View Full Version : Sirrabed .... what is the latest on Dennis's Dad?

10-28-2004, 07:51 PM
Hoping for an update, and want you all to know you are still in my thoughts and prayers!


10-28-2004, 08:42 PM
Thanks Kim!!! I just spoke with him in fact! His dad is still in the same state. The only change is that his blood pressure is dropping and he only breathes 4-5 times per minute. He is barely alive but hanging in there. Apparently this happens sometimes but is not usual. And so, everyone waits. Dennis is exhausted from mediating the family squables and just wants everything over and to come home. He is SOOOO appreciative of the prayer and says that at times, he can literally feel the prayers lifting him up, so please do not stop. There is so much pain in this family and reconciliation needed. Dennis is strong however - just tired.
Thank you SO MUCH for asking!!

10-28-2004, 08:56 PM
Kim, two great minds think alike.
I know how tiring it is for Dennis having to be the mediator in the family as I had to go through the same thing with my family. Hang in there Dennis and in the end, once you get home to the loving arms of your lovely wife, all will be well again.

You are all in my thoughts and in my prayers.

10-28-2004, 11:27 PM
Oh Debbie .... this has to be so exhausting for poor Dennis. I sure wish the family wouldn't squabble, but I guess the tension and waiting for the finality of this all is making everyone on edge.

I know you are missing your dear husband as well ... so big HUGS to you too, my friend!


10-28-2004, 11:53 PM
But I wanted to say to you, your family, and everyone involved in this a very VERY big I am sorry. I will also be praying for your FIL. and also your family, I know that it must be hard on all of you. Again I am sorry and sending good thoughts and many prayers during this time. *HUGS*;) Katie

Laura's Babies
10-29-2004, 07:51 AM
Still praying for your sweet Dennis and family. He will go on and "go" when his time is right. Preparations are being made to greet him on the other side and maybe they are not "ready" for his Homecoming yet.

The night Mama died, I timmed her breathing and she only took 1 breath every 30 seconds. My sister said she had been taking a breaths less and less as the final week went on until the night she passed when it was every 30 seconds.

Mama's last day was WONDERFUL! We kept her at home so she could die in her own bed with her little doggie and kitty by her side and they stayed on the bed with her. Mama had company all day, was up and moving around, cutting up, making jokes, the whole family came by and she knew everybody, but she knew this was the end. She was not afraid, said she had lived her life and enjoyed every minute of it. Late in the day, the company all left, Mama was wore out so she wanted to take a nap. She went into a deep sleep and died a few hours later. It was a very peacefull passing for her and we had several hours with her before the undertakers came to get her. I found that VERY healing. Tell Dennis, that the family spending time with this Dad after he is gone will help more than you would believe, is was so healing for us.

I can not say enough about Hospice! Those are some wonderful people and they are THERE when you need them the most. They are there for the family as much as for the ill person.

10-29-2004, 08:41 AM
Oh, Laura, what a wonderful final day of life for your mother, surrounded by people she loved, and her precious pets. :) I'd like to go that way.

I hope Dennis's dad is peaceful as he passes. Debbie, we're continuing to pray for him and for Dennis and you.

10-29-2004, 04:38 PM
Oh Rose - no, you did not scare me - but you did prepare me for what appears to be happening with Dennis's dad. Even the hospice nurses are bewildered at the condition he is in and that he keeps hanging on:( He has had no input or output for 7 full days now , mottling is complete on arms and legs, respirations are only 4-5 per minute with prolonged periods of apnea, no response to even deep pain, dilated pupils, no skin turgor, mouth and eyes open..yet that heart beats on....
What normally takes 48 hours maximum is now close to a week. At least, the family is working out some long needed reconciliation but I feel sad for my dear husband since he gets the "honor" of being the mediator and the calm, solid family member and he is so tired. He is so busy ministering to everyone, that he really cannot grieve himself and so I am trying to focus my prayer on him. He says he knows that it helps and of course we know it does. But, he is very physically tired as the only place there is for him to sleep is an easy chair, and of course no privacy.
Thank you SO MUCH for thinking of us, for praying and for your encouragement. I appreciate it very much, as does Dennis:)

PS Rose - your PM box is full:)

10-29-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Laura's Babies
Tell Dennis, that the family spending time with this Dad after he is gone will help more than you would believe, is was so healing for us.

I can not say enough about Hospice! Those are some wonderful people and they are THERE when you need them the most. They are there for the family as much as for the ill person.

Laura: I agree! Dennis and I both lost our moms three years ago. I was able to be alone with my mom and the hospice nurse at her last hours. My dad could just not bear to see her die and I honestly think she was waiting for me to get to Texas because once dad went home, I only had about two hours with her and she passed so peacefully. I climbed on the bed with her and even though she was deeply comatose, I talked, read Scripture, prayed and sang to her until she was gone. Keeping one hand on her chest, I would feel her breathing stop and held my own breath each time until that final time and just felt peaceful joy when she was gone:) I think her hospice nurse was an angel in disguise as she gave me suggestions of things mom might need to hear from me and she was right. As an RN, I knew some of the right things to do but had very little death experience and that hospice nurse was amazing. I also sat with mom after she was gone, helped the nurse prepare her for the funeral home to come and then called my dad so he could have time with her and not have to see the funeral folks come. He never was at peace but is still working on it.