View Full Version : Preacher update

10-28-2004, 04:20 PM
So I took Preacher into the vet this afternoon--mixed news from the vet.

I was playing with Preacher's ear last night and noticed what I thought was a matt. When I went to clip it off, I discovered a matt alright, but the fur was also covering a cyst or abcess of some sort. The cyst broke today just before we saw the vet. Dr. Kim thinks that it has been there for quite awhile and probably started with a small tear or rubbing on something. Preacher often uses his ears to navigate--almost like a cat uses their whiskers. So I suppose it's possible that he had a small cut and I never noticed and of course Preacher never told me.

Some of the swelling in his leg is just his old joints acting up, but he also had a small puncture wound. It's not infected yet and hopefully it was caught early enough to prevent an abcess. I have no idea how that happened. He hasn't been involved in any tussles for a very long time.

He's on Cephalexan for two weeks and I have to clean his ear and put some gunky cream on it regularly. Once he's feeling a bit better, he will be starting a course of Meloxicam for the arthritis. I already have that at home since Goldie is on it for the rest of her life.

Preacher has a few other things starting to go wrong as I guess will happen with an old dog. His heart rate is very slow. Kim says he's either the most relaxed dog in history or it's the early stages of heart failure. I say it's a bit of both. Preacher has always been very laid-back. Kim said if he had been a younger, healthier dog he would have put him under to clean his ear out, but he didn't think that Preacher would handle the GA very well and there was a strong possibility he wouldn't have woken up. He's also showing some signs of senility--forgets where he is in the house, bonking into more things.

Preacher is the most stoic dog ever. Clearly that ear thing hurt and having his leg shaved couldn't have been terribly pleasant, but all he did was turn and look at Kim. He never yelped, snarled, nothing. I can't imagine the kind of pain he would have to be in to actually show it!

Kim agreed that Preacher is definately failing, but thinks that we can keep him comfortable and with a good quality of life for a while yet. :)

10-28-2004, 05:15 PM
Oh gosh. Sounds like there was a lot more going on with Preacher than first thought:( You're such a good doggie mom and I know you'll do whatever you can to help him help and make him comfortable. It sounds like he still has a lot of life in him; a real fighter:) Hang in there Preacher and feel better soon sweetheart:) {{HUGS}} Sending lots of positve thoughts your way Glacier and Preacher. Sandra

10-28-2004, 05:27 PM
Glacier, I'm glad you took him in, and I guess it never hurts to have them checked over thoroughly, as they get older. I hope that the treatments you are providing now will help Preacher get back to himself, even if he is slowing down. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both.


10-28-2004, 06:54 PM
Thanks for update on Preacher. I'm very glad they found the
cyst & puncture wound. Hope treatment clears him up soon. He
sounds like such a wonderful older fella.:) I can tell he's greatly
loved. Stay healthy & enjoy your senior years big guy.:)

10-28-2004, 07:56 PM
Sending good thoughts for Preacher to get well soon.

10-28-2004, 08:08 PM
Thanks for the update on your dear boy. It sounds like some good and bad news, but I'm glad to see that the vet thinks he has some good quality time left to enjoy life. :)

10-29-2004, 05:19 AM
Oh how I hate old age and illness!!!!! It takes the very best in our lives doesnt it? Prayers for Preacher,, keep us posted on him!!!

10-29-2004, 08:20 AM
Well even though the news was mixed I'm glad you took him in and found out everything that you did.
It's good to hear that you can keep him comfortable and with a good quality of life for a while yet. That sounds very promising:)
Hugs to your sweet Preacher.

10-29-2004, 09:46 AM
Oh Preacher....it sucks getting old doesn't it big guy?!?
You hang in there!!

*~Hugs to you both*~

10-29-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by LorraineO
Oh how I hate old age and illness!!!!! It takes the very best in our lives doesnt it?

I used to just hate watching them get old. Then I had a dog taken from me in his prime. Hoodoo wasn't even five years old when he died. I'd give anything to have the opportunity to watch Hoodoo grow old. So now I try to think of it as my privledge to care for Preacher in his old age. I still hate the thought of loosing any of them, but it makes it a little easier to enjoy their senior years.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.