View Full Version : Does your dog wear a collar in the house?

10-25-2004, 05:42 PM
Do your dogs wear their collars when they're indoors?

10-25-2004, 05:44 PM
Mine don't. A few months after we got Toby, he got his collar caught on the door of his crate. We managed to untangle him pretty quickly, but he was terrified afterwards and wouldn't even go near his crate :(

Since then I've heard a lot of horror stories about dogs wearing collars indoors, including a friend of my Dads, who's dog got it's collar caught on the stair rail whilst it's owner was out, and hung itself struggling to get free :(

They only wear their collars when they go out, or when I'm in a situation where I think I'll need to grab hold of them (if someone comes to visit who doesn't like dogs, etc.)

The only thing that worries me is if they manage to get loose not wearing their tags, but the chance of that is pretty slim (they'd have to get through two doors and two sets of gates, and even then I doubt they'd go further than the end of the driveway without permission) and they're all microchipped, and all of my neighbours know who they are and who they belong to, so I'd rather take that risk :)

10-25-2004, 05:52 PM
Piddle & Wiggles never wear collars.

Jasper wears his sometimes, not usually indoors, and never when we aren't home.

10-25-2004, 05:53 PM
Nope. They're trained to not go out the front door unless someone says it's okay first. Also, Kai's terrified of cars and wouldn't get any further than the stairs.

I do put a collar on (and tags) when we go to someone else's house or when someone comes over though. Our family is really careful about checking to see if the dogs are around when we open the door but I know others might not be as careful.

10-25-2004, 05:55 PM
Sheba never wears a collar unless I am walking her.
(she has a bad disk)
Rocky wears his collar all the time now.

I know collars can be dangerous, especially if
you have multiple dogs and they rough house etc.
When sheba and rocky were younger, I took
off their collars when I wasn't home for safety reasons.

(but collars/tags are also great for id)

10-25-2004, 06:15 PM
Depends on the day. If I remember to put her collar on I do, but when she goes in her kennel I take it off. It also depends on how good she is. If she is being naughty I like it on because I can grab it when I need to. :)

10-25-2004, 06:18 PM
This is assuming Major could come in the house...

I'm not sure if I'd put a collar on him or not. If someone asked me before I heard about the dangers, then I would have said yes. I think he would wear a collar in the house at all times, But, if he were in the house, he'd have somebody near him. If he was in a crate, I'd take it off.

10-25-2004, 06:42 PM
Emma doesn't around the house, she is really good about not leaving the front door. When we go for a walk she always wears it though.

Moco almost always has his on. We have to be so careful with him, he would be the door in an instant if we let him out.

10-25-2004, 06:56 PM
Yes, all three of them do.
They're all trained to wait at the door, but I'm too paranoid something's going to happen.
The only time they come off is if they're getting a bath.

10-25-2004, 07:03 PM
No, they don't usually wear them inside.

They're both trained to wait by the door and not go out to the front unless I, or someone else, says it's okay.

They do wear their collars and tags when we go for walks, go to the dog park, when we're not home, etc.

10-25-2004, 07:14 PM
Yes!! all the time.I cant stand it when Kodies not wearing a collar.i only take it off when i take him for walks,or when he's having a bath.

10-25-2004, 07:30 PM
i leave Beanie's coller and tags on all the time. just incase soemthing happends.

10-25-2004, 07:36 PM
My dogs don't wear collars in the house and they very rarely wear them out of the house. In fact I usually can't find the darn things.

10-25-2004, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Yes, all three of them do.
The only time they come off is if they're getting a bath.

Same here!

But, Molly and Bandit both try to run out the door as soon as its opened, so I like to have their collars on them so I can grab their collar when someone is coming in the house, or going out.

10-25-2004, 07:59 PM
They don't usually wear them inside, but lately Charlie has been wearing his in the house.

10-25-2004, 08:01 PM
No i am afraid they will somehow get it caught on something when i am not around and they will choke, i always supervise when they wear collars, especially outside.

10-25-2004, 08:09 PM
Ripley does because if givin the chance he will be off lol Perky does, well I am not sure why she does exactly she just always has. Blair does now its usfull for grabbing him if need be lol before his haircut though he did not because you could not find his collar under all that hair anyway. Happy almost never wears a collar, although she is currently wearing a gold chain, not a slip collar but just a gold link chain as a collar, and just because its pretty lol Misty sometimes she does and sometimes she does'nt but she normally does, so we can grab her collar if she is being a grumpy puss lol when we had shadow she always wore a collar exept when she took it off herself lol, now she still always wears her collar, but she recently got a new one that she cant get off.

10-25-2004, 08:26 PM
No, I'm terrified that they'll get caught on something and kill themselves. :(

10-25-2004, 08:41 PM
Years ago I had two other dogs (also a standard poodle and mini poodle just as I have now). One evening my mini started yelping in the other room. As I ran in there I saw her hanging by her jaw on my standard's collar. In playing, as they always did, somehow she just got caught on it and couldn't get off and I am so glad I was home!!! I untangled her jaw and immediately took both collars off both dogs and was shaking so bad that I remember it to this day.

Nowadays Bella does not wear a collar in the house. I do put Ripley's on him every morning (I can't stand the jangling of his tags while I sleep :rolleyes: :p ). The reason is that this little stinker has run off before and most likely even ran off from his previous owners as he was brought into the shelter as a stray. Since he is the smaller of the two I can't imagine Bella getting tangled up in his collar, being the larger dog. I am just always afraid that he might decide to take a walk right out the front door when someone comes in so I don't feel comfortable with him not wearing his collar. I just keep my fingers crossed when I'm not around.

10-25-2004, 09:14 PM
Sometimes they have the collars on, sometimes they run naked and free in the house. When they are nakey, they usually know it and they frolick around like they're old men at a nudist colony, gleefully streaking me without abandon. :)

10-25-2004, 09:20 PM
My crew don't wear collars in the house and we have a fenced in back yard so they don't have them on outside either.

Only time my crew has collars on is if were going some where.

Lady's Human
10-25-2004, 09:23 PM
Lady always has a collar on, and would get nervous otherwise. After all, when dad takes her collar off it's time for one of those "Bath" things.

10-25-2004, 09:28 PM
Mine wear what we call pajama collars. They're a nylon break away collar. It holds their tags and has their name and phone stitched on it. When we go out they wear their martingales with it.

10-25-2004, 10:04 PM
Yes they always wear collars. I don't leave them all alone together to play or anything while I'm gone....I worry about the collars getting stuck, but I also worry what could happen if Nebo got out w/o a collar. He is trained to not go in the room where the front door is but he still has managed to bolt out a couple of times. I think I need to get one of those pouches to put the tags in.

10-25-2004, 11:06 PM
Yes, our wear them in the house. They are very good about running out the front door (not so good at the back, but the yard is fenced and they are pretty good about staying in the yard even if the gates are open) and they are all microchipped. Regardless, they all wear their collars all the time.

10-26-2004, 09:07 AM
Yes, mine have them on at all times.

Samantha Puppy
10-26-2004, 09:38 AM
Nope, Samantha doesn't wear hers unless we're going somewhere since I don't want her getting stuck on anything and our backyard is fenced. When she's at my parents though, she has to have one on because she is only let out on a tie-out.

10-26-2004, 09:54 AM
Yes, Gracie wears a collor...with ID tag..all the time...only take it off for bathing

10-26-2004, 09:55 AM
Collars only come off at our house at bath time on the 3 Goldens. Murphy (older Lab) does not wear a collar unless she's going to the vet and needs to be leashed. She has a cyst on her neck that has not caused any problems since we removed her collar. But Murphy is not going to "run" anywhere, and rarely goes outdoors.

10-26-2004, 10:04 AM
Not often, at the moment Elvis has his collar on so i can get a hold of him if decides to be nawtee ;). But the other 3 rarely wear them, i too am parnoid about them getting tangled up or caught on something.

10-26-2004, 10:05 AM
Mine always them on.

I never know who latched (or tried to latch) the gate last.
So just incase they get loose, they have tags on. They are chipped also, but if someone found them with no tags on... they would think they were stray or that I just don't care and don't have a collar or tags for my pups!

Diane FG
10-26-2004, 10:48 AM
My guys/girls don't. Fudgie once got caught on a piece of furniture and went nuts, he really could have hurt himself if I weren't home to free him. And Penny got her leg through her collar and was stuck like that for a bit, so I decided no collars in the house, but when they go outside in the yard the collars go on, always.

10-26-2004, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by pitc9

I never know who latched (or tried to latch) the gate last.
So just incase they get loose, they have tags on.

That happened around here once. Someone (not a family member and I have no idea who) had opened my side gate. Of course both dogs got out and it was on a day when I had just bathed and groomed them and had not yet put their collars back on. I was almost sick to my stomach when I realized it, but absolutely amazingly Ripley came to the back door to be let in and Bella only went as far as the driveway of my next door neighbor and came back immediately when I called her. They were out there about 15 min. before I noticed it so they could have gone God knows where.... :eek: :eek:

10-26-2004, 11:31 AM
After Murph got his collar caught inside one day and I saw how easily he panicked and was choking himself, I decided no collars in the house anymore. I use to put collars on Murph and Maddie, when outside though. Being terriers, I was always a little paranoid about them getting out. But over the years I realized, they never tried to escape and if they did get out accidently, by an unlatched gate, they never went any further then the neighbor's yard.

Actually I stopped worrying about collars on them, while staying with my Mom for a few months. I went off to work and Murph and Maddie were in the back yard. Sometime during the day, Mom went through the gate and didn't latch it properly. I was quite surprised upon returning from work, to find Murph sitting outside the fence waiting to get let back in and Maddie never even left the yard.

Oz and Gully are both microchipped, so I only have collars on them, if we go on a trip. Recently when my Mom was staying with me, she didn't latch the gate all the way (hummm seems to be a pattern forming here.:)). I was busy with the sprinklers and heard Gull barking at the gate. So I looked over my shoulder to see only his body. Odd. Then I realized the gate was open and his head was through it, barking at some kids playing. He never bolted through it though. He came right to me, when I called him and I went and latched the gate back. Don't think he's gonna get much of a better opportunity to take off and he didn't take it.


10-26-2004, 03:00 PM
The only time Amber wears a collar is at agility classes and that's simply so I can hold her and guide her along the A Frames.

I live in a rural area and have heard so many stories about dogs getting hung up on barbed wire etc with their collars that I am too wary to let her wear one.

10-26-2004, 03:20 PM
No way, not anymore. About 6-8 years ago or so Nanook was laying on the floor over the heat duct. He goes to get up & his tags slid in the little slots & he was stuck.
Thankfully I was home & it was spring time so the heat & a/c was off.
What if it happened in winter, while I was gone with the heat blowing in his face, him struggling. Gosh.

The collars have a nice place on a hook right next to the door, as soon as they come in the house, the collars come off.

10-26-2004, 06:51 PM
Yes, inside and outside, the only time it comes off is like when Kay said she is getting a bath, or at night. At night beacause she shakes her hear to wake up my dad (silly dog) lol! and the tags make a lot of noise!:)