View Full Version : make your own scratching post?

10-27-2004, 11:57 AM
Has anyone ever made their own scratching post.. Looking in the stores and stuff they have cheap, and unsturdy cat furniture and for a lot more money than I am willing to pay. Has anyone ever made their own?? How did it turn out? Pics? Thanks!!:)

10-27-2004, 12:35 PM
I made Mina's and it turned out good. I went to the lumbar store and got plywood that are 3 feet by 3 feet and a huge round pice of wood. I bought 2 4x4 carpet squares at our local carpet store. I found the sisal rope at a local craft store. I just stapled one of the carpet squares to the ply wood and drilled a hole for the screw that I put into the round piece of wood, and then connected them together, and then I screwed the other piece of plywood to the top and stapled the other carpet on that.

Now when I did the post I both stapled and used wood glue to attach the sisal to the post and just carefully wrapped it around the post. I took some left over carpet and a piece of leather strap that I had around the house and made a little carpet mouse that I stapled to the top of the post for Mina to play with. It came out cute, but I could of saved myself 10.00 bucks by going to Wal-Mart and purchasing one just like it for 9.99.:D

Laura's Babies
10-27-2004, 12:38 PM
I have but it is at my son's house. All you need is a 2 X 4 and some sisal rope. Mine LOVE that sisal rope and will scratch on that anytime! it seeems to attract them, no encouragement needed. I will post the perch I made so you can see the sisal rope. If you are "building impaired" like I am and just want something right now...do the 2 X 4 and lay it on the floor where it is convient to them.

I found a building store that sells it by the foot and it was about 5 cents a foot... It takes a LOT so I would start with about 200 ft. I used spray gule to hold it on there then tacked it with nails every now and then.


10-27-2004, 05:37 PM
I've made a few scratching posts, and the hardest part of making them is locating inch thick sisal rope at an affordable price! A thread was started a while ago, and some great ideas came from it...I set it aside (for if and when I have time to make one).


10-28-2004, 08:48 AM
There,are many ways,to pay,a lot less,and one,is to look,in your newspaper,and look under carpentry! If they can build things,they can byuild you Cat Furniture,for less,than the Box Stores! After,all,taht is where the Box Stores,get some,of thier over priced Furniture!Or Look,at the Salvation army,to find older human furniture,that can be Cat adapted!