View Full Version : Canon Rebel

10-27-2004, 07:44 PM
Does anyone have one? Would you recommend it considering the high price? I have the money to put into it, but I don't want to waste it either. I'm seriously trying to get into photography and am even taking lessons...I've been thinking about the perfect camera for a long time....one like I like about the rebel is the interchangable lenses. I could get a telephoto lense and a macrolense...2 things I'd like to do. Est macro..Only problem is it's 1200 bucks...

Desert Arabian
10-27-2004, 11:19 PM
I made a thread on this cam a while back too...I think I got like 2 replies.

I found one at a store by my house for $385- I am going to get it one of these days- I can't stand the cameras we have now- the things I want to take pictures of require something more hi-tech than what I have now.

I heard they are the best camera on the market today...

10-27-2004, 11:56 PM
   It's very hard to keep up with all the new cameras on the market. Although I would love to have one, the Digital Rebel now seems old and expensive to me.

   Recently, I saw on DP review (http://www.dpreview.com) that Samsung has announced a 5 megapixel camera phone.


10-28-2004, 12:37 AM
I talked to a photographer from the newspaper here once and she had tested a lot of digi cams. The Canon Rebel was her favorite. She said something about plastic where it attaches to say a tri-pod (I can't remember exactly what she said it was a while ago) that may not hold up to heavy use, but for general use it was one she'd recommend.

I hope that helps.

10-28-2004, 02:22 AM
I had it for 8 months, and now have the 20d. You should mail order it from N.Y. to get a more reasonable price. $834.00 new. E Bay is filled with them now, as are many camera shops, (new and used)since the 20d came out. Most if not all, of the photographs will need post processing. The camera comes with Photoshop Elements. It also comes with a lens for this price 18-55mm. Please PM me on anything you might want to know about the 300d. Just know that it is NOT a point and shoot camera.

10-28-2004, 02:24 AM
Oh and here is the web site of wonderful place to order, they have a ton of my money !!!!


Here is the camera forum I belong to for the 20d and you might try the 300d forum. Read and ask ?'s there. I am tomkatzid on the 20d forum also.


10-28-2004, 08:12 AM
Thanks. That's prob US money though right?? T-T

Does it have a macro viewthat comes with it? Or do you NEED a new lense..??

10-28-2004, 01:25 PM
You can get pretty close with the kit lens (18-55mm), but it is not a macro lens. Go to Canons web site and read about the camera and different lens. The lens are where you will spend your money.


I really liked it, but wanted more. Speed is the main thing with the 20d, 23 fps. But as I said check used on E Bay and camera stores, you will be able to get this camera for $500 or less used.


10-28-2004, 02:51 PM

I saw that website already..I thought it said you could get a macro for 200 or so...which doesn't seem TOO painful. Someone told me the macros cost up to or more then the cam itself

10-29-2004, 02:42 AM
$240 to $1200 for a Canon macro. I'd plan on spending someplace over the 1/2 way mark for a fast lens. I want lenses with range, for distance dogs so, 100 to 400 is my next lens. but it is L glass, so I have to save up for a year. Most lens cost more than the cameras. Unless your buying the professional Canon cameras. Which are out of my price range untill I win lotto.