View Full Version : HELP! -Other Reasons they scratch???

10-29-2004, 09:10 AM
We have looked and looked and looked and can not find fleas on our cat. She has been with us for 3 weeks and in the last 2 she has started scratching a bunch around the head and neck but we can not see any fleas. SOOO I read that is could be a food allergy and switched her back to the "better" food and she is scratching a lot less. She scratched (just a little not a heavy scratch) about 3 times last night in about 4 hours. Is this normal? Do they scratch just to scratch or is it fleas even if I can't find any? I even looked where she is laying down and picked through the hair she is shedding and there are no small dark spots that smear into blood - flea droppings... Any ideas please!!!! She did not do well with the medicine from the vet after her surgery (get fixed) so I hate to put anything on her (frontline or advantage) if she doesn't need it. Thank you!!!! Debbie

10-29-2004, 09:16 AM
She could just have hot spots or general allergies. My cat Chuck itches all the time and it's his allergies.

10-29-2004, 09:29 AM
Thank you so much for replying! How did you know it was just allergies? I am afraid I'm not doing something I should. She is my first cat and I want to be a good mommy! :) Debbie

10-29-2004, 09:43 AM
Moose,has scabs,on his back,and now,I too,have to find out why.He is pretty fles sensitive,so a new Ova Collar,should help.We hope,that your Kitty,is well soon.

10-29-2004, 09:53 AM
It's too cold where live for fleas and ticks and still our kitties scratch all the time. Their skin is fine. Their coats are glossy, but still they scratch. Sometimes, it's just a "cat thing". :D

10-29-2004, 10:09 AM
Ok - thank you all - I've been so worried! It did help when I switched back to her "better" food. She slowed down a lot. I'm going to buy a better food soon - I have to find a supplier and I have a free sample coming.. I feel better - we have tried and tried to find fleas but she just doesn't have them... Thanks again, Debbie

10-29-2004, 10:14 AM
Is she trying to scratch her ears? Just take a quick look insde her ears and see if you can spot anything inside.

Otherwise, only 3 scratches in a 4 hour period could be just scratching. think about how many times a day you scratch you neck or face. I never realized how often until I consciously was aware of it.

10-29-2004, 10:16 AM
Just a shot in the dark here but you said she scratches the back of her head and neck. Does she scratch around her ears? Could it be ear mites?

I noticed all three of my adults started scratching their head more this summer but they don't have fleas or ear mites so I've chalked it up to allergies too since it just started this summer and ended a few weeks ago but I do think it's odd that all three would do it at the same time.

10-29-2004, 10:29 AM
I and my hubby who is more familar with cats checked her ears but thought the vet would be better and when we took her to get her stictches out we made them look at her ears too and they said she was fine BUT I don't like the vet - I shouldn't have had to insist they look at her ears - she came from the Animal Control and they wouldn't even look at anything including fleas or ear mites unless specifically asked and they charged me for it on top of the surgery and medicine I was already paying for - I thought they'd look just because they cared BUT NO - MONEY is the only answer to even a 10 second look over! ARGGG! Anyway.... I need to find a nice vet that cares... I had to specifically ask and pay for them to look at her nose that was scraped up and that took them all of 5 seconds to do.... Anyway - she has done a great job herself on the nose and all the hair is back and the cut healed and she is beautiful!!! Thanks again, Debbie

01-15-2005, 08:49 PM
My cats have had problems with their skin and shedding. We have not figured out if it is allergies or something else, but the vet recommended "Shed No More - Hairball Control". It has done wonders for Princess and Nicky. The sprinkle capsule is easy and they are so much happier. You can get the Shed No More - Hairball Control at www.BestPetSupplements.com. They also have an email to answer you questions too. I hope this helps!

01-16-2005, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by cruisetime
We have looked and looked and looked and can not find fleas on our cat. She has been with us for 3 weeks and in the last 2 she has started scratching a bunch around the head and neck but we can not see any fleas. SOOO I read that is could be a food allergy and switched her back to the "better" food and she is scratching a lot less. She scratched (just a little not a heavy scratch) about 3 times last night in about 4 hours. Is this normal? Do they scratch just to scratch or is it fleas even if I can't find any? I even looked where she is laying down and picked through the hair she is shedding and there are no small dark spots that smear into blood - flea droppings... Any ideas please!!!! She did not do well with the medicine from the vet after her surgery (get fixed) so I hate to put anything on her (frontline or advantage) if she doesn't need it. Thank you!!!! Debbie
Snowball scratches some also & if she scratches at her ears it is ear mites plus she has an allergie to them so I have drops from the vet to put in her ears when she scratches them a lot. Plus I also found out she is allergic to fleas so at certain times I get her a shot at the vet or I give her a flea bath here at home. Cats must just shed this time of the year because Snowball is also but not a lot of hair just some here & there in the house.

01-16-2005, 12:22 PM
And it could be that your house,is a little dry,and a Cat,can easily have dry skin,from that,and be itchy.