View Full Version : It's almost Halloween....

10-29-2004, 12:26 AM
Let's hear your spooky stories! From real life encounters with ghosts to silly jokes, please share them all! :)

guster girl
10-29-2004, 08:31 AM
I don't really have any, but, I wanted to bump this up. My ex watched the Blair Witch Project, and, went camping alone for three nights the very next night. That's pretty spooky! That movie didn't really scare me while watching it, but, man! I seriously had a hard time walking my dog after dark for like three nights. :)

10-29-2004, 10:45 AM
LOL The movie 'The Ring' traumatized me so bad!!! I still hadn't gotten over it for 3 months after watching the movie. :eek:

I have two stories about it.

1) I saw the movie with two of my friends... we were going to watch some other movie, but my friend bought us tickets for that movie :mad: :eek: ... so anyway, 7 days after watching the movie (my friends knew how much the movie scared me), around the same time we saw the movie, my friends decided to call me :eek: :mad: ... because in the movie, you get these weird phone calls and stuff.. LUCKILY, I had my headphones on loud and was listening to music on my computer, so I didn't even hear the phone ring! LOL!! :D I would have gotten sooo scared!

2) I remember one day I was watching TV, and as I sometimes do, I left the TV on during commercials or whatever and ran to my computer for a while... I had been watching some channel, and all of a sudden the TV goes out by itself and goes all fuzzy like it did in the ring. :eek:
I got so scared!!!!
But I think it was that one channel that went out for some reason... all the other channels worked... it was weird.. LOL

Just thinking/writing about that movie still scares me... O_O'
*hides* >.<
Sorry my stories aren't really related to Halloween or ghosts or anything LOL!

I actually have a real life ghost story but you guys would think it's lame LOL...

10-29-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by BCBlondie

I actually have a real life ghost story but you guys would think it's lame LOL...

I want to hear it!
I won't think it's lame at all!!

10-29-2004, 01:19 PM
lol well lets see not long ago I woke up at 3 AM to a loud crashing noise, I imediently turned on my light and my garbage can was dumped, kari's kennel was in the same sport but flipped on its side, and a bunch of stuff had fallin off a high shelf, I thought maybe kari have gotten out or something but when I looked around kari and smudge were both in their pen, and all the dogs were fast asleep on my bed :eek: also once I was watching a movie and a cold draft came out of the wall and lingered in the one spot, when I got up and moved just outside of the spot it was warm again, but step back in and it was freezing, that was just weird lol now I also have a phantom Gerbil in my house, several people have seen a balck gerbil with a white spot on its head run by, all on seperate occasions and some people have seen it twice, and they all descibe it as black with a white spot on its head, both kids, adults and teens have seen it, funny thing is I dont HAVE a black gerbil with a white spot on its head :confused: nore have I ever had one, I have had black gerbils with a white spot on their mouth, but never on the head :confused:

10-29-2004, 01:20 PM
I think my house is honestly haunted... Well my old bedroom especially..... Hence why I moved upstairs. It ( the ghost or whatever) didn't like me or my hamsters... Wierd huh?? I know unbelievable, but I saw what happened and I live here.... My best friend Tianna never used to believe me either and she slept over all the time until one night.... lets just say now she believes me and I swear on my life I'm not Lieing!:(

edit: I'll tell the one story... Its sad and scary...
Okay I went aways to NS for a while and I called my mom and she said my hamster cage got broken... I was like well what happened. She said that she heard a large crashing noise and ran into my bedroom and my hamster cage was on the floor all busted up and my hamster was just sitting there... Well I laughed and said yeah right until I got home and saw shavings and a broken hamster cage.... Hamster was ok this time. (oh yeah we didn't have cats at the time).....

next time I was watching a movie with my boyfriend and I went into my room to grab a blanket cuz the house was freezing... anyways I ran to my room in a hurry so I didn't miss much of the movie and grabbed my blanke off my bed... For some reason I felt as if I should check on my hamsters I had 2... So I turned around and went back and looked at the first hamster cage and I knew my hamster was dead... I just felt it... So I went closer to check her bed, but before I got there I glanced at the other cage Tim my other hamster was out of the cage and sitting on the top of it both doors were closed and he wasn't moving just sitting on the top lifeless... I thought he was dead! So I grabbed him rushed into the kitchen and tried to get him to mive he wouldn't but I knew he was alive after a few min he came to and I put him back in his cage... My other hamster was dead :( but I moved Tiny Tim upstairs... I try to find an explanation for it like maybe he could smell that the other hamster was dead and it upset him. maybe animals can sense these things but one thing I can't explain was how he was out of the cage.:( :( I really do think this house is haunted I swear, it scares the He** outta me!

10-29-2004, 01:24 PM
oh ya and some storys at my friends house as well lol when everyone including the dogs were in her living room the microwave buttons started to push themselves, in the middle of the night her TV has turned on and off with noone around and once while I was there we heard a glass shatter but nothing was there, and everyone was in the living room.

10-30-2004, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by pitc9
I want to hear it!
I won't think it's lame at all!!

It was just really weird... it happened at my grandma's house when I was a lot younger.

I was maybe around... 7? or so... I remember walking down the back steps of my grandma's house, to go outside... As soon as I opened the back door, the first thing I saw was a German Shepherd standing in front of this shed/small house-type thing in my grandma's backyard. For some reason, it didn't seem real and I realized I was seeing things... so I closed my eyes, and opened them, and he was still there... so then I closed my eyes again, shook my head, and when I opened them again, he was gone. The whole time, all he did was just stand there, looking back at me...

What's more weird... was that, a couple years later, my brother (he's 1.5yrs younger than I am), cousins, and I were talking about ghost stories, and my brother said he once saw some dog in my grandma's backyard... he said he saw just the head of the dog over a bush or something (if that makes sense to you lol) , and the description of the dog matched the one that I had seen years earlier. (A GSD with a black diamond-type marking on the forehead... like some GSD's have)

My grandma has never had a GSD... and she didn't think the people before her had one either... I know for a fact that the dog I saw was not a real dog.... and I know for a fact that both my brother and I saw it, but at different times. Weird, eh?

Just did a search on google... and this is sort of what he looked like:
(but no grey on muzzle)

10-30-2004, 07:07 AM
my scariest story........

lets see: about my x-wife... it all started .......


never mind...

:eek: ;) :D

10-30-2004, 10:25 AM
This isn't a ghost story, or even scary but it's kinda weird...

A few times when my sister was younger, she'd come inside and say things like 'oh, what did aunt patti want when she called?' and my mom would be like 'Your aunt never called...?' then a few mins later the phone rang and it was our aunt :eek: and another time she came in and said something about eatting KFC when no one told her about it..she just came in and said it. Really weird. I guess my mom thought it was uber creapy and took ehr to the doctors and they told her to ignore it so she stopped doing it I guess...

Once mydad told me when he was younger he had a dream, it was like the first snow fall of the year and he was wlaking home from school and he came in andhis mom was crying and stuff...and I guess a while later (first snow of the year) he came home to his mom crying because his sister got in a car accident! Stuff like that I find kinda creapy..

I'm trying to think of something scary that happened but nothings coming to mind right now

10-30-2004, 10:39 AM
:eek: BCBlondie, I heard a story kinda like that in 5 th grade, about that dog with the cement block and the hosptal and the wet paws and I cant really remember it? :rolleyes: I have this whole book of weird animal stories, with one about a dog that had died, and then about a year later his owner was almost kidnapped, and he saved her life, his owner believed he was a spirit, or a guardian angel. Well, sometimes we believe that there is a ghost in our house and we named him Bob :rolleyes: one day in the kitchen the air conditioner/heater dial was moving by itself, and sometimes in other parts of the house it will automatically get cold, and then suddenly warm again in one spot :eek:

10-30-2004, 10:51 AM
I have a creepy story. I keep buying food coloring and it keeps disappearing. I am sure it isn't my fault. There must be a monster in my house hiding it somewhere...

Laura's Babies
10-30-2004, 11:03 AM
I think I posted this before but will post again....

When I lived in Florida, my best friend had been very sick for almost a year, almost died several times. She had befriended a old man years before and he was dying of cancer. He was all alone, being raised in a orphanage and so was his wife, they never had any childern and his wife had died years before. My friend was like a daughter to him and she loved him very much and he loved her very much. He worried about her and how sick she was, although he was dying of cancer, he was afraid she would die before him and leave him to die alone.

He had a cat, Jenny, a beautiful older cat that he adored and he had planned to have Jenny PTS upon his death but my friend talked him into letting her have his cat when he died and he agreed.

When he died, my friend was by his side and was very sad at his passing. He had left her his house and all the contients in it so Jenny could stay where she had lived all her life. WE moved in his house right away, me moving in to take care of my sick friend and to TRY to get her well. I ADORED Jenny and she would sleep with me every night. I felt what I thought was Jenny by me one night but it felt more like someone tucking me in. I put my hand down where I had felt her and asked what she was doing.... Jenny was not there!! I looked and she was nowhere to be seen and certianly not on the bed with me!! I did not mention this to my friend.

Fast forward a few days later... My friend looked at me one morning and smiled at me. I asked her what she was smiling at me for... She said "It was so sweet of you to tuck me in last night! No one has done that since I was a child!". I had to tell her that it was NOT ME and I had experienced the same thing a few night earlier!

We are sure it was Mr. Smith tucking us in lovingly to let us know he was OK now and apperciated us taking care of his prescious Jenny.

10-30-2004, 11:41 AM
A few years ago I woke up one morning and one of our kitchen chairs was out in the middle of the room:eek: Now my dogs have knocked chairs over before but never moved them(we have carpet)I didn't say a word to my husband until we were outside later,didn't want the ghost to hear! He said he didn't do it either!:confused:

11-01-2004, 05:30 PM
I don't have any too scary!

11-01-2004, 11:33 PM
I don't have any myself, but I totally believe people do.
I have heard of several stories at work -(work in a hospital) where people have seen things floating thru the air, walk thru the OB dept when it is closed and empty and the rocker is rocking and you might hear a baby cry.....
This nurse that also works at a NH said they have several spirits at the NH. They have a spirit that they see - believe it is a little old retired nurse that comes to stay with the resident that is ready to cross over and guides them on. They have seen people walk into a linen closet and went in there to talk to the person thinking it was someone else and - noone was in there.
I watched a show yesterday on the history channel about the Amtyville horror and whoa! That was WILD.
The little girl had a 'friend' that was a pig named Jodi and when the parents walked thru one day the little girl was sitting there talking to 'herself' and the rocker was rocking. The step dad saw eyes from the outside of the house looking in and when he was outside he saw eyes from the inside looking out. And after a snow he found hoof marks outside windows!
The wife started dreaming about the previous murders and came up with clues that only investigators would know. The dad when he would check on the kids and they would all be sleeping on their stomachs in the same position that the bodies were found.
Before moving in they had a priest come to bless the house and he was in a particular room and he heard a deep voice behind him telling him to get out and when he turned he felt a huge slap in the face that almost knocked him down. When the family would try to get ahold of him via phone the connection would get real staticky and when he tried to call them the number was out. The family tried one last time to vanquish the spirits going thru the house saying the Lord's prayer over and over and they heard GET OUT so they left with just the clothes on their backs. Somehow they were told they could go back into the house to get one item and it was an old family trunk that contained personal pics etc..... they took a HUGE financial loss on the house.
They also stated that their were continued to be haunted even after they moved across the country to CA.
They only lived in the house for 28 days!

11-02-2004, 12:20 AM
I have always had some kind of werid thing happen to me But the house we live in now has a childs ghost here. I thought for the first year I was going nuts I could hear a bay or very young child crying in the room my daughter had. Later on she told me she heard it too. We thought it was comming some how from the neighbors (we have werid basement aqustic I can hear EVERthing said in theirs but they (thankfully) can't hear mine) After getting to know the neighbors they had no children. We still hear it occasionally but much less we must be satifing it with my classical music.
I really have to thank hubby for moving me to Montana spook central, I'm having more phisic events than ever. The family wants to go to Custer battle feild, yea right, just what I need. I could spent weeks telling the tales I have had even as a very young child, the phone call be fore it happens ,Yea been there weekly. The I know I've been here before that to, knew where every thing was in a strangers house.
No wonder I can't seen to have "normal" animals.