View Full Version : venting on my sons room

10-25-2004, 10:17 PM
Yea, today I got really mad at my son because his room is a disaster area:rolleyes: and I screamed at him but after wards I felt bad and apologized to him he didn' t deserve that hes not but 3:o I think that the fact that it takes a couple hours to clean his room and the fact that I a trying to quite smoking just hit me and I went off but on the wrong person in the wrong way. I feel so bad that I done that:( but yea I hate cleaning his room it takes so long to clean. I mean it like he just takes all his toys and dumps them in the middle of the room just so he can see how tall he can get it:rolleyes: So tomorrow Christopher(my son) and I are gonna clean his room together, calmly this time:) ...I hope:p

Pointless thread but I just felt like the crappiest mom on the face of earth for yelling at him like I did, that will not happen again, not the way I yelled at him anyways;)

10-26-2004, 12:47 AM
How old is your son?

You should see my brothers room!! :eek: :rolleyes: (or...maybe you shouldn't!! LOL :p )

I understand how that would drive you crazy. I hate cleaning up after other people!!

10-26-2004, 06:28 AM
You're under quite a bit of stress - with the quitting smoking Crystal.

So try and make a game out of his room cleaning today - give him lots of cuddles and kisses and I bet he's forgotten that yesterday Mummy shouted at him. Lots of praise too - kids never get enough praise. How about a big box or chest to put his toys in?
Maybe with his name painted on it - they adore having their names on stuff.

Their not babies long enough - you'll look back in ten years time and wonder where all those years went. Enjoy your beautiful son and cuddle him well.


10-26-2004, 10:16 AM
We are constantly amazed at how messy the rooms of Scott's kids can get, and they are only here about 4 nights/month!!!! :eek: My daughter, Helen, who is here most of the time, likes to close their doors because she can't stand the mess!!!! I would hate to see their rooms at their mother's house, where they are the majority of the time!!! :eek: My husband and my daughter have seen them and they wonder how they can even find a path to the bed!!!! :rolleyes:

I'm no neat freak, but enough is enough! I can't vacuum or dust in their rooms without having to do a major cleanup every time!

10-26-2004, 10:57 AM
Crystal, don't feel bad, we all do that at some time in our lives. I know I have, and I have raised three children and a few others that have come to live with us a long the way. With you stopping smoking too, that just goes along with the frayed nerves! I know!

I quite smoking once upon a time a long time ago, when I got pregnant with my youngest daughter. The bad thing I started again and for the life of me with the way my life is right now, I can't stop now, so if you stop don't ever pick up another one, it is much harder to stop the second time around! Nerves are an awful thing to deal with. And boy do I have them, hon!

Don't feel bad, okay?


10-26-2004, 03:45 PM
Well atleast I'm not alone:p

Nerves, sometimes I wish I didn't have any because right now my nerves are getting on my nerves:D

thanks willie, Yea I see how hard it is to quite smoking so will never smoke AGAIN! I don't think I could go through this again. Nobody knows when my switch is gonna flip;)