View Full Version : To Catnapper's Nicki from another dawg

10-26-2004, 01:10 PM
Dear Nicki,

I can feel your pain. I have to deal with a total of five cats and it's no picnic. These newest two haven't learned the rules yet and think everything is theirs, even my bed.

That little striped one is always bothering me and thinks my head is some kind of kitty toy to swat.
He usually gets that other one to join in.
But last night was the final straw. He took over my bed and my bone.
This is the saddest day ever!

Your friend in this fight against feline domination,

10-26-2004, 02:23 PM
Oh Disney! Do you ever have my sympathies! Imagine a cat stealing my bone! That is a major sin against nature! How do you handle it with FIVE cats? I thought four was bad. I'd better not let mom catch on to the fact that other dogs have five felines running around their house - she might get the idea to have five as well.

I don't know how you took the head swatting thing lying down... were you afraid to get up and defend your territory for fear they'd completely overtake you? I know I would be. Its tough trying to decide which is more important - maintaining your territory or not getting attacked.

We must band together and fight this new trend of multiplying cats in households across the country!

Your new sister in the fight against feline domination,

10-26-2004, 03:01 PM
:D :D :D

Disney and Nicki how well I understand you. Today I had to defend my salmon pate against a certain feline. I think even if I was a dog it couldn't be worse.

And in bed it's the same thing. They should have less volume than we humans but no- they have the biggest part of the duvet:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-26-2004, 05:10 PM
:D :D
Poor Disney. Doesn't he know he's bigger than "the little striped one" and could claim his space back? The last picture of him sleeping outside his little bed is just too sad. ;) :D

10-26-2004, 05:24 PM
Dear Diz,

We are beside ourselves looking at the injustices in these pictures! Your bone? Your bed? How rude! Is nothing sacred?? I bet your mom is telling you they are just babies and don't really know what they are doing and a whole bunch of stuff like that. Don't let her fool you. Those little kittens act innocent but they know exactly what they are doing and will grow up into sinister conniving felines. They will start doing all kinds of things and then try and make you take the blame. Not too long ago there was a big piece of ham stolen right off the humans' table. Me and Ripley would never do such a thing but there was Trevor caught red-handed with it right in his mouth! I am just glad that Mom and Dad saw him for the thief that he really is.

Anyways, Disney you gots to stand up for your rights. We hope things get better for you. :)

Your pals,
Bella and Ripley

10-27-2004, 08:57 AM
Disney,they are Little Kittens,and dont know any better!Hopefully,they will get you,another Bed,and solve your problems!The Found Cats,like Dogs,as well as Cats!

10-27-2004, 09:08 AM
Poor Diz, it looks like they had you surrounded! And using your head as a toy and taking your bone AND bed! I feel you pain, but remember, just like I told Nicki, being the only one among many makes you special, and the boss!


10-27-2004, 11:13 AM
Awww, sweet Disney ... the kitties just want to cuddle with you ... because you are so curly and soft!!! Don't worry, honey .... you'll get used to them soon enough .... and you'll be the best of buds!!!;)

Meanwhile, here are some extra HUGS and SMOOCHES for you!:)