View Full Version : Dale was naw-tee today!! (pics)

10-28-2004, 09:07 PM
Dale is not a big chewer, at all. We have stuffed toys of his, that he has had for months...eventually, he will chew them and remove stuffing, but it takes a while...same with raw hides, he takes forever to get through one...well i walked into the kitchen today to see this! It seems that he had a fight with his dog bed, and he won!:rolleyes:

I had washed it and bleached it today, and put it through the dryer with fresh scented dryer sheets, so maybe it had an effect on him, like catnip does to cats :) Fresh smelling...anyway, it is a homemade dog bed...i have a twin comforter folded up, and then i sewed the outer part...like a pillow case...well he got to the comforter...silly doggie ;)

Here i am posting him in all of his naughtiness, as he sleeps beside me, snoring away! :) LOL.


I have a few other miscellaneous pics of him...

Dale sitting for a treat, from Christian...

Pu-leeze, enough of this picture taking!!

I'm not looking!!

Shedding ( er, uh, snoozing) on the couch ;)

I lOVE this one...

That's all :)

10-28-2004, 09:09 PM
Dale is so handsome! Thanks for sharing:D:D

10-28-2004, 09:18 PM
Dale is so beautiful! I just love the one of him and Christian.

10-28-2004, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Christiansmommy
I lOVE this one...

That's all :)

Awww Dale, you are so handsome!!!!

Silly boy you aren't supposed to rip up your bed!:p

10-28-2004, 09:57 PM
Robyn, boy does that bring back memories for me (even as recently as a few months ago!!!!). I remember buying my first beds for Honey and Lilly from KMart and I was so proud. I had to go out of town and I one of the teacher's from Helen's school, who was a great friend was at the house with Helen. When I came home that night, the two beds were tied in knots at the top. Brett said that when she walked into the house with Helen, the beds were empty and there was a foot of "fluff" all over the kitchen floor, as if it had snowed!!! Nawtee Honey and Lilly! :eek: And to this day, they will still do the same thing, which is why sweet Murphy is the only one with an official bed!!! LOL!!! :)

Dale, you are too cute to make your mama mad!!! :D

10-28-2004, 10:31 PM
Dale what did you do to your dog bed?
Awww you are still and Angel. :D

10-29-2004, 05:17 AM
Dale is simply,, yummy!!!! and oh such a naughty man for chewing your bed,, tsk tsk tsk

10-29-2004, 09:53 AM
Oh Dale..... your still one handsome man!!!!

You just wanted to add a little stuffing to the decor... right?!?:p

10-29-2004, 10:12 AM
Dale, NAUGHTY?!?!? :eek: No, not DALE!! :p Dale, remember to tell mommy that the mean ol' cats did it, and that you were innocently framed. ;)
I love this picture!

10-29-2004, 10:57 AM
Nawtee boy Dale ;). Loved the photos he is such a handsome man. Thankyou for sharing with us.

10-29-2004, 11:54 AM
This is so cute! He sort of reminds me of Angus here. Looks like he enjoyed demolishing his bed. It must be in the air because Aly had hers mess up one also.

10-29-2004, 05:51 PM
Dale, you naw-tee boy!!! I don't care though I still love ya! I'm just thrilled that your picture is on here and I can see ya. Made my evening big boy!

My Tori is not allowed to have a bed :( She insists on tearing up anything that I put down for her. I bought her a bed and it was destroyed in two days time. Then I switched to old blankets and she would shred them to pieces. I have finally given up. Maybe some day when she grows up we might give it another try. Once in awhile Katie will share her bed with Tori and usually Tori manages to bump Katie off. Katie's bed is put away in the daytime just to make sure lil sis doesn't get a hold of it.

You behave, Dale! No more tearing up your beds.

Hugs...Robin :)

10-29-2004, 06:22 PM
Uh oh Dale! Who gave you the naw-tee pills? ;) But you sure are amazingly handsome even when naw-tee :D. He's quite the doggy hunk!