View Full Version : Worried...

10-25-2004, 11:25 AM
I know I'm over-reacting, I hope I'm over-reacting. Preacher is not well this morning. He's so stiff and seems unstable on his feet. He's reluctant to move one back leg. He's been slowly going downhill for the past few months. He does have some health issues. I know he's at least 11 years old. Last October he almost died. All of his major organs were starting to shut down, for no apparent reason. My vet was able to bring him back that time. So I've had a year of bonus time with him. My mind knows that Preacher's time is likely to be short, but my heart's not ready to accept that yet.

I left him in the house today with a special treat and his best friend, Franklin. Franklin seemed a little worried too. He didn't want to go outside and play in the tons of fresh snow we got overnight. I'm hoping that the weather change and colder temps are just making Preacher feel crappy.
My handsome guy. This was taken this past summer when Preacher was enjoying a sunny day. There's at least a foot of snow in that spot this morning!

Please keep your paws crossed that this is just a bad day for him.

Cinder & Smoke
10-25-2004, 11:36 AM
Hi God ~

Lil Help down here onna Ole Durt Ball, if You would...

Seemz our Buddie Up North, "Preacher" is havin a *bad day*
an kuld uze a *Pick Him Up* to get ta feelin a lil better.

See iffin You kan Help him out, OK God?

An maybee send a lil {{{HUG}}} down fur his Mom, too ~
She's purdy wurried bout him.

Thanks God!!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

10-25-2004, 11:37 AM
Oh no i will keep Preacher in my thoughts and prayers. I hope it is just a change in the weather and that he will feel better soon.


10-25-2004, 11:41 AM
Oh, it's very upsetting to hear this:( Preacher's always been a favorite of mine. Maybe with age, he doesn't take well to the change in weather? I'll be keeping him in my thoughts and prayers, hoping this special pup will rally. Ciuddle up with your mom and Franklin, sweetheart. Lots of love to you dear Preacher. Get well soon!!!

10-25-2004, 11:43 AM
Oh no! :( I am sorry. I hope he starts to feel better soon. Maybe he is just stiff or has Arthritus (sp?) or something. I know I am not very helpful. :( I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Kissies to him!

10-25-2004, 11:48 AM
will of course have all paws crossed for him!

10-25-2004, 01:04 PM
I hope your dog gets feeling better. I know with some humans the change of weather makes there bones hurt and stuff. So maybe thats the same with dogs and its nothing serious!

10-25-2004, 01:15 PM
Poor Preacher! I'll be praying for him!

10-25-2004, 01:21 PM
I'll be keeping Preacher in my prayers and sending good thoughts your way.


10-25-2004, 02:16 PM
Cold snowy weather makes me feel crappy too:( I hope that's all it is for dear Preacher too.

He will be in my prayers today.

Samantha Puppy
10-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Prayers for Preacher. :( Hugs too.

10-25-2004, 02:20 PM
Sending tons of good thoughts and keeping paws and fingers crossed for Preacher!

10-25-2004, 02:54 PM
Special puppy prayers for Preacher!!! I hope also that it's just the change in weather! Keep us updated!

Hugs to you Glacier!!

Kona & Oreo's mom
10-25-2004, 10:47 PM
I hope that Preacher is feeling better now. Maybe his day inside with Franklin helped him.

10-26-2004, 12:51 AM
Poor guy.. :( I really hope he feels better soon!

10-26-2004, 01:21 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Preacher. Come on preacher you don't want to leave you're Mommy yet. You look like you have a lot of love left to give.

Doggy Hugs from Monty and Kiki

Healing Hugs from Deb

God Bless you both.

10-26-2004, 08:58 AM
Just wondering how Preacher is doing today...I hope he's feeling much better.
Update when you can please.

10-26-2004, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by anna_66
Just wondering how Preacher is doing today...I hope he's feeling much better.
Update when you can please.

I think he's about the same, but at least today I can identify a reason! Last night, I put him outside for a pee break. When he came back inside, I was walking behind him and noticed that one rear leg is very swollen. Right in the joints there is all kinds of swelling. So obviously his arthiritis is bad right now and no wonder he doesn't want to walk!

It's very stressful for Preacher to go to the vet. With his blindness, he likes to stay in areas where he has a map in his head. That doesn't include the clinic! So I talked to my vet this morning and he said he would recommend anti-inflammatories and rest. Both of which I can do without taking him in. Goldie has a prescription for the anti-inflammatory he would give Preacher first. So with his permission, I am giving Preacher a dose of that every morning. If it's still swollen by Friday, he has an app't to go in and get something stronger. I think it may be time for Rimadyl.

I had a long talk with Preacher last night and told him that he could go if it was really his time. Not to stay for me. Told him that I would prefer not to have to make the decision so if he does need help crossing, he needs to let me know. He responded by licking my face repeatedly, so I am taking that as a "not time yet".

10-26-2004, 10:59 AM
Poor preacher. :( At least you know what is bothering him. I hope he feels better soon.

10-26-2004, 11:19 AM
You're a sweet mother, Glacier, to take the time to have that kind of talk with Preacher. He definitely let you know that he is not ready!! Hopefully the medication will help him. He (and you) will be in our prayers.


10-26-2004, 10:42 PM
Thanks for the update.

I'm glad that you've found the reason for his actions and I hope that his time is not for quite a while. It sounds like he's definately not ready to leave you yet:)

Hugs and kisses to sweet Preacher.