View Full Version : I saw the fattest cat in my life!

10-29-2004, 10:49 AM
I went to the vet this morning, and they just adopted a cat. You would not believe how fat she is! They said that she's only 17 lbs right now, that she was 24 when they first got her. 17 lbs doesn't sound like much, but words cannot describe how miserable this cat looked. She looks so uncomfortable when she walks. I watched her try to lay down, it was such a long difficult process just for her to lay down. Her poor back is arched and she looks like she's in pain. They said she could barely even walk when they first got her. How could someone do that to their cat?!

She's a beautiful orangie. I was tempted to take a picture, but I didn't want to be rude. I'm going back today to put posters up for my cats, maybe if it's one of the people I know working, I'll snap a shot.

10-29-2004, 10:51 AM
How sad and totally irresponsible! :(

10-29-2004, 10:55 AM
That is so sad :(

Tigger is about 20 LBs, but he can run and jump and move around and all of that stuff, but he just seems to be a big make lol

But if that cat can't even lay down, then it's such a sin for her to be that big :(

10-29-2004, 10:55 AM
How sad! Did they sy where she came from? I've heard of instances where an older person had their pet and forgot whether or not they fed the pet, so they fed them again and again.

Allen is 20 pounds, but he's active, he jumps and runs and beats the tar out of any one of the other three brave enough to take him on! I watch Allen's weight like a hawk.

10-29-2004, 11:01 AM
They didn't say where she came from...I was to in shock to ask the right questions. I have seen plenty of 20 lb cats that look ok...this one didn't. In fact, if I hadn't asked, I would have guessed she was more like 30 lbs. She was literally the size of three cats. There was the middle of her, which was an average sized cat and then the two sides which were also the size of cats and they hung down.

10-30-2004, 09:28 AM
Poor kitty. :( An obese cat like that is in such danger of developing diabetes, ad if she were to get sick and stop eating for a few days, hepatic lipidosis (aka fatty liver disease) could kill her. Ughh.

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 09:51 AM
Chester is 15 pounds and I would have thought he was closer to 20. He is real long and real tall so he does not look "fat", he is all muscle and solid as a rock...

Poor kitty you saw at the vets office wil trim down quick in the vets care and be able to do things she can't do right now and be a lot happier and a lot more comfortable. YaaaaY for the vet taking her in!!

10-30-2004, 01:11 PM
Sash is 16 pounds and I would like to get his weight down a little. It's so difficult though with cats. Sash doesn't seem uncomfortable though and still jumps on dressers, etc. and is fairly active for a 12 year old. It's also an issue when they have trouble even grooming themselves, I don't see Sash having problems with grooming either, he can still reach his belly pretty good. ;)

10-30-2004, 01:15 PM
Poor thing.My Colby is too fat but he runs and plays all the time.I'm trying so hard to get his weght down.He was very sick when I got him at the shelter.Loaded with everything bad.Poor guy.But not as bad as the cat your talking about for sure.Poor thing must be in awful pain.

10-31-2004, 12:59 PM
We had a thirty pound Cat,in my neighborhood,when I was young,and the Poor Cats,died a miserable death,at 4!

11-01-2004, 08:57 AM
The Cat,was a Huge Orange Cat,that we called Pumpkin,and he atemeat,mashed potatoes,and was always,in the local newspaper,and wherever he went,Pumpkin got something,to eat! But,at 40 months,the 35 Pound Pumpkin,had a stroke,was constipted,and died,just short,of his fourth Birthday,the Poor Cat! Now,I am trying to reduce Moose,and JJJ3,as I dont want them,to join BJ,any time soon.

11-01-2004, 10:31 AM
Hank pictured below is 25 lbs of kitty,No fat at all,he is very very tall(long legs)and his litter sister polly not pictured is like 6 lbs.So I think she got the brains and he got the braun.But he is very very smart himself,he has figured out how to turn door knobs so we had to child proof everything,once i woke up and no kitties(we got 6) usally i have 3 in bed with me,I went to find out where they were,they were out in the garage.and i opened the door and they all ran in and hank sitting on top of the car saying see "daddy" you do need to get a new lightbulb lol...I just said hankie get ur fuzzy butt in and he sauntered i..From then on i lock all doors lol