View Full Version : TWO Cats in ONE room!!!

10-28-2004, 11:16 PM
:eek: A first for this house!!! ;)

I am very happy about this!

First I need to say that this did NOT happen on its own, it was my doing, I wanted to try something, all I did was bring Tigger in my room, and he sat on the floor and stared at Emma...

It was a LONG process

I layed Tigger on my bed and calmed him down and emma layed on the floor and stared at him and hissed...

I then layed her on the bed and Tigger took off! So I calmed Emma down and she layed there on the bed, I then layed Tigger on the other end of the bed and calmed him down, he won't get up when he's comphy, as he's very lazy ;)

The pictures tell the rest!


There was a bit of growling and hissing going on at this point, but they still stayed there...

A little closer ;)


Someone is leaving!

More pictures comming!

10-28-2004, 11:18 PM
Congrats ... soon you will be able to post snuggle kitties!;)

10-28-2004, 11:19 PM
Emma getting head scritches:

Tigger's turn!

My big guy:

My two gorgeous kitties:


Hope you enjoyed--I definatly did!!

10-28-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Congrats ... soon you will be able to post snuggle kitties!;)

I really hope so, Kim! Right now, I really doubt that ever happening, but who knows? ;)

10-29-2004, 07:04 AM
You have the most beautiful cats! Of course, I'm in LOVE with Tigger, but Emma is most beautiful too! Thanks for sharing pictures! I'm always so happy to see Tigger I LOVE TIGGER! I LOVE TIGGER! Have I said I love Tigger lately? Have I told Tigger lately that I love him? ;)

Laura's Babies
10-29-2004, 07:18 AM
I think they all want to be friends but the hissing and spitting is a ritual they have to do first to get acquainted and set the rule of who is in charge.

Ever notice how when there is a new one in the house, they just can NOT stay away from that door (mine do that).

When I took my babies to Kevlins the last time I was getting ready to go back to work, Lucky was shut up in the bathroom....this is when he was so sick.... Amy would not stay away from that door and she would just sit there and HOWL!! The only time she has ever howled before is in the car but she kept going back to that door and howling!

10-29-2004, 09:12 AM
If the Es,Eddie,and HH Edwina,can be Pals,so can Tigger and Emma.Pouncer,and Scrappy,fought,a lot,at first,but were soon,the Best,of Cat Pals!

10-29-2004, 10:32 AM
Thanks everyone.

I really hope they become pals!

Tigger still surprises me with how good he is being, I am SO proud of him, I have shown him cats/kittens before, belong to other people, and he always hated them, and when my cousin brang her new kitten up for a while, he stayed outside and wouldn't come in...So I was really expecting the worst!

He's been a very good boy though ;) :D

10-29-2004, 10:36 AM
Well thats good progress. :) Hopefully they will become the best of friends. :) I really like this picture:
Emma's paws look SO soft. Are they? Shes gorgeous! :D

10-29-2004, 11:23 AM
Great progress. Who knows where it may lead with time.

Great pictures too. You have two gorgeous kitties.

10-29-2004, 12:44 PM
Good work Robyn! Yes, I did enjoy that session of pictures with you:D Sharing the bed space is a very good sign. They HAVE to go through the hissy fit stage you know:rolleyes: It's a cat thing. I bet you will be posting snuggle pictures before year's end!!:D I am waiting!! Give Tigger a *SMOOCH* for me and a nice *scritch* for pretty Emma.

10-30-2004, 01:38 PM
Emma and Tigger are gorgeous!!!!;)