View Full Version : Has Anyone Read This Book?

K & L
10-28-2004, 10:45 AM

10-28-2004, 10:52 AM
I haven't... but it sounds intruiging! :D

K & L
10-28-2004, 11:03 AM
That's what I thought also, but was wanting some input before I decide to buy it!

10-28-2004, 01:36 PM
It sounds familiar. I think I might have heard that book or author discussed on tv. If it's the same guy he was talking about all the meds people are taking for acid reflux is actually making them worst and more dependant on meds. He was saying you should do the opposite and take vineger. Supposedly the vineger actually gets the stomachs acid to regulate itself so it's not over compansating which causes over production of acid which in turns causes acid reflux. It does sound like an interesting book to have and not to mention the author's quite cute, not that would make me buy a book.LOL:D

K & L
10-28-2004, 04:37 PM
I just talked with a lady here at work that has one and LOVES it! Guess I'm going to have to break down and buy one!:D

11-06-2004, 01:45 AM
My mom got it and HATED it; it reads like an ad for his multiple other books... My sister choked on his statement that animals in the wild eat healthily and therefore never get sick. I skimmed it and thought it was way overpriced.

Any chance you could get your coworker to loan it to you to see if you'd get anything out of it? It seems vastly overpriced to me. (Sorry, I was without internet access for a week and just caught your question. :( )