View Full Version : I need advice please...

10-27-2004, 06:19 PM
I am sorry I have not been able to post very much the last couple of days, BUSY here at my house, and taking my grandma to the doctors. ANYWAYS, Hannahs little eye is hurting her. I have been cleaning it with warm and cold water and trying to keep it clean. It has goop in it sometimes, but I can not see any cuts/scratches on it. I just noticed it last night, but I am still very worried. I will enclose a picture to show you her pitiful looking face while she is hurting. Should I take her to the vets, or give it a few more days? I just dont know what to do, and if I do have to take her to the vet, Squeekers will have to wait to get his shots, because just an exam cost 30.00 + and then whatever meds and different things they figure they have to do with her. What do I do? Any advice? or does anyone know of anything I can put in her eye to atleast help it to heal if it is a cut? I thought about a little baby oil, but usually that just aggrivates it more than anything? HELP!

10-27-2004, 06:27 PM
Don't put baby oil in Hannah's eye, or any other ointment until a vet can check it! You may end up making matters worse that way. If it's got a yellowish/greenish discharge it means it's an infection, but unless a vet stains the eye and looks through a scope, you cannot tell if the cornea is damaged or not. Better to be safe than sorry. Keep cleaning it gently with warm cotton until a vet can see her. ;)

10-27-2004, 06:54 PM
I agree with QSL. If it's an infection which only a vet can diagnose, it can get serious.

10-28-2004, 08:43 AM
I know,taht it can be expensive,but an eye infection,sadly,is not a thing,that you can deal,with yourself! Maybe,you could work,out a payment plan,with your Vet,and The Found Cats,and I,are praying,that it is not that serious!