

I hate to see any dogs go to a shelter. :(

Maybe you could metion to there owners that if they don't want the dogs anymore that you could try and help find them more suitable homes.

10-29-2004, 12:36 PM
I had a black lab come to my house a few times a week, the first time he had no collar, tags... nothing, so I put up signs, and just waited for his owner to call. Well... after a day and a half, she finaly saw the posters and came and got him. He was SUCH a sweetie! (Sierra was in love)

As much as I enjoyed his company, I was upset with her for not doing a better job at keeping him in her yard, and I told her that everytime she came over to pick him up. So the last time he was at my house, I called her and told her that I had Jake, and I also told her that if she didn't want him anymore, that I already had a new home for him, and the people have a fenced in yard.
Well what do you know... that was the last time I ever saw him!

Sometime it pays to be evil!!!:p

Maybe you can call the dog warden or the police and they can tell them that they have to do a better job of keeping their dogs in the yard. If that doesn't work, then I would just take them to a shelter or find new homes for them myself!

PJ's Mom
10-29-2004, 12:50 PM
They were just out again...3rd time today. *sigh* I put them in my back yard while I went into their back yard and covered up every tiny hole I could find. I took them back home. We'll see what happens now. :rolleyes:

Everytime they get out I call my neighbor and leave a message since no one is ever home. You'd think she'd get tired of hearing from me by now. :p

10-29-2004, 09:56 PM
Sounds like that have a pretty crappy life. :( I hope they don't get hurt.

Since you asked what would I do, I would
A. Keep them!
B. Contact a rescue

Are they outside all the time? Rain or shine? Hot or cold?


10-29-2004, 10:03 PM
I would talk to the owners, if possible.

Buddy, my neighbor's Pit Bull, constantly dug under the fence in into our yard. I'd often come home to a drooled up sliding glass door, with a big happy smiling Pittie face to greet me.
While I love Pitties, and I loved being able to play with him, he was giving my dogs fleas and who knows what else.

I gave him many baths, taken him for walks, and allowed him to play with my dogs. But it just got to the point where he'd be in out yard EVERYDAY when I got home from school and I did not feel like dealing with him in the hot hot sun.
I couldn't allow my dogs out in their own backyard without having to watch for Buddy. I'd put him in his yard, fill in all the holes, and even covered some with plywood. He'd come back within minutes.
Even if he dug into the side yard, he'd come up to our front door.
I would have loved to keep this sweet dog but my parents wouldn't allow me to.

We tried walking over to the people's house many times but they were never home. We finally went up to the guys work and spoke to him about it. We have not dealt with Buddy ever since, but I do know he is still there.

Sorry for blabbing... your story just reminded me of him. :p

PJ's Mom
10-29-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by micki76

Are they outside all the time? Rain or shine? Hot or cold?


Yes, when the owners aren't home. They say the dogs jump on the furniture and tear things up when they're gone, so they have to be kept outside. Gee, look at what happens when the dogs don't get enough attention.


Actually, Riley, the terrier, reminds me of a younger Millie. ;)

Kay, I talk to the owner everytime they get out. She just says they're little escape artists, and that she doesn't know what to do with them. :rolleyes:

10-29-2004, 11:17 PM
Well, this is a little fantasy, but I'd *like* to do this:

I'd take a leash and collar and tie the dog to their door or something and stuff a little note in the collar saying:

Dear Mommy and Daddy,

I know I haven't been a good dog and I know I do many bad things inside the house. But I really love you, and all I want is to sleep in your arms by the fire inside of the house and know that I'm safe. All I ask is to be fed, loved, and taken care of. Please, Mommy and Daddy, let me inside the house. I really do want to be a good doggie and not jump on the furniture, but I can't learn these things [manners] without being inside the house. Mommy, all I want to do is to find attention and be loved. But, sometimes you and Daddy lock me outside of the house. It makes me sad to be alone out there, so I escape to find you.


-Insert dog's name-

Gosh, I wish I could do that...

10-30-2004, 07:35 AM
Wow! What a situation you are in. I would probably be doing exactly as you are, bringing them to my yard until their humans got home. I had a little bit of sympathy for the owners until you pointed out a few things 1) they got rid of the weim for barking and 2) these dogs are kept outside all the time because they jump on the furniture and tear things up. I guess the owners never heard of training a dog. *sigh*

Giselle's idea is cute :) although I doubt it would change anything. I would try to talk with them about training and using a crate or gating them in the kitchen or some safe place while they aren't home. Being outside all the time just makes me :mad: . They probably won't follow through on any suggestions because they don't sound like the kind of people who should have the responsibility of caring for dogs. I guess if all else fails you could report them to Animal Control but I sure hope they wouldn't land in a kill shelter. :( :(

PJ's Mom
10-30-2004, 10:56 AM
I love Giselle's idea. It's kind of cute, and definitely something I would do. :)

They got rid of their barking weim, and 2 weeks later got Missy, the poodle. The whole thing didn't make sense because Riley, the terrier barks way more than the other dog ever did. I'm sure there's more to the story that I'll never know. :(

It's kind of funny because when Riley starts barking a lot, my Bailey will run up to the fence and bark back at her. Then, she's quiet. :D

I can't help but feel sorry for them. They absolutely thrive on the attention we give them and get sooooo excited when their owners come to get them. A little attention from their people whould go a long, long way with these girls. :(

PJ's Mom
11-05-2004, 11:53 AM
They're here again. This time Missy (the poodle) had a Kit Kat bar in her mouth.

I called the owner and told her that the dog had eaten chocolate and that I wasn't sure how much. She said she wasn't going to worry about it because she's seen the dog eat Hershey's Kisses before and she's "still going strong". :eek: :mad:

I don't know what to do.

11-05-2004, 01:01 PM
Time for Step 2, I think, PJ's Mom. Start searching out rescue groups, explain the problem and see if they are ready and able to take these dogs in. I've been there and done that and I felt like the blood of the Yorkshire Terrier that was coming to my house, daily, was going to be on my hands if she got hit by a car. It was my last resort, but the last time she escaped their yard, she never went back. They actually called to see if I had seen her......of course, I hadn't. :o

PJ's Mom
11-05-2004, 04:42 PM
You're probably right. :( I just hate the thought of adding two more sweetie pies to the shelter just because some people are too irrespoonsible to take care of them.